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lip reduction

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has anyone else had lip reduction? I did mine nearly two months ago and notice no difference. I am now able to smile and my lip doesn't feel so tight anymore when I do so but there is now a long but small bump where the incision is. However I've noticed no difference (maybe very little) but I've been reading other comments and some are saying how it took them three months until they saw real results. I think had 3-4mm cut out but knowing how elastic the lip is I don't know if it was enough. I won't post pictures now until maybe 6 months post op.
anybody have different experiences?
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I had a lip reduction of my bottom lip in 2011. My lip was swollen for about 1.5 months and it did not look right until roughly month 3. I had a very large bottom lip, so my results were pretty noticeable. I would give it some more time and then judge.
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Thanks 4 the reply. You probably had a lot cut out. Do you know how many milimeters you had removed and what clinic or doc did you go to?
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I went to a doctor in the United States, and he was not very good so I will not even utter his name. The lip lift he did fine, but he also did my cheek implants surgery which completely failed (one implant got infected due to it being partially exposed). I would not recommend that doctor to my worst enemy.

I do not recall of how many millimeters but it was pretty significant, more than likely more than 3. I am black and korean and I had a huge bottom lip. I wish I could provide more information, but I did not press this doctor for too many answers after the botched cheek implants.
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sorry to hear about your botched job. but I hope your lips are okay now right? did you need a revision for lips too or are you content with them?
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My lips are fine now. They look very natural and suit the rest of my face. I do not need to do any revisions to them thank goodness.:cool:
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Sorry you had disappointing experience with your doctor. What I was hoping to ask you is - did you have lip lift and lip reduction at the same time? I've been looking into this for a long time. I want to shorten the distance between the nose and the upper lip, but at the same time I have a thick red upper lip and I am afraid of increased vermilion show. So, ideally I would do both at the same time. Could you please tell me what your experience was if you combined these two, whether you think it was a good idea, and if you consulted with any other surgeons prior to your surgery and discussed these procedures.

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Hello! I actually did not do lip lift and reduction at the same time. I only consulted with this one surgeon about the lip reduction and then a few years later realized I wanted to do the lip lift. I am sorry I could not be of more help.
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Thanks for your reply. I have never found anyone who had these procedures at the same time. If I do, i might be the first one in the world to do so, lol. I just have to find a surgeon who is extremely competent in both.
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Hey Krisnovos, was wondering how your lip is healing. Is your incision right underneath the nose? I'm wanting to get my philtrum shorten as well. Which forum did you find about the lift? I went on realself and most ppl seem satisfied. But I do notice their scars stand out a bit. Some surgeon are extremely against it mainly because of scarring. Emailed Aone in Korea that does a lotta corner lipt, and they strongly advised against it. So I'm a little bit torn. :/
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You're confusing ip lift with lip reduction. They are different things.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I had a upper and lower lip enlargement, smile lift, and a philtrum reduction, I looked up tons of reviews online for Korean lip surgeries. Our lips scar very easily, and the scars are quite hard and last for quite a while (especially when the incision is on the lips themselves, or inside the lips) so I wouldn't trust my lips with a clinic who does lip surgeries "on the side" (extra surgeries they DO OFFER, but not necessarily something they specialize in or do often).

Not only is the clinic you choose relevant to the result you will get, but also how specific you are with your wanted result... If you are not specific with what you want with the doctor, they are going to do it the way they recommend.

With my philtrum reduction, I was specific to the mm of how much I wanted to remove which is why I got a very satisfying result. For the rest of my lip procedures, I wasn't specific though and put my trust into the doctor to do what he thought would look good.... and I'm very happy with what he did.

# Here is my thread for the clinic where I did my lip surgeries, I have also wrote on other pages some other clinics that offer some lip surgeries as well.

Sorry to hear about your disappointment and goodluck everyone :smile:
just an update.
Still not sure if my lower lip has gotten smaller or not. however the scar on my lip is starting to feel less bumpy and when I run my finger across it it feels smoother.not smooth but defiantly much smoother. however the corners in are still bumpy so still waiting for it to settle down.
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