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What is your motivation to have cosmetic surgery?

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My motivation in having surgery in Seoul is for my confidence. How I feel about my appearance are closely tied to what type of energy I project to the world. When I know I look good, I feel good and it shows. Before I ever got cosmetic surgery I never really felt that attractive. Looking in the mirror felt painful because I just did not like what I saw. Something always seemed a bit "off" about my face. I have had many people tell me my features were strong and masculine. It hurt me so deeply to hear that.

I have had rhinoplasty previously, hairline advancement, forehead lift, a lip reduction and lip lift, and a ptosis eye surgery with stitch method. I have had a few failed surgeries including cheek implants, jaw shave and liposuction on my abdomen. The failed surgeries I did in the United States and the successful surgeries were done abroad in Tijuana, Mexico. I do not appear as if I have ever had any cosmetic surgery, knock on wood. I am going to Seoul to obtain the look that I want-a feminine, beautiful facial shape that will compliment and enhance my features.

The only people that know I am going to Seoul are you lovely anonymous people and my boyfriend. I have found that cosmetic surgery is a bit taboo to many people, and I do not feel I want to hear their criticism. I can honestly say before I ever had any surgery I certainly was NOT better looking before. I would like to hear some of your reasons why you are pursuing having surgery in Seoul and what you hope to achieve. This trip is a huge deal to me, and it is all I can really think about these days. ;)
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Good luck with your surgeries in Seoul, blasian! I'll be getting my eyes and nose done there next month~

I'm getting surgery done to make it easier for me in the mornings. Im mostly satisfied with the way I look, and even though there are things beyond my nose/eyes that I want to get done, I've pretty much accepted my "flaws." I'd rather not do any invasive surgeries, anyways. It'll be my first time getting surgery done, so I'm hoping I can cut down my morning routine from 30 minutes to 15 min haha.
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Thank you and god luck to you as well! It is right around the corner!
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I had my first surgery last year in the US, I had a breast augmentation and lipo. It has CHANGED my life for the better. I had gained weight and felt horrible about myself and since surgery I have so MUCH confidence I feel great! I am going back on March 20 for more lipo arms, back, thighs, and hips. I honestly can't wait. Surgery is the best investment.
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Well to be honest, I don't like how I look, my facial features are not harmonious, that makes me self conscious and timid.

As much as I want to improve my look thru PS, I cant afford it, so i really need to work hard to have it done.

Some people might find it superficial, but reality bites. Even at work, people judge u not only based on your skill but your looks as well (whether we like it or not). I should have promoted long time ago but wasn't since apparently l don't have the "look". LOL.
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To get a boyfriend. Or rather, to find love.

I don't have the confidence to go out and meet people and date around.
It's true that I'm not ugly, I'm probably average (but the average person is kinda ugly to me).

If I somehow by fate managed to find a boyfriend, I probably wouldn't consider plastic surgery assuming that I trust and love him that much. But my situation is different, I won't be able to find someone unless I do something like online dating, where the importance of looks is amplified 100x because all you really have to go by are photos.
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I agree with all of you that looks do matter (alot more than I would like them to in fact). I feel once I am better looking that I will exude more confidence and the combination of good looking plus confident is going to really help me out in life. I realize that what I am doing is a bit vain and even shallow, but this is an investment in myself.
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Well, what prompted me to explore PS is changes in my body. Cells regenerate at different rates, but in general, all your cells are replaced no later than 7 years -- meaning, every 7 years or so, your body/cells are all completely different ones anyway -- so you are technically not the same body as you were 7 years ago (even though it follows the same/similar gene expression to give the same color, texture, shape, size etc).

Recently, my eyelids have been feeling heavier and heavier (making me feel tired), and eyelashes have been poking my eyeball (very irritating). So I started exploring eyelid surgeries and lo and behold, the journey for elective physical procedures began. Since I'm doing eyes anyway, why not tweak my nose too so I can eliminate contouring makeup techniques. If I don't have to live with something that I'm not entirely happy with, why not change it if I can?

Also, I believe my "true self" is my soul -- not my body, not my thoughts, not even my feelings (although those are aspects of "me" character in this life). Also, that said, since I view that my body is the vehicle that houses my soul, then certainly I want the only vehicle I'm given, to be the best that I can have it at. But I'd be remiss if I denied that vanity has anything to do with it -- of course I want to be my most beautiful looking too. But it's not for anyone else; I'm the one who will be living with how I look, I'll be the one looking at myself the most, and I want to love the way I look -- not simply be okay with it -- as much as I love myself already. The only person's approval I need is my own, as this is my life, and I want to make the best of it. Some other factors are more fun and practical; I'd rather stop using contouring makeup if I don't have to (and stop using makeup all together and not look washed out, sickly or tired!), and I want to have fun with different looks, looking just as good using different makeup / colors, instead of boring brown eye shadow to make my puffy eyes look less puffy! Haha!

I also believe in fate and destiny, as in, God/the Universe didn't fate me with looks that I'm most pleased with... but, fate did give me the ways, means, opportunity, and courage to create my own destiny.
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I respect your answer and of course agree, Thank you for posting. :smile:
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@AvidAquarius, thanks! And thank you for posting too-- I'm happy to hear that you had a great experience with April 31! They're starting to edge out Dream as my top pick hehe... but of course, as life would have it... it's now the furthest clinic away from the place I'm staying at lol :upsidedown:
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If I ever do get plastic surgery, it would be to look better lol obviously. Anything on the face is to present myself a certain way to the world and receive better treatment.

Do you have strong jaws? Before going for jaw reduction surgery, you should try botox on the masseter muscles to slim your jaws. That's what I get done, and my relatives have stopped commenting and teasing me about it (they don't know I had it done). I only took two shots of it so far, but it already makes a huge difference.

Idk if you already got your plane tickets and booked the appointments, but you should also look into your hormones before you choose surgery. Hormonal disorders really show, it's not just skin deep. See if there's anything off about your levels compared to the average woman. I have PCOS and after taking estrogen/progesterone to handle it, my face looked more feminine and my nose is smaller (idk if I am just imagining it tho!).
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I do have a very strong jawline, but I have tried Botox and it does little for that issue. It perhaps made it only slimmer and it wasn't that noticeable. For me it is the shape of my face in combnation with the strong jaw and chin. Surgery is the only solution that I know that will remedy this once and for all.
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I would beware of botox..I am not against medications or all chemicals, but you should be wary of injecting such harsh chemicals into your system. It has not been long enough yet to know what affects they have long term either. Just my thoughts.
Surgery is a permanent solution so in one way it is easier than semi permanent solutions but also is not changeable so you have to make sure you really want that and will be happy with the results even though they may not be exactly as you imagined beforehand.

My motivation is I really have a strong dislike against the shape of my face and think it drags my whole face down..I really like my other features. I have a strong-ish jaw..It is not as wide as some but it is wider thane normal and lacks definition (I dont really have a defined chin that goes down..the bottom of my face is basically flat and my chin appears higher than the side of my face :sad: )...My zygoma are very prominent and my face is as wide as them and at the three quarter angle my face 'curves' inward..curves in the wrong place lol! I also want to fix the slight assymetry of my face..I dont want to look perfect..just better and improve :smile: I hope everyone on this forum gets a satisfactory result and their lives improve :smile: Good luck everyone
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