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How to tell significant other/family/friends you had plastic surgery?

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Do what makes you feel happy. If a guy makes a big deal out of it, he's not into you. He is not worth your time then. Same goes for people who will label you "plastic" just because you had a surgery. They are not worth your time and energy. What counts is what's on the inside, how you treat people, not what you do with your outside appearance. For family who cannot come to terms with it, they will eventually. Family always do.

Personally, I think enhancements are cool. As long as you did your research, its safe, you can afford it and your happy with the results. That's what matters. Cheers!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just want to say thanks for all your positivity! Back from my trip and got my eyes done, still healing, but never felt better and glad I listened to you guys and took the risk :biggrin:
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Totally agree
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