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Over stretched skin, Nose Job, pls come in anyways if u r Canadian

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Surgery 7 months ago, 80% happy with everything
Nose often feels over stretched/over stuffed by the end of the day, but nothing alarming when I touch it or when I lightly wiggle it, the inside of my nose still tender when I try to clean it with Q tips, not too much, but feels like old bruise dullness

But there is this stretch mark like red spot thinning through on the side of the tip of my nose (dent & redness)
My questions

  1. Is over stuffed sensation (only by the end of the day) normal at this stage?
  2. Have anyone experienced skin thinning/over stretched skin?
  3. Pls tell me what's ur experience, and do u think this is what I think it is, is it reversible. I am okay with how my nose looks now and am afraid of even worse outcome. I have contacted a few drs, some have replied that I need revision immediately, some just didn't reply.
  4. Also Canadians out there, pls tell me if u know some good drs that I can consult with on the east coast.
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Did you consult with the clinic to ask if these signs are normal?

My opinion, FWIW... 7 months isn't enough time to be completely healed yet. If you read up on realself (search for rhinoplasty healing times), the general consensus from doctors is that it can take up to a year or so for the tissues to finish healing, and before you can evaluate the final results. In the meantime, wear sunscreen and follow other instructions given to you or that's listed for long term post op self aftercare (maybe sun exposure is causing the redness?).

You can also search for doc's near you on realself too if a professional opinion would help ease your mind. But IMO, if it's not causing you acute pain (as in infection, or unbearable discomfort), and the inner bruising seems to be dissipating little by little, and you're already 80% happy at the 7 month mark, than there's no need to be too concerned for now.. keep your head up, you're probably just not finished healing yet :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm so sorry.

Listen, we can't help you if we don't know what your surgeon did. Did he break bones? Is there anything in your nasal tip? Is there silicone in there? Ear cartilage?

Is the nose hot?

Are you on antibiotics? Where did you get the surgery done? That could be redness because of swelling or where the nasal tip cartilages were changed.

Find a surgeon to do a revision and replace the implant with silastic. You don't have to take out the ear cartilage but you need to treat what might be an infection.

I have no implant in my nose but I notice my swelling is worse at night.

You really need your operative notes.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I don't think the insides of your nose should be tender at 7 months. I am 5 months post op rhinoplasty and my nose is doing great. The tenderness went away after the first month. The other things you are wondering about - I have no idea what you are talking about.
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