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My consultations experience April31

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Can you please elaborate on this? I did read about one person on this forum who had a negative experience with April31, but otherwise I've seen only positive things. They're my top right now for rhino and I'm set to head to Seoul in a few days. I do have consultations scheduled with other clinics (Dream and JK) but I think I'm set on April31.
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  • 1 month later...
i went there a few days ago for a consultation and asked about the vline surgery, the price was $6000 for me. Looking at the brochures the results seem ok, but im not sure if i will go there yet..still gtta look around! my friend told me DA plastic surgery clinic is known for the vline/facial contouring so im gonna go there tomrw to check it out :smile:
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  • 1 month later...
Hi Susaki -
I'm interested in knowing more about your experience, mind adding me on kakao: smokococo.

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Guys... don't stress yourself. Trust me, Dr. Jae Hoon Kim at April31 is the way to go. It can be pricey compared to other clinics in south korea, but safety and getting the job done good for a one last time is totally worth it. I just had a revision rhinoplasty 3 weeks ago and I love the results! I'm sure Brian would be gladly to help ya with the process! :smile: Good luck girls.
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Mimilov, can I ask you why you wanted a revision? What procedure did you get done at april 31 (e.g. implant change, narrowing nose, tipplasty, etc)? I'm planning to get a revision done in Dec and am strongly considering april 31. Thank you for your response! Glad you love your new nose! :smile:
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I’m glad you are happy with your result from April 31st. But I do have one question, I saw April 31st promotion for double eyelid surgery . Do you know if they are willing to offer the promotion price to us? Many girls told me they don’t give us the promotion price as we are foreigner. It’s a little upsetting since their promotion prices are so low compare to what we have to pay.

And, if you don’t mind me asking how much was the price for your nose revision? Thank you!
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
What clinics is she familiar with or recommend?

I find that a lot of Koreans are familiar with the big factory clinics or those that participate on those plastic surgery makeover shows.
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like banobagi and ID or DA are famous and popular with korean and foreigners at the same time, but i think April 31 is more just for foreigners.
I mean of course there will be korean customers as well but maybe they are promoting for foreigners more than natives
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