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Help me with my journey (: /[V-Line]Jawbone,Chin,Cheekbone Reduction/Rhinoplasty/Eyes

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Dear All,

So I've been lurking around in this forum, checking out surgery experiences on blogs and online consulting with a few clinics for a couple months now trying to cram all the information I can into my head and notepad. Things do get a little overwhelming though and my information is all over the place, so I really hope you guys could help me learn all about what I need to know to get ready to hopefully get my surgery in 2016.

Let me outline very roughly what I have so far:

1) Clinics I am interested in:

- The Line
- Namu
- Samsung Line
- Girin
- Wannabe

2) Procedures I want to get done for sure:

- Jaw Reduction -> aiming for distinct V-Line
- Chin -> aiming for distinct V-Line (T-Osteotomy would probably tackle both chin and jaw at once)
- Zygoma -> Preferably Quick Zygoma in which they just push in the bone since I don't need too much reduction and only my side cheekbones are bothering me. I want it to make it more balanced with the V-Line and just to have a smaller face in general.
- Rhinoplasty -> My nosebridge is super high and straight which makes me look more masculine so I'm aiming for a lower nosebridge thats curved and has a somewhat more defined tip.

2.1) Procedures I'm considering:

- Love Band/Aegyo Sal -> I do have some Aegyo Sal but I have much more on one eye, so I want that to be balanced out and probably just have a tad more of that cutie fat in general. :biggrin: I know many don't find them pretty, but to each their own I guess. ;)
- Eyelid correction -> I have kind of a triple Eyelid on one eye which does make that particular eye look bigger but not exactly more attractive, so I hope to get that corrected sometime.
- Fat Grafing on my forehead -> I lovelovelove voluminous foreheads but fat grafting seems just so wasteful to me, since it dissipates so quickly, so I'll probably skip that.

3) Important Factor for choosing the right clinic for me:

- Do the clinics' price meet my budget -> Not to be a cheapskate but since I'm still quite young and work is hard and long for not that much pay as a student, I can't afford the highest end clinics there are. There seem to be many out there in the lower-medium price range that do a just as good job, you just have to be informed and not just jumpt at an awesome quote right away, which Is why I am here. :smile: I'm planning on going to korea with a budget of 15000$ for surgery.
- Is the clinic popular with locals -> I know it's hard to find information on those, since the locals are probably not on this forum, but I would prefer a clinic that has some good reputation with locals.
- No Deaths -> I'm pretty anxiety ridden already, so not having a death in a clinics' history sure is a bonus.
- Low Botched Surgery Ratio -> Obvious reasons
- Having an In House Anaesthetist -> This will just make me feel a lot more safe and in good hands.
- Having an in house English translator, or english speaking staff -> My korean is definitely not good enough to discuss such procedures. I can already see myself with my nose on my forehead and an ear on my chin.

Now onto the Questions!​

1) Is it at all realistic to get all the Face Contouring Rhinoplasty and maybe even the aegyo sal procedures done and still stay in my budget of 15000$?
2) Are there any other Clinics you would recommend that match my criteria?
3) Should I take any Clinics off my list for some reason?
4) Could you tell me the average prices for each of the procedures I meantioned in the lower-medium price category so that I have a general Idea and actually know when clinics quote me way too much?
5) Do you know of any procedures to reduce nostril size? Mine are huge lengthwise. Not to be too tmi, but a thumb would probably fit in there quite easily. :nogood: I doesn't make my nose wide or anything I would just prefer to not have two gaping holes in the middle of my face. I'll spare you the pictures.
6) I'm white but I don't really seem to have typically deeper set caucasian eyes with the high creases. My lid space is smaller and my eyes are anything but deep set. I also have a slight case of epicanthic fold(on one eye.. I know, weird). All of that does not really bother me, but what does is that I'm starting to loose fat underneath my browbone that makes me lose some volume. Is there a procedure that inserts fat in there? To get a ''puffier'' eyelid like the gal in the picture. Will that make my crease go higher (because thats not what I'm going for, just more fat, but same shape)?
7) The other eye on the other hand looks like it's whole 'nother eye. Eyelids on the verge of becoming triplets, no epicanthic fold whatsoever but a quite a big love band instead. I get that your eyes aren't supposed to look like twins, but hell could they be related at least? Is there anything that fixes triple eyelids?
8) I don't really get what fat repositioning under your eyelids is. I have pretty bad dark circles under my eyes which you hopefully can't see too much thanks to precious concealer, but that procedure apparently reduces them? How? Can I kill two birds with one stone and correct/enhance/maximize my lovebands with that procedure too? 'Cause that would be pretty neat.

Aaand I'm done.. For now

I know this post is quite a lot to take in but I really hope, some of you could help me with my journey so that I can go to Korea confidently and well informed.
Thank you already if you actually read through this post. (:

I hope to hear from you soon,
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from what I know, if you are set with doing all procedures mentioned in pointer 2, 15000 is NOT possible, at least in Girin and def not at The Line.

maybe you can do the ones you really desperately been wanting to get it done and do the rest on another trip. If you are happy with whichever clinic that is going to do your surgeries and want to go back to them for other work, you have a higher bargaining power.

all the best and good luck!
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Thanks for answering. (:
Nah, i'm not planning to "only" get V-Line (Chin&Jaw), Nose and quick Zygoma in one go. Maybe squeeze Aegyo Sal in there since that doesn't seem to be very expensive. TL has some kind of package that includes Nose and V-Line for 12000 both and quick Zygoma for 2000, so I'm thinking theres hope?
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I wanted to say I really recommend against the aegyo sal procedure. I think it's cute personally, but it's very easy for someone to go from looking natural with plastic surgery to looking like a Gangnam unnie with aegyo sal. I have really never seen someone it looks natural on. It's very easy to draw on too, so I really stress you think very hard about that. Especially when you're white. I mean no disrespect, I used to want to get it done as well but realized it is something I may regret. Your eyes are beautiful. Your nose sounds like how mine is currently and what I want done to it. Twins! :P x Jenna
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just wondering is it even possible to cram all these procedures in 1 go? i mean, would that be dangerous? if it isn't and could be done, and if the gal has lotsa balls, i say go for it!

procedures like eye, nose, small face, fat graft.

jus wondering... and oh, throw in undereye dark circles too. though i often debated with myself how effective is undereye dark circle surgery is as dark circles is something that is not easy to remove. what if theres not much improvement aft spending money for that procedures? anyone did undereye dark circles and it actually help? and where did u get it done?
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when you mentioned TL clinic, that is different from The Line right? I know The Line has a 3d facial contour surgery that seems quite popular.

i am looking at whatever info i can get about small face surgery as that is something i want to do, as this is a big and somewhat dangerous (it def has its risk regardless how safe the surgeon claim, if the surgeon is overly confident, that would scare me too... lol) i too am getting confused and have problems with which to chose. I guess it'll be better once i get to korea and went for my consultation at various clinics/hospitals. i will have to trust my instincts and what info/research i had done prior my trip.

the 1 major drawback is the pain pain pain and the dreadful painful painful painful recovery process. i tried not to dwell on the pain but i cant help it (for anyone whos chickensh*t as me when it comes to pain will def know what i am talking about). Sometimes i doubt myself as i am truly not a person who can deal with physical pain, even a dislocated shoulder almost had me in.... sigh.. but its something i need to deal with unless i am willing to live with this crappy look the rest of my life... ah, dilemmas dilemmas...

glad to found this forum and to interact with others and to understand more. Most are very helpful and nice though some think we newbies are here wo doing any research on our own. i think that's the most uncalled for misconception and thankfully, most peeps here are not like that. i rather we support and help each other here rather than putting people or reprimand others without any basis.
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So you're aiming for the half asian look?

You especially need to be careful in Korea since not all surgeons are confident enough to take a caucasian patient and some will just take you for the money. Korean surgeons specialize in asian plastic surgery, your case might be difficult for a surgeon who hasn't worked on people with non-asian features. Bone structure and skin thickness are a big factor in plastic surgery, and asian bone structure and skin thickness is usually a bit different than caucasian.

Vline and jaw reduction can range from about $3000 - $5000 each separately.
Quick zygoma is about $2000 - $3500
Rhinoplasty is about $2000 - $4000
Incisional eyelid surgery on one eye $500 - $1000
Fat graft on forehead $500 - $1000

and these are prices that are usually given to Korean people, you could be expecting to pay more since you are foreign and all translators and in-house translators get commission.

If you don't mind, would you like to send me your personal pictures through PM?

I have a hunch you don't necessarily need the facial contouring surgeries, a lot of caucasian people have low cheekbones but lack volume in their face giving off the appearance of having cheekbones that stick out but can be easily corrected with fat grafting or dermal fillers.

Here is an example picture.[​IMG]

Sorry people of purseforum. I write too much in my posts... oh well.
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Sodium, the before and after photos you posted were absolutely amazing. What procedures did she have done? I love the end result.

OP, without seeing your photos, I do not know what suggestions I could really offer. I will second what Sodium has said is that there are many clinics that are in it for the money. I received quotes for things other clinics said I did not need.

I think $15,000 is sufficient depending on what clinic you go to. If you go to a clinic that targets foreigners, you may not be able to get all the things done you are hoping for.
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That was the result of a fat graft only. She's had other things done but did not list them.

By the way I saw your thread and I'm pleased people are taking into consideration what I've been preaching on here :P Let's end the fad on these forums of posting and raving about clinics that simply do not care for us!!

Goodluck to both of you on your beauty journey :biggrin:
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Some things were simply not adding up, especially with the price,so I decided to do some digging and was pretty shocked by what I found. Thanks again otherwise I would have paid a fortune for a bunch of stuff I probably did not even need. At least now I am armed with a bit more knowledge than before.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I think $15,000 is more than enough to get done what you want.

One of the clinics mentioned in this thread is having a promo at the moment according to their website - nose, eyes and fat graft for W3,000,000. And zygoma reduction and chin together for W5,000,000. So it's definitely possible. I won't say which clinic or everyone will accuse me of promoting, but needless to say that's well within your budget.

Also, don't worry about being Caucasian. The main thing is that the doctor understands your beauty ideal - which may be very different to Korean. Bones and skin are the same no matter who the patient. Just like some asian born with thin nose skin and big jaw bones, also some Caucasian has thick nose skin and dainty bones. If your doctor understands what you want and can achieve it for you then it's not a problem being Caucasian and having surgery in Asia:smile:

I would also reccimend you try aegyosal filler first before going with something more permanent just in case you don't like it.

I had mine done in January by filler and it's super cute!! Looks so natural:smile: I'm going back for top up in June to use the leftover filler
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  • 9 months later...
Hey again! Could you pm me where she got her fat graft done and how many times?

Thanks :smile:
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  • 2 months later...
Thank you, I am going in summer so am researching now ^^

I have decided I want zygoma, jaw and chin reduction, but do I need to decide anything else before consultation? E.g. the exact type of jaw reduction I want. I know some girls know the exact medical terms for what they want.

Where would you recommend for facial contouring? I also cannot speak Korean as I am a foreigner, so can only research on clinics that has English websites.
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  • 1 month later...

hi, I think you can do with the amount.
Me, personally I've been so many places, and it is really depands on the how much can u deal with it.
if you meet with right girl and right place and let her know if you eager to do it, they will give you some discount plus you can always agree with the using u r pics to be used
just some part not full face
don't worry and try, be brave
pm me i can share with my price list
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  • 5 months later...
Hi! I'm thinking about doing my eyes, nose, cheekbones and jaw too. By how many percent do you think we will be able to bargain? Is 40% possible?
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