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Silicone Nose Implant - Can you see a "dent"? and does silicone last forever?

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Or option 3) your friends noticed the positive change, but were too polite to ask you about it! ;)
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Hi Wishingstar

I just had septal extension and dorsal augmentation with ultra
soft silicone 3 weeks ago at Dream with Dr Park Yang Soo as well.

I have quite a thin skin , so my superficial swelling has completely gone down and only very little residual swelling left mostly on my tip. Now that i think my bridge has gone back to its original size, except higher and more defined, I didn't see any dent at all, it fact it is very smooth and rather tight.

I asked Dr.Park about the shelf life of this ultra silicone implant, and he said it is forever. I also asked him about infection risk. He mention that within one week to ten days of our stays in Seoul, we will have at least two post op care where he checks our nose ( I am sure you had your twice as well), and he will be able to tell right away if there is any sign of rejection.

I also read somewhere about risk of calcification where calcium deposits may grow around it, and his respond was nil. I don't really remember , but I think this calcification may form on some other type of implant.

If you don't mind me asking, what made you decide to have your primary dorsal augmentation with diced cartilage mixed with fat? Were you originally reluctant to use artificial implant?

After reading the link that you gave, the article mentioned about asymmetrical nostril height.
My nostril is very slightly asymetrical to begin with, and thats due to my mild septal deviation (the right one is slightly higher than the left one) . Now that the tip is still swelling, it becomes a tiny bit more asymmetrical compared to pre-op. Did you feel that your nostril which Dr.Park was operating (the right one because he is right handed) was some what higher at the beginning when you were still swelling ?

I hope my sharing is helpful and thanks for sharing as well! :smile:
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I am actually booked to go see Dr. Park in July, and am tossing up whether I want an implant or fat/diced cartilage. So thank you for the helpful stories!!! I was leaning towards an implant, but I keep getting scared off.
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Hey peach, thanks for sharing! :smile: i originally went for the diced cartilage mixed with fat due to being worried aboit artificial implants extruding/shifting/getting infected. Actually, calcification of silicone is a big concern of mine, too! That and silicone usually has to get replaced in 10-20 years is what i heard (even though many drs say it is permanent ) because of various inevirable issues.

Now i'm undecided between silicone and donated rib for my revision.

I have some deviation in my nose, too...originally I asked Dr Park if he could fix it but he thought there wasno need. However, now that my tip is defined, the deviation looks a lot more obvious/worse, so I'm hoping he can fix the deviation somehow this time or make it less obvious through tip placement or deviated septum surgery.

I did think my right side (the incision side) was more swollen for a long time, though. ...it had almost no definition for 4-5 months and only recently started getting defined nicely at the 6 months mark! So hopefully yours is also partially caused by swelling :smile:

What made you choose silicone in the end, and had you considered donated rib at all?

Also, how is your deviation (is it improving?), and are you satisfied with your surgery so far? :smile:

Sending you happy healing vibes!
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Same re: the implant! Have you considered other typed of implants btw? Ex: rib or donated rib, dermal fat etc
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Thanks for sending healing vibe! Need that ! I can't wait to see my final shape. My vanity mirror is cracking soon due to excessive visitation by me. Lol

I found an excellent medical journal link regarding Asian rhinoplasty implants and grafting pros and cons . It also further explains effective modified cartilage grafting methods to improve nose tip for us , oriental decent .


This second link is the study of Asian nasal anatomy vs Caucasian ones and why different implants are more effective for Asian and vice versa .



Since you have a slight septal deviation and experienced a mild degree of asymmetry like me post op , do you mind if I add you in kakaotalk? Park also thought that I don't need to correct my septal deviation but to camouflage it with implants. ( Although he ends up performing a mini small correction while I was in procedure ) . Not a complete definitive correction . Only improve tiny winy bit. It's a bonus ( I know! Nice of him)

I also feel now that my nose tip is more projected and define , the deviation is more pronounced. No one can tell but me , except Others who I choose to share , then upon studying closer , they can notice it too.

Overall I am happy with the result . I hope it will improve with time .

As for why I choose silicone . Let's discuss it further in kakaotalk. And read those links . You will find most of my answers there .

K couture also has the same views as me . And those links backs us up.

I hope my links are helpful in helping you (and others ) to do further research on which implants are most suitable for your revision!

Best of luck Wishingstar!

Pm me your ID. Thanks ! Xoxo
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Hi wishingstar! Can you add me on kakao? My ID is babysevenohx and I'm really interested in asking you some Q's... :smile:
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Hi! Can you add me at babysevenohx also? Sorry I can't PM as I'm still a new user..
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