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12 hours + under GA at Opera is this normal? Please help.

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We are hère in Korea and a friend of us just went to have her surgery at Opera and we found out she had over 12 hours surgery! !!!

We went to see her around 11ish and we were told that they were going to start her surgeries. Initially, it Was supposed to be an 7 hour surgery and so we went back to visit our friend around 9 pm.

When we asked to visit her, we were told then Dr still have to work at least 3 hours on her!!!!
I dont know what you think of this but I havent been able to sleep since then.

We are all recovering from our own procédures but i am so angry and would like to hear from you guys and take actions afterwards.

Thé Night before her surgery, we went to Opera with our friend and we can so tell they are so disorganized. They already and made us wait for 2 long hours just for blood test and photos while one of us had also her Big surgery the next morning in DA and needed to get out of there asap.
Not to mention the recovery room that was like à budget dorm room for 6 people and the only privacy she had was à bit of certain going around her.
The only privacy she had was a piece of curtain going around her bed!! When I went to see her all the lights were left on throughout so she could not sleep or rest and her room was so noisy as there were 5 other people there. The nurses weren't caring and there was a clear lack of post op service. She mentionned about her waiting up expérience with no one who could speak any of the langages she can speak!
Now I feel so upset and sick to my stomach watching my friend in her moments of frailty to be treated in such a bad manner and I m Wondering about her 12 hours + of surgeries.
I will research more about it but Truely hope you can help us and let us hear about your opinions.
Thanks everyone.
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Yes, it is done sometimes..It depends on how many procedures she did and also the skill of the surgeon and how quickly they can perform the surgeru, whether it is a quite complex procedure or if there where any complications. But it seems a bit odd too go that many hours over, maybe one or two hours. Maybe they underestimated?
I hope they didn't, as Jenna stated, leave her for a while..but I am sure that is unlikely. I don't agree with it though.
A curtain around the bed is pretty standard in most public hospitals around the world, at least she has one for privacy haha.
It all sounds a bit disorganised to me and I hope she recovers well..Thank you for letting us know about it because there are not many reviews on Opera.
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12 hours GA???? sounds really strange !! please note that there are still a good few people around the world that die of GA everyday. Please search Google about G.A (downsides, danger, etc, of G.A) --> I agree with Kcouture that GA is not 100% safe !!! I've just had PS recently (K couture knew about it, haha) and I felt super COLD like being naked in the winter when waking up after a 4-hour surgery. I couldn't imagine how your friend would overcome it after 12 hours under G.A. Very dangerous!!!!
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omg 12 hours? did she get head transplant? 12 hrs is too long. check up on her!!!
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You don't know when they actually started the surgery. You don't know when they administered the GA. Just that they said they were going to start at a certain time, and you calculated from there.

Unless you know these facts, you are speculating about the timeframe.
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I read years ago that if you are KEPT WARM during SX you heal much quicker and have better outcomes. WHY don't they do that as standard operating procedure? I intend to have my Brazilian butt op in South America. They turn the air cond up max as it is very hot there and most girls on forums complain that they wake up FREEZING!! Some theaters their patients lie on warming blankets even if the room is cold. I tell that to the theater nurses whenever I go under GA but I know they ignore me! I wish I can take my electric blanket in to SX with me.
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  • 1 month later...
Just an update on my friend.
She is alright now. But still have eye infection and have to take antibiotics back home.
I don't want to talk in her name, i guess she will write a full review about them very soon ;)
We were very angry at Opera and I feel bad because I'm the one who found Opera and shared with my group back then :sad: That's the reason why it s better not to recommend any clinics to anyone.
Now, i am relieved she is okay.
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