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DAPRS : my choice for face contouring, fat graft with Dr Lee and BA with Dr Koo

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Honestly I think it will make a difference after 4 months.

I am only 2 weeks post-op for my vline surgery and I can already tell this swelling is going to take a Long Time to fully go away.

After other surgeries I looked pretty fine after 2 weeks but right now after facial contouring I look very odd still. I can't talk properly, my lower lip is about 1cm away from my mouth and my swelling makes my face look square shaped!

I really think this is going to be one of those surgeries where you truly dont see full results for 6 months, like the doctors say.
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Thanks HJ88 for your message.

After this FC surgery, it has been up and down…
Thanks god I don't feel any pain or have any other kind of complications linked to this surgery.
That's why i recommend you guys to see if you can use botox injection instead to give you nice shape. My friend went to Dream for botox injection and she looks smoky hot without all this after ps very long healing process. I expected all this before of course but still not easy to deal with everyday :sad:

I can talk normally now so hopefully you wiill soon too. It feels good to know someone who is going through the same phase that i did. you gave me hope and positive vibes ;)

I still have numbness on my chin area but elsewhere numbness is gone!
I can't imagine to have to go through revision for fc. Some of my friends are going for revision this year and i find them so brave!!!

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I know exactly what you mean.

And definitely - if you can get good results through Botox alone - do not even give this surgery a second thought! Unfortunateky, my chin was the bulky /problem area that made my face look long, so doing Botox did not cure my problem (even though I tried it!)

Honestly, right now I am just completely ignoring my face. I'm applying arnica cream to the swelling and wearing my bandage as often as I can and otherwise not looking in the mirror!! Haha:P

I'm not even trying to guess what my final result might be because it's not possible to tell. If I fixate on it too much, I'll just upset myself.

Luckily I did so much reading beforehand about what to expect, numbness and the residual swelling otherwise I would be a complete mess right now, thinking I've ruined my face.

The swelling along my jawline bulges out in odd places, as does the swelling under my chin so I like mildly diseased(!!)

Don't even worry yourself about revision at this stage - just concentrate on healing, eating healthy and exercising etc to take your mind off it.

I know already that I have to go back and get the Power V lift done for the fat under my chin. The doctor warned me that this would be more obvious after my vline surgery because my chin got pushed back and is now less projected, but I'm not even focusing on that yet.

First things first!

Keep your chin up:smile:)
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Oh HJ88,

I also have long face because of my chin. I could not use botox for other reasons anyways :sad:

Do you have kakao by the way?

Have you posted your before and after photos or experience?

Thanks so much for your support :biggrin: It really is helpful during this recovering time!

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I would like to exchange on kakao about the alternatives regarding the fat under the chin.
I always have had that too and my friends who are surgeons in USA and Paris told me about one injection that can help us get rid off the double chin. Have you ever heard of that?
It has been recently FDA approved in the USA and it will be soon launched in Europe.

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I'm going to post my experience once I can see more of the results so that I can be most objective about it. I feel it's still too early yet.

And I've not heard of the new fat dissolving method! Im not sure if I would want to be one of the first to try it though... I think I prefer something more "tried and tested" - let other people be the guinea pigs :P

I only have a personal kakao, not one that I share sorry
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I look forward to reading your experience.
Wish you all the best during your recovering time ;)

I will try stem cell fg first then even it is quite new ;)
My friend did it at April 31 very cheap but my korean friends told me only a few hospitals can do fat graft stem cell in Korea…Will keep you updated when i go.

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I am now 2 months post op.
Last week i saw some unevenness on my forehead fg :sad:
This week is still there but barely can see it anymore? Have you guys have that kind of bump after forehead fg before? I had it once after fg with dr kim at bk but luckily it was all gone after 1 month not even.
here are some photos of my post op as i received many messages privately asking for those ;)
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Also, I had an infection because i didnt know when i could apply some scaring cream after they removed the stiches from my zygoma reduction so at night i applied kelo cote spray full on not a little…I was supposed to go to hk with my girl friend and turned out i had infection from that scaring spray and cream. I stayed in Korea because dr needed to see me and check on my wounds.
The nurse would not do anything without the dr s opinions. They also gave me antibiotics while i was there and another treatment in case anything happens to me back home (^-^) So i went to visit the clinic to get my wound check in case it would have gotten worse but it didnt.

You have to wait a month at least before applying anything on it. You can see the little scar there near my hair line :*( hope it will go away. I will try PRP treatment home and LED therapy to help.

Here you can see the scar:
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You look stunning! Very natural:smile:

I haven't had any problems with my fat graft (yet!)
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Thanks HJ88 ;)
I had the bump but now can't see it anymore…hopefully it won't come back!
I hope your recovery will be smoother than mine ;)

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you look so beautiful! Your surgery was done really well :smile:

I think for your fat graft its just uneven resorption. Its very normal. My first time I had uneveness due to too much movement of my brow muscles so I used botox on my forehead and within 3 days it was gone. Then for my top up this march I noticed dents immediatedly after surgery but the next day it disappeared. So in that base it was uneven swelling.

I've found for surgical scarring the best and fastest way to get rid of them is a shot or two of kenacort scar dissolving injections. I used it for my facial scars and they are not visible now.
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may i know what botch job jw did to your friend? because i am considering them.. i think it willl be good to know... if you don't want to post in public can you pm me? it would be very helpful..

thank you
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U can kakao her herself
All my group chat knows about her case but it is not too bad. She said she wanted to die after ps and was depressed.
I will share her contact id with you.
But go where ur instinct tell u to go. If jw it is then you should trust ur research.

QUOTE=flojo1985;28610574]may i know what botch job jw did to your friend? because i am considering them.. i think it willl be good to know... if you don't want to post in public can you pm me? it would be very helpful..

thank you[/QUOTE]
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