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DAPRS : my choice for face contouring, fat graft with Dr Lee and BA with Dr Koo

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Glad to see you are happy with the result;) But I still confuse btw DA and EverM for face contouring.
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Vivaldi17 ,

there are many clinics you can shortlist for your face contouring. you don't need to decide now.

Visit as many as you can and you will have time to decide once you get there and learn about the techniques dr will plan for your case.

I have friends who went to everm. Gahee is a nice person. I still keep in touch with her even i didnt choose everm in the end

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Thank you Lolipop for replying. And could you tell me the reasons why you didn't choose Everm for facial contouring? I just want to make sure before i'll planing to go to korea soon.
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It is just Gahee who told me not to do anything. I found her very honest and grateful for that.

My friends recommended everm to their friends and fêlt terrible afterwards. They showed me pics and I got scared. But it happens you know

. Every clinic must have botched jobs. Thats why I will not recommend any clinic to anyone. Im not à doctor and im just like you guys looking for someone who is skilled enough to do surgery on me safely like without damaging any nerves.

You choose à clinic according the doctor not the other way around. When I refer to Da I am thinking mostly of dr Lee and I was Lucky to have found dr Koo at the same time Thanks to the purse girls who went to him last year.
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Hi! Thank you so much for your review even though DA is not my cup of tea and I will not go there it's nice to read happy endings from ps! :yahoo: so congratulations for your new face!! :worthy: you are so pretty!!

I wanted to ask you about idea clinic, I really like that clinic but unfortunately there aren't reviews from that clinic in this forum, why didn't you choose them?

x! :woot:
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Lolipop!!How's scared about your friend? Just want to know for more information. :smile:Ps. You are so honest person who share lot of details to help me for process in decision.
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Hey! Can you PM me your pictures? Also would you recommend them for double eyelid and nose? Thank you so much for your review! Can I ask why you didn't end up going to April31 (they're my top choice atm, haha) thank you in advance for your replies!
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Hi missrouge & Babysevenohx,

@ miss rouge first's question,

Idea clinic don't cater english customers. It is a clinic that all my korean friends recommended to me as they know I'm very picky. They recommended me a few but they know me so they told me to go there as they didnt know about DA, quite new.

I didnt choose them because i would always need my cousin to come with me. I visited idea clinic while i was waiting for Da 's surgery the next day but I haven't see any girls i know i real life who went there. It is pricey for some people so i'd better tell you this first even for local. My cousin checked for me.

They are well known in their medical community as least, 2 for sure. you can check on http://www.psrkorea.com they are all board certified surgeons but you can't see their before and after pics because their clients are vip and they don't pay clients for their use. they told me no need to. I believe them. They won't show you many pictures just a pic or 2 for your case and analyze you and see how they can make you better you but with you own charms. The clinic is located right in apugjeong. You can visit at the same time, Vip, Jw, Mvp, with the plastic surgery, Braun, etc.

Even though i went to Da, i came back to Idea with another purse girl as she wanted to get things done there.
During her consultation, i was wearing my mask and my tellutubies' head band and they asked me if they could check on my face, i was 10 day post op at that time
haha i was scared they were going to say you should have done it with us. To me i thought i had much swelling but They just told me i was recovering pretty fast, not much swelling and they could already say i will have a good outcome from their experience i should not worry :biggrin:

well too late anyways lol
i told them i would come back for revision if they were telling me otherwise haha

That said, I have not seen any girls i know in real life who went there.
There are many clinics who are famous that we don't know about, i would like to hear more of them but at the same time, I only see pictures of friends of friends and it wasn't enough research for me :/

And even though i like this type of clinics most i didnt dare to take any risk as I wanted to do fc and ba I needed to see results and see if the results of the real patients i know were what i was looking for. I did a mistake before my listening to a promoter on this forum, i will not make it twice. At that time, she was promoting BK here...

I played it safe. 10 real patients from purse shared with me their before and after from their last trip and few in my group went to Da before us so they could kakao us their whole experience "live" with us, one I have met still swelling which was gentle wind and some went there at the same time than me ^^

Babysevenohx, to answer you question about why i didnt end up in April31.
Dr kim said he was sorry but could not help me with my nose as simple as that for a reason not to go. But even when insisted, there is little things he could do but for that he wanted to lower my bridge but i do not want that. I was sad but in the end, i trust dr Kim when he said that. Also, i like sharp tip and projected one with some real change that makes your face all pretty which i have only seen recently...

I know where i will go next October for my nose revision more or less thanks to my kakao group search we gather real info and experiences so i can shortlist 4 clinics to visit now and will keep you update in October.

Miss Rouge, I have a october kakao group chat if you want to join you are welcome. 2 boys and 3 girls so far ;) you can add me on swiss07102010
I will go to idea clinic for nose consultation again, and stem cell fat graft even tho it is not fad approved yet. or if I'm scared, i will go to da for pro fat graft.

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Look, even Da will have complaints , i knew about it and girls helped me with my research and sent me pix of unhappy girls and i still went to it im well aware of it. So even some girls weren't happy with everm does not mean you shouldn't go. They are happy girls i know too , things just can happen too. As i said before, we can do research but we are talking about plastic surgery. Even the best drs will have their bad days. Didn't you ever have a bad day at work for some reasons?

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Hi. New to the forum.
Wow... you look so beautiful :woohoo:
Can you tell me how the healing is going?
Can you tell me why you did not choose daprs for rhino revision? if you do decide to do it, will you go with dr. lee again at daprs?

I've researching jaw reduction surgeons in Korea and I've come down to these 3:
1) DAPRS-good reviews and results
2) CINDERELLA-good reviews other than that one "rumor" i read about on this forum
3) SMALL FACE-good website and reviews but not sure if they perform revision rhinoplasty

my procedures:
forehead prosthesis
cheekbone reduction
revision of the nose after a botched job in Beverly Hills

I want a full redo of my face and want the dolly look very much.

Your thoughts?
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Thanks for your message.
I want the dolly look too lol
I visited small face and cinderella. My kakao group friends Strongly warned me against thèse clinics. Especially thèse were also on my list I visited.

I could have done my nose in da but dr lee Didnt want me to. He said it is nice enough. Even If I insisted.

So I Didnt do my nose this time because I wanted to do my fc surgery first before rhinoplasty.

I was advised to do rhino last as your face will change after fc. Everyday my face has been changing during my recovering period.

I am coming back to da for check up and Thanks the clinic and their team. As they Didnt want to do my nose I have found 3 clinics to visit hoping they can do my 3rd révision.

I had first rhino in L.A. too Maybe we went to the same one??

My korean friends recommended me some clinics too especially for 2 jaws. I can share with you their kakao buy I wont recommend any clinics to anyone as you have to do your own résearch for thèse procédures.
Maybe ask my kakao group chat. Some are going to so 2 jaw surgery in summer.
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Update 1,5 month
I am a bit concerned about the swelling under my chin and around my jaw area.
I wonder when will i start seeing the final results. The recovering time takes so long…:sad:
I have seen good results with botox maybe if you guys are too scared of this surgery you can try botox first?
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I feel my zygoma still Big and my chin is too small sometimes I have swelling under my chin that others Didnt have during their recovery time...
My résults are not as good as my friends who went to da before me but I ll be 2 months post op end of the week only. Wonder if it really makes à différence to wait for another 4 months to see final results ?
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