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HOW To Look Better Without Plastic Surgery !

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Sorry for my english i am not very good at it
Hello everyone
I am phreakcodex I am here since 2013
I always thought that I am ugly, i thought that My head is too big and my nose is too small xD
i did a lot of research about plastic surgery since then. I aways wanted to be better and feel better
But now I decide to not do plastic surgery.
I am going to tell you why. this is the list of the bad things about plastic surgery
1- Plastic surgery is dangerous, there will always be a lot of risk even if the surgeon is very good (check out my thread : negative experience)
2- You may not like how you look after that and want to change it again. you will need revision
3- When you grow older, it will not always look good :s
4- When you touch your face, it can feel very very weird, you can lose your sensibility
5- You can be addicted to it and will never be happy with how you look
6- Some people will judge you and tell you bad things if they knew you did plastic surgery or you look kinda fake

Now I am going to tell you that you can change yourself without plastic surgery:roflmfao:
You will look very different if you have a high bodyfat. I always thought that I am skinny but in realite I am skinny fat, it means that My arms arr skinny but My belly and face are fat. So being skinny fat make my face very big, I have a lot of fat in my face, it makes my face looks huuuge and my nose loook small:P
I decide to not do plastic surgery but workout instead, i manage to have a six pack and now I am no more a skinny fat and my face is a looooot smaller and more define and my nose looks longer :smile:. I am very happy with the way I look now :smile: and without plastic surgery
I am going to post here some transformation I found online to motivate you guys to workout and achieve your best look you can without plastic surgery. I am not against plastic surgery, if you want to do it, it is your choice I dont care I Just want to share my story
thanks for reading
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Hi Phreakcodex,

Do you have a link to each of the guys transformation story especially the Asian guy because he is the only guy that fit the description of skinny fat whereas the other 2 transformation are remarkable but their good looks are distorted by being overweight.
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