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Different Procedures at Different Clinics?

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Hey guys

Is this recommended? I read from a post earlier that there is a misconception that if you do different procedures at different clinics you will have a bad result.... but really it's okay because docs can only do what is possible for face. But the poster didn't recommend doing so because you won't be up for it so soon if you're already in bandages. She also went on to say maybe wait a couple of months for bruising and swelling to subside before going again, so that your face has time to heal before going to the other. something along these lines I just paraphrased what I can remember haha.

I'm a bit confused though. I've been researching quite a fair bit in preparation for my own trip to Seoul. I'm reaching a conclusion that to achieve what I'd like I might have to do my procedures at 2 separate clinics because I prefer one clinic's technique for one procedure over the other.

NOTE: I haven't been into consult with the surgeon yet. I will be basing my decision on that as opposed to just my research... I'm just asking just in case.

Is this recommended though? What are your thoughts on it?
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This is problematic for several reasons, as I see it:

A. Twice the pre-op tests and scans and twice the anaesthesia
B. You lose the chance to bargain the price down by combining surgeries
C. The results of both surgeries might not match each other (ie doing nose and face contouring at different clinics might mean you end up with a nose that doesn't suit your new face)
D. By doing two so close together you are hitting your body again when it's already weak
E. You might end up having to stay longer in Korea, depending on the time between your surgeries.

None of which is to say it can't be done...
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