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Marketing Ploys Translated

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Hi Purseforum!

There's so many marketing ploys out there now... I was wondering if this thread can just be a gathering of research that we all did to debunk marketing ploys.

I know that natural adhesion method (and variations of the wording) is simply the non-incisional. It says that it connects the eyelid to muscle to form the eyelid fold... but really all 3 methods of DES does it because it's the mechanism behind DES.

Can anyone else debunk anymore? I'm particularly interested in "Dynamic Tipplasty". April31 covers it on it's website (basically you can have a movable nose after their nose job) but I'm confused as to how it's different from other clinics that use septal cartilage on the nose.

Thanks again :smile:
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Does April31 do rib grafts?
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oh interesting thread. I've got a few:

Ten Lifting : This is the same as omega lift which is also the same as a thread lift. Fancy names lol

Power V: Just a form of facial lipo with the V tag on it. Results can be achieved with the cheaper acculift

Lams: Just a form of fat injection/lipo dissolve type. Gimmick is that it can show you a small measely tube of fat removed, which is basically nothing.

For Dynamic Tipplasty its performed by removing 25 percent of the silicone. Thus giving the nose flexibility. I feel this one is a grey area, because April 31's Dr Kim is an excellent surgeon but one of the reasons prices are so extremely high at April 31 (round 7 million won for a primary give or take) is because of their branding of the technique. Basically it allows u to do a piggy nose lol.....Reason why I say you can't completely ride this off as a gimmick is because some people are extremely concerned other ppl will know they had a nose job to the point where they are paranoid someone else might physically push their finger against their tip to see if a piggy nose is possible? lol....anyways so dynamic tipplasty is basically to allow someone to do a piggy nose. There are limitations of the tip projection tho because of this method so people who want a sharper defined tip but have thicker skin and bulbous tissues might not be suitable for it. The tip region still uses cartiliage like other methods, be it septal or ear.
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Hi K! Thanks again for your awesome replies. When you're talking about the 25% removed, can other clinics do the same or is it just April that uses this technique? Can we request it at all?

When you're talking about the 25%, (just using the diagram of the L implant so I can understand better) is the part that's removed the nose tip? And the only part that is put into our noses would be the nose bridge, but upper half?

OR is it the nose bridge entitreity of the L implant (so the I of the L, not the _ part) the part that gets inserted, but the nose tip = cartilage? If so, how does this differ from other clinics that offer an I implant + septal/ear cartilage? Or is it the same then?

Thanks again :smile:
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No the method does not use L shape implants. L shape implants in considered obselete due to its high rate of infection when used. Dynamic tipplasty is used I shape and reducing 25 percent of the implant. Many surgeons would not use this method because it has limitations when it comes to maximising tip projection esp in individuals with thick fatty tissues. Don't bother asking other surgeons to use this method because even if they do agree, it is not a method they have been continuously practicing and improving their skills on. So if you are adamant at wanting to be able to do a piggy nose and you do not have thick bulbous tissues then april 31's method may be suitable for you.
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I think something that people need to note for facial contouring is that the type of surgery and extent does factor into the costs.

For example, quick zygoma and 3d zygoma are different and are/should be priced differently. Clinics may advertise a very cheap price for zygoma to attract customers but you need to take note that this low price is usually the price for quick zygoma which only reduces the side cheekbones and not the front cheekbones. So the important thing is to not be fooled by the price and go to the clinic with that price in mind if you want to do 3d zygoma and also not be fooled into paying the price for 3d zygoma if you are doing only quick zygoma.
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Same thing for "v line" surgery. Are you just doing chin (I.e genioplasty or T osteotomy?) Are you just doing square jaw (I.e the mandible angle) Or are you doing long cut (ear to chin). These should all be priced differently and if you are only doing one part (I.e chin) it should be a lot cheaper.
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