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Dr Kang from IOU

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I need a double eyelid revision. This will be my second time. After my very first double eyelid surgery, my lids came out very uneven. Then I had a revision in California, the result was better but the unevenness is still obvious. The doctor told me he did his best because i didn't have enough skin on my eyelid. I'm thinking of going to Korea for someone who's more expert. I've seen a lot of good works from dr Kang on his website. He seems to be doing alot of double eyelid revision. I was wondering if anyone had him or heard of him? How is he really?

Also, i can't read Korean. His website is confusing to me. Does he do nose job as well? How are his work on the nose job?
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  • 1 month later...
Hi alytrn, your post sounds like I could have written it myself. Just had a revision in Cali a couple months ago, and it did nothing to fix the unevenness. If you look through all of the eyelid revision threads, there is one that has a ton of initial praise for dr kang, and then you start to see stories from more and more unsatisfied parties saying that he markets mostly to foreigners. I believe he is known for only eyes. His website shows one eye before and afters, which is why I am no longer considering him. It's in english here:


I am reading a lot of positive posts about dr kwon at teuimps, and banobagi (though I can't remember the doctor's name). These are at the top of my list. I wish you luck in your research!
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My first non-incisional des was with Dr Andrew Tay at 10 Sinaran Dr, Singapore 307506. I went to him after reading a review from a blogger. It was foolish of me to believe a mere influencer and I think he did not do a good job. The stitches came undone in 1.5 years. In my opinion, I think the stitches came out so quickly because of his lack of skill. I picked out a tiny blue thread on one of my eyelid in the first or second week after it was done, thinking it was some dirt. When i questioned him about the thread, he appeared surprise and told me he did not use blue threads. I did not ask further as I had no proof. But in my heart, I sorta knew it was a thread and not some dirt. The eyelid which came undone was also the same eye that i had the the thread issues with.

Years later, I verified at IOU Korea that the stitches used by Dr Andrew Tay was indeed blue. It was just a lacked of skill. I am no longer angry but I thought he could be more honest. I will never consider a surgeon with ethics/honesty issue.

I am 1.5 months post opt at IOU korea and i think they are still recovering. I did ptosis + epi + incisional des.

I think it is fairer to review on the 4-5 months mark. As of now, both my eyes are not symmetrical and I'm not 100% satisfied. It looks perfectly fine in real life and no one could tell if i had anything done. My scarring healed very well but i think healing varied from individual. Nonetheless, I am bothered by how asymmetrical it looks even though it looks fine in person with make up. Personally, I think the asymmetrical looks more obvious when your photo is taken and it bothers me.

If you are heading to korea, I suggest you do your homework. I consulted a few clinics before deciding on IOU. Getting under the knife is not the toughest, it is the recovery phase that is the mental churning one.

I think with all surgeries, you need a bit of luck. I see a few hits and plenty misses. The overall experience at IOU was great for me as of now, except I am not 100% happy with my des. I might go back for a revision again if it's not ideal after the 4-5 months mark.

Good luck!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all,

I had my double eyelid revision with Dr. Kang in October, it has now been about a little over three months since the procedure.

Firstly, Dr. Kang and his staff are very nice and welcoming, Dr. Kang is nice, soft spoken, and does understand some english. During your consultation he has ample pictures to show you on eyelid height, some photos on scarring and revision photos that show both eyes. It can be a little misleading that the photos on his website only show one eye and does not show them looking down to see the scar or his stitch work which is also an important factor in deciding on your revision. Most MDs will say though that the success of a revision or double eyelid surgery would be what your eyes look like when they're open.

My issue - I had a very high crease with puffy tired looking eyes. During the consultation, we discussed lowering the crease and reducing the sausage look and fold appearance. Now, 3 months post-op I will say my crease height is much lower than before, it's still a bit sausage looking, but I wasn't naturally born with double eyelids to begin with so I'm satisfied with how they look when eyes are open. I think I am still healing with the scar so it's difficult to assess what the outcome will be. Right now scarring is still present, a little bumpy in some parts, tender and sensitive to touch at times -- I could be a slow healer. His method is different than other peoples, I don't know how to explain it but the way he excises the scar and stitches doesn't create a fold line like the first double eyelid surgery. I don't know if I'm the biggest fan of this method because while it does make the scar flat, the way it looks from a mirror with your eyes looking down is a bit strange. It could be because my scar is still healing and recovering, so I'll wait to give a final assessment until 6 months to a year mark.

Overall though, Dr. Kang did lower my crease by a lot, he is capable of taking a high crease and lowering it. Symmetry and scarring is questionable but it's a still a bit too early to say. I think my double eyelids were asymmetrical to begin with and so the end result now is still a bit of assymetry, not sure. Anyways, hopefully this is helpful to all you ladies on your search.

It's hard to find a surgeon who is good at double eyelid revision in Korea especially when we do not live there and rely on forums and sites like this. Dr Kang is a popular md on this forum, however I'm sure he's not the only one in Korea who can do double eyelid revisions. It's hard to say without knowing the language and diffiult to know if they've had enough experience for your procedure, but they're out there I'm sure. Consult and ask around if possible and during the consultation, ask for pictures, the more pictures they have, the better. It will help to know exactly what kind of procedure and results you want and ask the md what their stitches looks like, whether they're going to excise any skin AND/OR fat and photos of scar healing. Good luck and feel free to ask me any questions.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi dear, thanks for your review. I am currently interested in IOU for my des revision. I really want to know dr Kang's stitching method because my previous surgery left me with severed scars. Can I pm you to ask more about this? my kakaotalk id is cindy1202. Please add me if you want to help or send me your id so I can add you. thank you
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Hi! Did you end up going through with Dr Kang for your revision?

Hi! How are your results looking now? Would you be able to DM me some b&a photos or add me on kakao so we can chat more? Thank you!

Hey, would you also be able to DM me b&a photos, or add me on kakao? Thank you!!
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