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Bad experience w/ Dr. Kenneth Kim

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Hey guys, I had double eyelid surgery + ptosis at Kenneth Kim clinic in LA. My surgery with him turned out bad, so he did a revision. Unfortuneatly that revision led to greater problems, not just a negative aesthetic issue but a mechanical/ real medical issue. (difficulty lifting/opening one of my eyelids and pain in one eyelid) My biggest complaint or regret is that Dr. Kim's revision was not only unsuccessful, but actually caused more harm. Because prior to the revision, although my eyelids looked ugly, I had no issues with them opening or feeling painful. In addition to causing more damage, Dr. Kim's revision did not even fix the assymetry or ugly eyelid that he created. Also, one of my eyelids goes up SO high that it actually feels *tight*. (this is the eyelid that causes me pain.) That eyelid looks way too wide and has a shocked look to it.

His surgeries were also painful and terrifying. I don't want to sound like a drama queen, but I was legit diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder after my experiences at Kenneth Kim's and had to get THERAPY for a few months. I don't want to go into details, but basically I couldn't function in my day to day life because I kept having intrusive thoughts about my eyelids. I had a panic attack at a dental appointment bc I was sitting in the chair getting mouth injections, and the pain/situation caused me to have a flashback to my surgeries @ Dr. Kim's office. I couldn't even go thru with the procedure and now I have to schedule my dental appointments so that I have oral sedation beforehand. Typing this out is actually causing my heart racing right now & my palms are clammy/sweating now :sad:

I feel that Dr. Kim is not even a good person, because I feel that as a doctor he violated their #1 rule which is "Do no harm". (The hippocratic oath that they have to take in order to become Dr's.), because Dr. Kim did SO much harm, not only to me but to a lot of his other former patients who I came into contact with. The pics that I have seen of his botched work is the stuff of nightmares.

I truly hope that my post or my pictures do not upset anyone. Hopefully I help someone here avoid the experiences that I went thru. I'm going to add some pics-- pic #1 is my original natural eyes before surgeries, then pic #2 is primary surgery, pic #3 is after the "revision", and pic #4 is my deepscar that I have on both of my eyelids. The first pic was taken a month before my surgery, then both of the post op pics were taken 10-12 months after the surgeries.

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They are horrible. The worst part is, Kenneth Kim did fully incisional AND ptosis repair both times.... AND he did ptosis repair from both frontal & internal approach, so basically both sides of my eyelid is ruined & weakened. So the outside appearance is only the tip of the iceberg. They're totally f*cked up on the inside.
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Sorry to hear! I've heard horror stories about him.
I didn't get my eyes done by him but I was also unhappy about my eyes but I did a lot of research and got a revision.
Please go to korea and fix it. I'm sure it can be fixed with a skilled surgeon.
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I'm really sorry to hear that and I shared your painful experience.

Probably best is to inject some fillers into uneven lid to make it looks double eyelid instead of multiple lids now ? nevertheless, I wish for your best revision if you planned to do it the soonest.
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Thank you, I hope your revision turned out nice! Getting the revision is a tough experience. It was one of the worst times of my life.
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Ugh that sucks I'm sorry u went thru it also. :sad: yea, I was hoping down the road, there will be some sort of technology or injection that can ease the tightness/pain in my eyelid. I hope everything worked out with your revision (or future revision if you haven't gone yet)
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