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V-line/Rhinoplasty at Girin

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hi can you message me before and after pic? thanks
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey guys! I'm now five weeks post-op, thought I'd post an update. Overall I'm really happy, swelling has decreased even more and I look very normal, though I think I'll probably get my final result about 6 months post-op. I love my nose, it looks super natural, though I'm a little worried about my columnella scar - it's still pretty noticeable, though thankfully the location disguises it in daily life. I've been babying it with lots of Mederma and Aquaphor and that seems to be helping it heal. If anyone has experience with scar recovery after open rhinoplasty, I'd love to hear about it!

I was terrified of sagging but it doesn't seem to be an issue. I'm overall really happy with the doctor's work - none of my friends have noticed anything, but I can clearly see a difference in my face shape and nose. It's so natural that sometimes I totally forget that I used to have a different nose/face shape. I'm 500x happier with my profile than I was before - I used to never take pictures from the side, now I do it all the time. I've regained sensation in my lip and chin. My mouth still feels a little strained when I make certain expressions but I've pretty much regained all my normal motion.
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Hey there! Congrats on your surgery and glad hear that you're liking the results! :smile:
I'm also considering doing acculift along with zygoma at Girin. How satisfied are you with the results from acculift? And was communication easy between you and the doctor? I heard Girin's price is pretty reasonable, may I ask how much you paid for your procedures? Thanks a bunch and hope your recovery goes smoothly!! :smile:
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I'm also interested in v-line surgery. I've heard back from Wonjin, 5mil to 7 mil was the quote. Can I ask how much you paid and were you okay at Day 6? I only have 5 days off from work and was wondering if that is enough time to recover.
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ehhh someone died at wonjin.....

when i did my mandible i was swollen for many many months haha. Like 8 months. But after 3 weeks I looked normal.....to the general public that is. But to ppl who know me, they could tell something was different. You actually will only notice how swollen you really are in pictures. I looked so fine in the mirror but in photos i always looked like i been bashed until about 6 months then my selfies started looking decent again
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Awww... I was hoping I would be able to go back to work on Day 6 since I can't take any more time off. I currently live in Korea. I know I will be a bit swollen still, but I guess it's better to wait when I have more time?
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Wow, I had no idea it happened there.... Do you remember what procedure that patient did?
And thanks for sharing about your experience. I really hope to do the surgery one day.
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Honestly for your own piece of mind wait until you have more time. It's super stressful going back in front of people you know when you are still crazy swollen and healing. Plus, if you live in Korea there's a pretty good chance people will guess what you did!! If you're not comfortable sharing with everyone you work with, I woklfnt even think of setting foot in the office 5 days after surgery. You'll still have your stitches in and will be probably still drooling like a baby.

Most people find their bottom lip swells enormously after Vline. If you haven't yet, I suggest to watch Qiuqiu's post op videonfor an idea of what you'll look like.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi! Just a two month update. Everything is still going really well, swelling has decreased further, have regained normal sensation. I really like my face shape. Like I mentioned, I turned out super natural-looking, so no one would ever think that I had plastic surgery after meeting me. Still no sagging, maybe partially because my surgeon was pretty conservative (I don't have a super v-shaped face or anything). Nose is lovely, tip has settled a little bit, I'm happy with the slope + projection. Still not thrilled with the open rhinoplasty scar (I don't think it's as perfectly aligned with my columnella as it could be) but it's not that red anymore and it's really not noticeable so I'm not too stressed.

Plastic surgery is such an emotional journey. I would say to research really carefully and make sure you know what you want, because you are the only one who is really going to be affected by the results. V-line + rhinoplasty are pretty major surgeries (at least from the Western point of view) but nobody in my life really even noticed how different I look. It just goes to show that no one really pays attention to your appearance as much as you do. Overall, I'm so happy with my results - I used to be super self-conscious about my face shape, and now I don't think about it at all. I look at old selfies and can't believe how much better my new nose looks. Healing is such a difficult process because you're always examining every flaw, freaking out about every potential scar and bump. People will tell you stuff like "plastic surgery can't fix your insecurities", etc etc, but frankly that's bull****. I used to be self-conscious about certain parts of my appearance and now I'm not. At the same time, I'm acutely aware of how lucky I am - if the surgeon had ****ed up my nose and face and I turned out less attractive than I used to be, I would have been incredibly unhappy. The only thing I can recommend is to take a long time choosing the clinic and surgeon and be prepared to live with the results, no matter how they turn out.There are other parts of my face I'd like to improve but I probably won't really touch anything else (except for stuff like fillers or fat grafting), just because I'm terrified of it not turning out well. But overall I'm happy with my experience at Girin, happy with my results, would do it all over again.
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Hi levialo! I'm really happy that you like your results. i have heard good and bad about girin. It's nice to hear a good story from a real person :smile: in hindsight, is there anything you wish you did differently? also do you have any tips for people looking into girin or plastic surgery in general?

good luck with the rest of your recovery!
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