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Revision Facial Contouring and Double Eyelid - Face Dental & Jewel Plastic Surgery

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There are a few surgeons on the website. Is he the one at the top of the photos? Thanks.
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Thank you so much for your reply! I will consult more clinics before my surgery like Face Dental, Everm, YK, DAPRS etc. I hope but I have kind of a tight schedule. But your advice in getting the peace of mind of getting the feeling of different clinics through hard work was what I did not think of. Thank you so much!

I wish you a speedy recovery and promising results!

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Omg can u pls add my Kakao!!! Me and 2 other friends are goint to thefacedental this october!! Let's meet and do it together!! Hopefully can get even cheaper! And also to build a "connection" so that if anything happens we can help each other.

I'd: tokuko
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Update on Jewelry Clinic. I came in early Sunday morning and had my eye sutures taken out before leaving Korea. Getting the epi sutures removed from the sides and inside of the eyes was literally one of the most painful experiences I've ever had. I was shaking with fear when the nurse was working on my other eye. I thought she cut me at first and my eye was full of blood but it was just tears since I checked and didn't have any cuts. I think the pain was from the pulling of the sutures. I'm not sure if it was normal for it to hurt that much but I'm just glad it's over. Maybe it's different if the doctor is the one removing the stitches vs. the nurse.

My cheeks are also bruised and swollen after the bandages from my lower eyelid procedures were removed but I can see that I no longer have dark circles or eye bags.
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Hi ladies, I'm also here in Korea and just had all my surgeries(v-line, fg, eyes, nose) done at DA. Finally took all the bandages off today and boy does it feel good. I am starting to look human again. This past week I stayed in my hotel a lot and didn't go out much. But towards the 5th day, I just said what the heck and went out.

Wow, you ladies amaze me! I went in for surgery at 9am, and it started maybe half and hour late. I didn't wake up till about 6pm and go to my own room till 8pm. I woke up cold and shaking they gave me two blankets and a heated bed. For some odd reason my heels also hurt. I was so uncomfortable I couldn't sleep all night. I didnt want to do anything but just sleep but couldn't. I was hungry so the nurse gave me a bag of pumpkin soup and after I was still hungry. At that point I hadn't eaten for over 24 hrs. The night after it was easier to sleep but I did get up a few times in the night since I couldn't breath. Oh and my lips are so dry too!

You know after this week I gained so much respect for girls who had ps. I would just have to say nose was the worse ps I have every had. It's not painful but so uncomfortable. I am hoping that my hose turns out ok so I never ever need a revision. I feel so bad for anyone who has to do this more than once. My nose right now look fine, except my nasal holes looks different and don't match up 100%, but it's really not noticeable unless you look carefully. Just have my fingers crossed that it'll get better and better as time goes on.

I'll be in Korea for another 3 weeks. I was out today walking around and saw another gal who was all bandaged up from facial contouring walking around. I wanted to say hi to her, but didn't. She must had just had surgery recently since her eyes were so swollen. Good for her for being brave and going out! Now, I sort of regret not saying hi.

This past week I went thru so much mental stress because I looked horrible and was regretting my decision so much. Plus, it was so uncomfortable with all the bandages. I was just hating myself and beating myself up. As of today, I can see things are going to get better and better. I can't wait till see how everything is going to look after all the swelling goes down. Even after 7 days I'm still swollen since I had the fg done too.

Good luck to you ladies and wish you all a speeding recovery!
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Hi Numi, good luck recovering. I heard DA is good and hopefully you won't need revision surgery. I could tell within a couple of weeks the my face wasn't even. I would look in the mirror and touch my cheekbones and my right one looked farther than the left. My smile was also crooked. Anyways I'm glad it's fixed now but knowing I needed a revision was psychologically damaging.

And you're right about rhinoplasty being the most uncomfortable especially when you can't breathe. I did revision rhinoplasty at Shimmian and the throbbing and discomfort was more unbearable than facial contouring surgery.

You had a lot done and I hope you're healing well. I personally can't stand pumpkin soup. I prefer the Kef protein shakes I got at Face Dental. I didn't have much swelling so I think it kind of works. I did experience a lot of bruising but that was after the eye surgery.

Praying for a speedy recovery for you and that your nose turns out well!
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hi meemeepeenay, yes I know exactly what you mean when you say it was psychologically damaging. I know I would feel so down and start blaming myself for making the wrong choice or getting PS or picking the wrong clinic/doctor....and god who knows what else would go thru my mind.

I'm glad to hear your asymmetry is fixed now.

Yes, I had facial contouring(v-line) and that's nothing compared to rhinoplasty.
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What is their website address?

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Hi do u have jewel cosmetics email address or kakao I'd I need it urgently,please can anyone help ?
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