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Review of TLPS

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Thank you! (And @hj88) Appreciate it :heart:
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Wow that is a great price! I know last year a few of them were offering it for 1.5 million but that is way better.

Ahhh actually that could be the romanisation of his name - in Korean it is 권승기 원장.

He is not the most experienced surgeon there who does Power V. There is an older surgeon who specialises in lifting but my BF could not get a surgery spot with him because he was already fully booked. However he was very happy with his results anyway.
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Thank you for providing his korean name!

Hmmm, their website and facebook is only in Korean and all the doctors look damn young. Seems like a newly opened place too, maybe that's why it is priced so much cheaper.

I will be going to Seoul in October! Will be updating you guys if I get that power V :smile:
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Are you sure you have the right clinic?! There is definitely a TL website in English. I'm pretty sure they even have a blog in English.

And most of the doctors I saw were at least middle aged (Dr Kim who did my vline def had wrinkles)

TL and The Line used to be one clinic but some of the doctors split away apparently.

I actually don't think TL is that cheap either.. It's pretty averagely priced by Korean standards. There are plenty of way cheaper clinics out there (esp on BabiTalk etc)
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Oh dear, I am sorry for the confusion! I was talking about the clinic offering the 800,000 won deal. I think it's called Page PS? And another clinic listed Power V at 1m won on babi. I am definitely not expecting TL to match their prices haha, but I sure hope I can get it done at around 1.5m. I emailed them to arrange for a consultation and they quoted a much much higher price than what your bf paid >. <

Hopefully I can bargain down the prices when I meet them in person. Thanks for the bargaining tips in this thread!
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No worries:P I was thinking maybe you have a different idea of young looking hehe. I was like "nah, pretty sure he looks old to me!" Lol

Yeah ignore the quotes in emails. They never help. I Think anywhere between 1.5 to 1.75 is potentially possible for TL.

I would definitely take in the other Babi ads though for your bargaining. Also check the Korean version of TL's blog and FB page as they advertise monthly specials there (and Power V is one that crops up from time to time). You should even be able to find old ads where they have had a discount for Power V.
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  • 1 month later...
So, I'm kinda stalking your posts now XD :P
Funny you mention Natalie Portman, I want her nose and keep asking different clinics about it lol
They'd have to literally cut half of mine off to get even close to it though :sad:
May I ask if TL also does noses and why you decided to do yours in Taipei instead? :3
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Oh i did my nose years and years ago, that's why:smile:
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I heard alot reviews of TL Plastic Surgery and it seems going good with Dr.Kim. Im planning to have Power V in beginning November and Melissa seems to respond friendly and not pushy. She actually recommend me buccal.fat removal tol since my cheeks r unusually big. Losing weight also seems to have these chubby cheeks.

She commented that these buccal fats will evetually sags more n more and make my nasolabial line more prominent. It weighs down my entire face. Regarding sunken face, anytime i can get FG back with the appropriate amount of fats.
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I've had an acculift done before at Grand, and it barely made any difference. it helped with the asymmetry a little bit, but there still is some, and my bottom cheeks are still saggy. the before and after pictures of the power v lifting look so good, though!
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  • 1 month later...
i'm looking to do eyelids, vline, and fat grafting with tlps as well!

does anyone happen to know how their eyelids usually turn out?

and can i ask more about post op care, HJ? people seem to say it's very abrupt... did they provide you with the ice pack headband and just pumpkin juice? do they have a guest house?

thank you so much!
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i just came back from TLPS and ended up not doing the surgery with them. First of all is dishonest of surgery charges. The price quoted on the email is not final and when you reach there, they double up the price saying that he arranged the Dr specialist in Vline lipo. Then they claimed surgery can be arranged same day in the email and ended up they had to postpone since same day is full.

Secondly, i waited for consultation & taking pics and consulting both English consultant (Melissa Moon) and Doctor and everything seems to be rushed only. Been there for an hour but i dont really seen ladies bandaged walking in and out. Mostly for consultation.

Then i went to few clinics same row having to see more ladies bandaged coming out from clinic which seems alot of walking review. It would be advisable of you girls walk around Apgujeong area for consultation. Never confirm just 1 clinic for surgery straight ahead.
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i didnt went ahead for surgery as what told by TLPS in email i need only 3days for Power V. However other clinic require longer days in order for post op check up. So i had shortlisted Mega PS, The Line, ID clinic for my next round actual surgery and combined with chin as well because one of the clinic ( ID) said, Power V combined thread lift plus chin implant will gives more prominent results in achieving Vline. (I have short dimpled chin). The actual visit price of TL is somehow similar to other clinic multiple surgery cost where TL is only doing jaw side lipo only, not even double chin lipo.

i just did my brows embroidery that cost 200k&#8361; n roam around Seoul for that week. Weather start to get cold in November.
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