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Review of TLPS

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You think it's worth it? Did his face changed and did he maintain it or it went back to what it was before?
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In my opinion it was so worth it for him. It completely fixed his fat face problem haha:P He looks so much thinner (even though his body was already super fit) and just more chiselled. His was just genetic fats - nothing you could to exercise it away.

It hasn't gone back to what it was before.

I think Power V is great for people who's underlying bone structure is mostly okay but it's just obscured by sagging or fat.
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Do you know if the fat would come back after a while (like from poor eating habits, lack of exercise)?
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It's supposed to be permanent but I guess if you really stacked on the weight it might mask the effect of the surgery.

But if you are going to spend all that money on surgery to improve your appearance, surely you would take care of your health and body too.
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hey all, i'm interested in tlps as well, last year i saw they has promotion in so young rm60k for zygoma and jaw reduction. unfortunately im still putting on my braces they arent recomend me to do the PS now.
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  • 5 weeks later...
I got power v-lifting done two months ago at TL. I honestly cannot see a difference in my before and after. What happened was that I woke up during the surgery and the doctor was continuing to suck out the fat out of my neck. I obviously started crying because of the shock that I was awake and also because the local anaesthesia around my neck did not kick in for the whole area (some parts were completely numb, some had feeling) - so I could feel pain of the doctor pushing the rod around my neck and sucking out the fat.

He stopped because I was crying and the end result was that he could not get all of the fat out (maybe thats why I can't see a difference).

I could have just had a bad experience but I don't know. I may head back during the winter because they said they would do another one on me because of the situation.
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Oh poor thing!! Something similar happened to me at OZ Clinic when I was getting my cheek implants removed. It's scary hey!! I had a bad nightmare about it for weeks after. Unfortunately I think this happens with LA. I for one never want to go under LA again *shudders*
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Yea, this probably happens more often than people anticipate. They warned me beforehand that there may be a small chance that I will wake up during the surgery, but they assured me that I would be too drugged up to know what was going on - trust me, you can be drugged up but you are definitely aware and will still panic. I also never thought it would actually happen to me because it sounded so odd and they said it rarely occurs. Apparently I was thrashing around when I was put to sleep so they eased me out of the anaesthesia and woke me up and continued the surgery.. lol arghh I think I'm scarred for life.

Anyways, I may be heading back in December to get a jaw reduction (long curved square jaw) and another complimentary power v-lift. I'm thinking of staying in Korea for about 10 days before heading home (aiming to have surgery on Dec. 14 and head home on the 22nd? And then head back to work on January 4th).

Do you think this is enough time to look relatively normal again?
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Hmmm it's hard to say. My BF definitely looked normal 10 days after Power V, but square jaw is a much bigger surgery. I think you might be pushing it. For my vline, even 3 months post op I still looked a little "off" though not to people who don't know me.

You would definitely still be very swollen at 10 days.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey guys

Just thought I would update on my recovery. I'm just over 13 weeks post op.

The sensation in my chin and lip has almost all returned however my lip does sometimes still feel a little stiff and awkward when I talk. It's usually worse in the morning and warms up and softens up a bit over the course of the day.

My swelling is much better but still looks quite bad in photos (like much, much worse than it does in real life). I think that is mostly attributable to my top up fat graft though. The fats under my chin have gone down significantly but still kind of pop up in photos.

I've been wearing my compression bandage again and I do actually think it helps with the swelling, even this far post-op.

I also booked into do a course of 10 de swelling laser treatments just to help the last of the swelling go down. Apparently it's also good for promoting collagen and elastin growth in your skin so - bonus Woohoo haha:P

Basically just still waiting verrrrryyyy patiently to see the final results!! This recovery has been the longest of any of my surgeries and the wait for final is a bit agonising but anyway..!
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Thank you for sharing your experience :smile:
But oh, I thought TL was waay more expensive though? How did you manage to get that kind of price? :o
I'm really considering TLPS for my v-line now... Have to start researching them ^^
Good luck on your recovery and I look forward to hear about the final results :smile:
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I think the key to getting a good price anywhere is:

1. Know the going rate for your procedures (the Korean price, Not the foreigner one).

You can find this info on sites like Purse Forum, Soyoung, BabiTalk and on the clinics blogs, facebook and Korean websites (when they advertise promotions)

2. Don't even bother asking for a quote in your online consultation.

These are always ridiculously overblown and not a good indication of what you'd end up paying if you go to a particular clinic.

3. Go to the doctor you actually want and armed with the information just say "this is what I'm prepared to pay. Clinic X,Y and Z do it for $xprice".

Having said that, the price I got quoted at TL was very competitive straight off the bat. I think that might be because I went in for the consultation so far ahead of when I wanted surgery.

But actually even my BF got quoted a great price for his Power V and he did the operation the next day.

I dunno! I think this forum is very anti-TL for some reason. But also, not many foreigners go to TL (based on my experiences there). Foreigners would account for less than 5% of their customers.
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