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Review of TLPS

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I saw heaps of Koreans in TL getting the de-swelling treatment post-op recovering from rhinoplasty. Can't really comment on the results other than to say that they seemed "Barbie" like.
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hi i was wondering who is the most senior director was for power V ? ^^

im also interested in getting chin + power v done :smile:
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No idea sorry. But you can ask them:smile:
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Hi there!

I have lots of facial fat as well so I was very hopeful after reading about your BF's slimmer face. I had considered V-line a few times in the past but I am too gutless to get such a major surgery haha.

Anyway, I went to TL's website to look at their before & after pics for power V, the difference were sooo dramatic for most of them so I can't help but wonder if it was photoshop + aisutei's experience scares me :cry:

Based on your BF's experience, do you think the B&A pics are achievable? Sorry for asking :P but I want to be sure that my expectations are not overly high :ty:
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First off I should say that I don't think Vline and Power V surgeries are necessarily interchangeable.

If your problem is with your bone structure (too wide, too blunt etc) then Power V won't fix your problem no matter how much fat you have removed from your face.

I opted for vline surgery because I didn't like how "bottom heavy" my jawline was. It was too masculine for my liking and I wanted a smaller, sharper and cuter chin (without the added bulk of an implant). Because of this, Power V was not an option for me.

However if you ARE happy with your underlying bone structure but you can't see it because it is obscured by fat, then Power V would be an option for you.

I know there are some forummer's who claim "Power V is a gimmick" or a marketing scam.

All I have to go by are my BF's results and based on that, this is no gimmick.

His results have been very real and have given him a much sharper, much more defined lower face.

What they have NOT given him is a different bone structure.

His face is still his face, it is just much sharper, fat-free and not as rounded (because the fat that was making him look round is gone).

His double chin is completely gone and his front profile looks a lot less recessed because of that.

The overall change is a sharper, tighter looking face.

However, it is not the kind of change that would make people wonder whether he had surgery (like 2 jaw, for instance).

It was enough for people to say "wow, you're looking sharp / sleek / skinny" Etc

Some observant friends noticed his side profile looks different in photos. They probably just put it down to diet and exercise (but in reality, no amount of actual diet and exercise ever had this impact on his face even when he lost weight).

So that is a round about way of saying - I don't know whether the BA photos are photoshopped etc. Maybe they are. But the real results I have seen are very obvious and have definitely changed his face for the better.
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Wow, thanks for the detailed reply!

Yes, I am aware that the V-Line and V lift/acculift are completely different procedures. I think the muscles + fat + bone structure are all contributing factors to my wide face. I am going to be conservative and try to tackle the fats + muscle with the lift and jaw botox first. Hopefully, I will be satisfied after that and won't be shaving any bones off.

I really feel more encouraged now thanks to your post about your Bf's results. The idea of getting a V-line or jaw reduction was always uncomfortable for me. Gonna applaud all the courageous people here!

Hope you'll get good results from your acculift session in Taiwan too! Thank you once again, I will be lurking around and doing more research. ^^
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What is power v procedure? Is it a major surgery?
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For those who were interested in what the results for Power V look like I found a review with photos of a Korean girl who had it that def doesn't look photo shopped. This is her before:
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It combines accusculpt and liposuction to target fat and tighten the SMAS layer.

However, you should definitley ask a surgeon for a qualified medical explanation of how it is done!
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Thanks :smile: does every clinic has power v or just tlps?
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No it's not just TL - heaps of clinics do it.

The Line, LaPrin, Hyundai Mihak - to name a few others
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Thanks for providing the pictures! Saw those pics on babitalk as well, oh and I also saw some other clinic offering to do Power V for 800,000 won on babi!

Btw, I couldn't find any Dr. Kyun on their list of doctors, did you mean Dr. Kwon by any chance?

And to Flawn08, here's what they said when I emailed them:

Power V lift is Facial liposuction + Accusculpt laser . Excessive fat around the face will be removed by liposuction, and Accusculpt laser stimulate the SMAS layer under the skin to give tightening effect to prevent sagging.
We use Liposuction by Hand or machine (depends on the case) and Accusculpt laser.
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