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Cheek implants in Asia?

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Hello everyone! I really want to get cheek implants as well as a nose job. My cheeks very flat (I can't even contour them) and one side is noticeably more flat than the other and it's bothered me my whole life. I think implants would be the best choice because the issue is with my bone structure. I don't want a major procedure for my nose. Just a reshaping of the tip and nostrils.

I'm specifically interested in getting the surgery done in places like Japan, Korea, or Taiwan, but cheek implants don't seem to be popular in Asia. I find cheekbone reduction is a lot more common. Does anyone have experience with cheek implants in Asia? Or does anyone know of clinics in either countries that do it? I've tried searching on my own but it's been extremely difficult to find any.

Thanks so much for your help!
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Yep I do. I had small cheek implants done in Taiwan at Wish Clinic.

My advice would be don't do it.

If you want extra volume, go for fat graft and filler instead. It looks so much more natural and soft.

Cheek implants change your smile and tighten your face in an unnatural way. Even really small ones like I had.

I had mine removed in Korea about four years after I got them and I'm so glad for it.

Fat graft and filler do not have the same negative effect on your surrounding muscles and tissues that give you the tightened, "stuffed" look. Plus, you can feel the implant, which I grew to hate I over time, even though I liked the look of them.
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Wow, thanks for the fast replies! I'm taking both of your advice into consideration. I did a bunch of reading on the fat graft method but I'm getting a lot of mixed information.

I definitely don't want to look odd because of the implants. I also would not want to risk being constantly irritated by the feeling of having them in my face haha. Fat graft does seem favorable, but I want to know if the results are worth the time and money.

Is this actually permanent, or would I need "touch ups" like a filler? How effective is it for adding volume? I've seen some before/after photos but they mainly were cases where volume was restored. I'm aiming for enhancement (but not over the top). Can it add shape as well? Sorry for all the questions! I know it's hard to say because it's different for each person, but feedback from multiple people helps :smile:

HJ88, how was your experience at Wish Clinic? Would you recommend it even though you got the implant removed somewhere else?
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I have been having filler once every 1.5 years ever since I had them removed and I love the result because you can control it and it looks soft and natural while giving me the sculpted look I like.

I had fat graft done recently on forehead, nasolabial lines and to fill in under my cheeks but i haven't had it on the cheekbones yet because I still have filler there.

I will probably go for fat graft one day.

Wish Clinic was great. Dr Chuang is a really great doctor, he speaks English, clinic staff are nice. It is far more personal service then you get at the korean clinics. There is definitely no factory feel. He is the only doctor there. Dr Chuang still answers any questions I have by email all these years later.
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  • 10 months later...
Wow, sorry to bring up this old post again. I actually got fillers for my cheeks but I'm not sure how I feel about them. They look good, but to make my face symmetrical, I need like 4/5 units for one side....yes it's that bad. And if I want my other side to get a boost I'd need 1-2 units. I'm seriously considering getting implants next year. If I have to spend that much money to get the volume I need every 1.5-2 years, I might as well get the implants.

I know you weren't happy with yours, but could you tell me how much you were quoted for your cheek implants? For some reason I can't pm you, but if you can pm me your answer I'd really appreciate it. I've also considered fat grafting but I've been told by doctors the results can be really unpredictable. Some people have a high absorption rate and the fat will quickly disappear. Plus I might get a hole-like scar from where the fat was taken. I'd rather have something with more promising results. Like I said, this is strongly a bone structure issue and I don't think getting implants will make my face look strangely tight.

Looking at clinics in Taiwan, I've found Yes Plasty Clinic (Or "Yes Clinic" as it's now called?) also does cheek implants. Has anyone gone to this clinic before and can share their experiences?
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  • 2 months later...
Sorry I can't help with any of your questions but do you mind if I pick your brain? I have flat cheeks as well and was considering filler to get some contour there to add definition to my face. It's hard to find any before or after pics of people like myself since for Korea, it seems when it comes to cheeks there it's always reduction. Do you know of any really good b&a pics where you use that as your model of what you want?

May I ask what type of filler do you get on your cheeks (Voluma?), how many units, and how much does it cost? Where do you get it done? You said you get refilled every 1.5 years but I read filler lasts much shorter than that.

Last question, do you think using filler on your cheeks made the skin looser so when the filler does wear off, you absolutely must get it refilled to avoid saggy looking skin? Thanks!
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  • 8 months later...

Hi there! So sorry for the late reply. I don't really know about b&a pics but I can say I was really really happy with the results of the filler. I used the Voluma filler for my cheeks. The price I was given was 12000 NTD per unit (Just under $400). As for how many units, I used 1.5-2 units for my good side. My bad side needed more unfortunately. I'm not made of money, so I couldn't get the units done all at once. The look is quite natural and gives a good enhancement. I've had mine about a year now and they're still very visible even though I'm quite an active person (working out and such can reduce the fillers faster). I can tell they've gone down though, which makes me pretty sad. It's worth the money, but I'd rather make a one-time payment with cheek implants.

I'm actually still looking into getting cheek implants. I hope I can get what I want in Taiwan, since the clinics there are reputable and the price is quite reasonable. I just don't have the money to pay for fillers basically every year or so. I've looked into Korea and the implants they offer are not the ones I need. They really don't have much for cheek enhancement other than small frontal implants or fillers.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I personally would not do cheek implants. They are nearly always disasters. Check realself.com and you will see many cheek implant disaster stories. When people try to remove them, the skin and tissues sag. If you must do your cheeks, I would stick to fat grafting for a long term result, although there are also many fat grafting disasters as well. If you can afford it, hyaluronic acid fillers like Voluma is probably the safest method because it is always reversible.
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My aunt did cheek fat graft. Actually, she did full face fat graft but had a lot focused on the apples of her cheeks. Turned out ok, i think. Improved, at least. I have done fillers though and I really liked it, but its only temp
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