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I was searching the forum for a thread on this and there doesn't appear to be so I will make one here. Long-ish story short, I recently went to my dentist and I discussed with him my concerns of a facial assymetry problem I have- one side is bigger and more 'square' than the other side. He felt my face and said it is probably due to a build up of muscle from over working that area from my teeth grinding and suggested trying botox before trying anything surgical.
I was wondering if any of you have any experience of botox for slimming muscles and the jaw and if you could give me opinions/advice?

Thanks so much in advance~


P.s. I am still going to Korea in September regardless 😄😄
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I have done botox to the jaw plenty of times.

TBH it depends where your problem is on the jaw line whether or not botox is a substitute for surgery.

If you have a really square jaw it might help.

In my case my long face / chin was the main problem pre-surgery so even though botox made my faceline slimmer, it didn't fix the primary problem.

Some people probably see the problem area dissapears altogether with Botox though:smile:
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Thats good~ Were the results that drastic and how long did it stay? Oh..is it very painful? They appear to be tiny needles but you never know haha..
I also have a teeth grinding problem and it is supposed to fix that as well..but I think as you said, see how the results are and see if it helps it or otherwise It might be a facial bone problem.
I will see..thanks for your helpful reply (:
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IMO The results are subtle. You won't come out and have people ask what you did or even comment that you look different, if that's what you are after.

It doesn't hurt at all, the needles are super thin. There are far more painful places on your face to get injected, the most painful being lips and aegyosal.

It will definitely help with teeth grinding but your jaw will still be visible even afterwards, it's just not as big.
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I've receive botox on my masseter muscles 2-3 times now (through a couple of years) and am planning to get it done again sometime soon. I have been told that my face looked slimmer after a month or so of getting the shots and I notice a difference as well.

As for chewing, the only thing I notice is that I get tired very easily when eating harder/chewier things such as nuts, jerky, squid, etc. Other than that, there has been no other complications! :smile:

Talking to the doctors, they told me that you should be wise when choosing who performs the shot as the locations to where they inject botox is important as well.

Good luck!
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