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Need advice for my first ps trip to Korea! Nose & eyes!!!!

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Hi everyone, my name is Linh and I'm from Vietnam but currently living and studying in Canada :smile:
Next year, I'll be 18 and I've decided to do rhinoplasty and maybe fix my eyes a little. I've been thinking about doing those procedures for over a year now and finally set my mind since I'll be 18 on March 2016.

I've been doing a lot of research and here is what I have:
- JW (Dr.Suh for nose)
- Banobagi: (Dr Lee Hyeon Taek for nose) & (Dr Park Seon Jae for eyes)
- Item: (Dr Kim Jin Sung for nose) & (Dr Chung Woo Jin for eyes)
- Teium: ( Dr Kwon)

- Darps
- Opera
- Wannabee
- Dr Ahn Jae Joo

- ID
- Grand
- Wonji
- Bk
- Jelwery
- Aone
- Cinderella

So far that's what I have. I will continue doing research to make sure since I won't be going to Korea until spring 2016.
Also I'm thinking of contacting Docfinderkorea too!

So what do you guys think? I really need advice since this is my 1st time. It would be really great if we all can share our opinions :biggrin:
Thank you so much :smile:
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I think your list of 8 clinics to visit is good to start off. I find the absolutely most accurate way to select the best clinic for your case is to do the following:

a) Choose your surgeon and not the clinic. Every clinic has their star surgeons, no clinic has a complete line up of top surgeons

b) Make sure you request your specialist surgeon and do not get assigned to whoever is available

***c) The most profound way to select your surgeon is to choose based on the Proposed Methodology.

Everyone has a different facial structure and therefore one method which may work on someone else may not be that efficient for you. Its a great start that u have compiled a list of clinics as such and it can definitely help you in finding the right surgeon for you. By consulting these clinics you can get various opinions on what your facial needs requires and you will be able to make a more informed decision. For example during my consultation phase, I went to VIP clinic and was told by Dr Lee that I had a deviated septum and that had to be fixed by building up the septal base with cartilage. Then I spoke to Dr Park at Dream about this who asked me one very simple question, "do you have problems breathing? Because this is only necessary if you have breathing difficulties or if your nose is visibly deviated. Most people have some form of septal deviation which neither affects their breathing nor is it visible so in such cases straightening the septum is unnecessary". So always take notes and be ready to scrutinize the surgeons. A good surgeon will take the time to explain any logical question to you.

d) Never pick based on before and after photos. This is one of the least accurate measures of surgical skill. Because you won't know what the patient requested. For example if you see photos of a patient with a nose that is too sharp for your liking, you might attribute that to the surgeon's "style" But how would you know that the patient didn't request such an aesthetic. Likewise if you see a nose that looks too natural for your liking, how would you know that the patient isn't conservative and wanted a subtle enhancement? You also won't know whether or not the photo had been touched up with photoshop as many clinics do that. Also most people cannot tell the limitations to the preexisting structure just by looking at pictures.

e) Don't bring photos of celebrities in to see the surgeons. Celebrities are just people who have their own individual aesthetic, with a different facial structure to yours. Plastic surgery is about enhancing your pre existing structure, and cannot give you the particular feature of a particular celebrity. If you show a surgeon a picture of a celeb's nose you want, they will very likely say "I can get it close to that"...lol whatever the hell that really means lol

f) Best way to convey your results to your surgeon is to photoshop yourself in a realistic manner. As beauty is subjective, doing so will give the ideal visual on your face and minimize any miscommunication.

Good luck on your surgery xxx
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Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me, it would help me a lot :biggrin:
So did you end up doing rhinoplasty at Dream? May I ask how do you like it?

I'm stil looking out for other surgeons and clinics so it would be great if you can recommend me some ^^
Also do you think that my choices of clinics are ok?
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I really love my results. It looks natural but noticable and you can't even tell that there was damage from extrusion anymore. Mine was also a rhino reconstruction so you can imagine the extent of damage I sustained from the previous rhinoplasty.

I think thats a good list you have going. I've never been to Opera or wannabe tho so i can't comment on those 2. JW my friend did her tipplasty there like 2 months ago i think??? And it turned out really nice and natural. Item for nose I've had a few friends who did it there and all of them had the packing in both nostrils for like 5 days :S So i am assuming that is the norm with Item and I can only guess they do so to make sure the nasal passages heal properly??? Tho i think its not that necessary to leave it in for that long. If u are the sort like me, who cannot tolerate breathing through your mouth for even a day you should check with item and ask them about how long they generally leave the packing in for. But other than that my friends had pretty nice results from item.

For Nose you can also check out April 31 especially if you do not require maximum tip projection. The plus side of their surgical methodology is that they seem to be the only clinic to use hollow tube packings so u will be able to breath the entire time.

Banobagi if u add me to kakao ill pass u onto some girls who did their surgery there. They can better explain what they went through there since they actually did their surgery at that hospital.
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Ohhh I've heard a lot of good things about April 31, they say that their reputation is really great among local people. The only problem is they don't speak English right? :sad:
That's what I'm skeptical about, because I don't know Korean.

I'll add you on kakao after I create one right now lol. I see a lot of people say that there are plenty clinics using kakao to communicate with their customers. :smile:
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Yeahh I've heard that Dr. Suh from JW is very skilled and knowledgeable, I will try to find several posts I've read about him for you.
Maybe, I don't know yet because I want to do both eyes and nose. If I do nose at JW then I'll probably do my eyes at a different clinic because I think they're not really specialise in eyes surgery.
However, if I choose Banobagi or Item, I'll probably do both there ^^

If you plan on going to JW next spring, maybe we can go together :smile:
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I would suggest do read about the Wannabe review before before finalized any conclusions
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no there is very good english communication at April 31.
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Hi K Couture I born with a short or upturn nose. Do you think April 31 rhinoplasty method won't help in my case? The clinics that I am in consideration now are Dream and April 31. But Dream 's close rhinoplasty seem like less advantage for short nose/upturn nose. So I consider to go for April 31. Thanks for your reply in advance.
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Hi LN98 I am in the same dilemma like you now. Some clinics that are good in rhinoplasty but less specialize in eyes. I am afraid to do both at the same clinics. But if I am doing eyes and nose at different clinic not a good move also as I am worry the swelling for the first done surgery might affect another surgery also.
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April's speciality is dynamic tipplasty. I feel dynamic tipplasty has its limitations when it comes to tip projection because of the gap between the silicone and the implanted cartilage. Thats also the reason why the tip can be pushed up to do a piggy nose but its limitations is in the maximization of tip projection. However, perhaps for people with short up turned noses they may use a different method. I don't believe Dr Kim is a one trick pony as he is a skilled surgeon so best to just consult April to see what they think.

For closed rhino I don't believe there is a disadvantage. Closed vs open the main advantage for the surgeon has got to do with visual prowess and ease of navigation. But a closed rhino specialist who has been honing their skills for years suffer no such disadvantages with the method. I went to see many surgeons for my rhino reconstruction and all of them said for my case it had to be performed using open rhinoplasty. I even had some who said it had to be done with rib rhino only because of the severity of my damage. No other surgeon I have sought out was able to perform closed rhino as a reconstructive procedure except for my surgeon, and that's because he is that skilled in the technique.

I think regardless of whichever surgeon you choose, its very important to be specific about what you want to achieve. Many people comment on a surgeon's "style". I argue while every surgeon has a particular aesthetic they are more inclined to, a truly skilled surgeon will modify the aesthetic according to the patient's request to the point which their pre exisiting structure would allow. For example, some people say Dr Park's style is natural and not suitable for them because they want dramatic. But my nose looks natural, noticable and is a dramatic improvement from what it was before. The reason is because I didn't simply say "i want a rhinoplasty to make my nose higher and sharper." I didn't even show him any pictures of celebrity noses I wanted. Instead I specifically asked for what maximization technique he proposed to build up my tip. Not just one, but also other alternatives which would coincide with my nasal tissues and structure. Then I selected my own type of strut, graft, implant height and width for bridge and ratio technique and tip building technique. This way I ensured that the method used was the most sound and least invasive at obtaining exactly what I wanted. So yeah, with a skilled surgeon, ample research on the methods available, understanding your own facial structure and its needs, and specific technical requests it can greatly increase your chances at having a successful surgery. It does sound tedious but we have only one face right? And going through revision after revision is not something anyone should experience.
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Hi K Couture Thanks for your valuable advise. Your effort in doing own study for making a successful nose is really impressive .As I never done any plastic surgery before especially for the nose, I am really having a hard time to gauge how high my nose bridge should be and what is the width of the implant I should get. Do you have any tips for that? Probably I will only able to tell my surgeon, I want my radix to start on upper eyes lid. Now I am not sure whether alar graft is necessary for my case, probably I can only make up my mind when I listen to opinions from different doctors. Now I am in the stage that need to do more details study. Thanks to the contributions from forumers here, I get some basic understanding on rhinoplasty after 1 months of reading here. I would see Dr from Dream clinic also to listen his opinions. If I choose to do rhinoplasty in Dream, , it would eliminate the hassle to operate my eyes in different clinic as I think Dream has good doc in eyes also. I have this natural born tear trough that makes me looks tired, I would need Arcus Marginalis Release and transconjunctival blepharoplasty with fat repositioning. So far I haven't see the review for someone that did his eyes in April 31.
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