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Need advice for my first ps trip to Korea! Nose & eyes!!!!

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Yes, thx for the information , I read k cotour too and I change my mind too haha, I really understand why she used ultra soft silicone coz I had rhinoplasty using both eat cartilage for build my nose bridge and it was unstable and crooked etc etc, but still I read about ultra soft silicone will be hard to remove, I can not imagine in 20 or 30 years have to change it or remove it or doing it again which I hate but that's really tempting lol, and I asked jw and they said :

The doctor will check your nose in person and if it is possible to use your septal carilge or reuse the grafted cartilage in your nose, it will be roughly USD5500~USD6500

and if you have to use your own rib cartilage for the tip, it is roughly USD9500~USD11000

And if you use donated rib carilage it will be roughly USD6500~USD7500.

What do you think ??
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Chocolate888 ! I think life is short in 20 or 30 years i already gone , i pick number 1 , did you read a about ultra soft silicon will be hard to remove like Gore-tex ? i did email JW Dr Suh , April 31 Dr Kim , Dream Medicial Group Dr Park , non of them email me back yet , i think i have to call them , i already booked my flight , i m in Seoul Feb /15 /16 , when your first nose job ? none silicon on the bridge only ear cartilage ,
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Yes, if I can choose of course no 1 but I don't know if they can reuse my cartilage, if not mybe I will use artificial cartilage ( they said aproove by fda and that's kind of bone but I am not sure or mybe I just do my bridge lol)

Just kakao talk them , they will answer , they have like 3 kakao id and I asked 3 of them and they answered all but the one was respond faster than the other, I am considering jw, dream and april31 after read kcotour, but I never heard dream and kcotour before actually

And I am little bit not sure about jw, I saw a lot of good feedback and nice result but I saw so many Singaporen blogger who blogged about that and I am sure they sponsored by them and sounds like they "selling" about they experience, one side is good but the other side like hmmm they blogged because they sponsored but my choice still on jw for now but I will searche more about april31 and dream , yes I had rhino on bridge and tip only with ear cartilage and left my both ears depression ( have to fix it and don't know how) and I did alarplasty aswel ( and unsymmetry result)

I had rhino like 6 month ago, since a month I knew something is wrong, a lot doctor said result is 6 to 1 year ( I asked on real self) but my intuition is stronger, and I was really fast recover coz I am healthy as hell lol( no smoke or alcohol all my life) sport and vitamins also and I was just yellow for a week even I don't need compres my eyes with ice or something and even I don't ate pumpkin juice for swelling, I just ate cold ice cream coz it helps cooling my throat or face area and rest and walk every few hours ( inside my room) , and I am saving money atm hope I have enough money next year or 2 years from now and yes I read somewhere soft silicone is hard to remove coz softsicone is like mix version silicone and goretex , it is nice and soft like real nose but hard to remove ( but I just read and not sure is that true or not)
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hrmm often u cannot reuse the cartilage. I tried to do that during my revision and it wasn't in the right state to be reused. I actually requested to see my removed cartilage just to see why it wasn't reusable and it had been so resorped and the shape was too unstable. I assume that might be often a fresh graft and/or implant is required.

Soft silicone and goretex is completely differently. Reason why goretex is hard to remove is because it is porous. Ive had goretex before and what occured was the tissues grew into the goretex and they had to be excised to detach the goretex. Thus it thinned my nasal wall. This does not occur with silicone.
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Thx for the information k cotour without u we lost :P, but I am still not sure with donate rib cartilage ( do u ever heard about that) I don't know is that from human , animal made or just like hard silicone, using my own rib for my tip I think it is way too much happened so I am considering mybe not my own rib but they can use my temporal visia
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My current tip is done using donated rib. Its also called irradiated rib. Its a cadeavor graft. Means they harvest it from a dead person, and treat it with radiation to kill any potential germs/diseases etc etc. Its not animal made. Its also no hard silicone. Completely different. I wouldn't use any types of cartilage for your bridge, be it your own harvested one (autologous) or a donor graft (irradiated). I personally see from others and experience for my own nose silicone (soft kind) as having the best results. Tip wise most people can use septal cartilage and ear cartilage and it is sufficient. My case is I have no more septal cartilage to use lol. And my right ear was all harvested up from the previous rhinoplasty so i opted to use irradiated rib.
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I do not have septal cartilage either , my nose is flat flat :biggrin: , and I already used both cartilage from ears ( even it was my very first rhino sadly) and yes I am considering soft silicone for bridge and u re right I think donor rib is the best option for my tip , you convert me and it is not just becaus u said it but it makes sense, all u said is nothing true but the truth :P even if I have to do it in 20 years again well if it worth it than why not, btw I have a lot of questions but I want to first read all ur post before asked , otherwise u have to repeat it again, but thx for all ur help, u re amazing person ( I mean it :biggrin:)
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