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Good Facial Contouring Clinics

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Namu has some kind of patented "pinch" technique for zygoma reduction according to what the consultant there told me. I never ended up speaking to the surgeon tho cos the wait time was insane. But definitely worth looking into. I spoke to a forumer on kakao who said her zygoma reduction with them left no scar and barely any swelling with good results so that's a good indicator to add them to your list to consult too
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Thanks for the replies everyone! I do have pretty high cheekbones but I like them. I'd have to see how my face looks like with a smaller jaw before I'd get a zygoma reduction.

The clinic that I like so far are:
TL Plastic Surgery for bodylong curve jaw reduction
Banobagi for all for one
View Plastic Surgery
The Line Plastic Surgery (different clinic than TL)

I would love to read the experience of someone with a square face going to EverM.
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nah before and afters is one of the least accurate measures of surgical skill. . You should choose based on proposed methodology, find out how the techniques are perform and then select the speciality surgeon who formulates the best surgical plan to help you achieve your results.

Reason why before and after pics should never be the reason why you choose a particular clinic or surgeon, is because for starters you won't know what the patient requested. For example if you see photos of a patient whose results are very baby faced and too doll like for your liking, you might attribute that to the surgeon's "style" But how would you know that the patient didn't request such an aesthetic. Likewise if you see a photo of a patient whose results are too natural for your liking, how would you know that the patient isn't conservative and wanted a subtle enhancement? You also won't know whether or not the photo had been touched up with photoshop as many clinics do that. To add, clinics will always only show you their best work and not their worst or mediocre. Thus you cannot gauge the margin of error at all. Also most people cannot tell the limitations to the preexisting structure just by looking at pictures.

I have had my entire face done, and over the years I have made so so so many errors choosing the wrong surgeon, the wrong procedure, the wrong technique. I have amassed alot of knowledge regarding plastic surgery but unfortunately a large chunk of it comes from trial and error. And the last thing u want to do is to have trial and error on your face. I used to choose my surgeons based on before and after pics. I did it with my first surgeon. Tons of before and afters and it looked great. I did it, I got botched. All my implants had to be replaced. My jaw was overshaved had to fix that too. My second surgery I also saw great before and after photos. I got a buccal fat removal where more was removed on one side than the other. I had to have a revision with a different surgeon. My 3rd surgeon fixed the problems the second and first one caused. I didn't look at before and afters there. Rather I researched his proposed methodology and found it to be a sound technique for my case. My 4th surgeon I went back to my old silly ways and chose him because he was on the tyra banks show and because he showed me beautiful before and afters. He botched me the worst and gave me a terrible and extruded and asymmetrical nose. My 5th surgeon i did not even ask to look at any before and afters. This time i went back to researching the technique he proposed, ask my 3rd surgeon about that technique and got his approval for its efficiency. That surgery was also a success. Anyways so point is, before and afters is the worst indicator for choosing your surgeon.

Sorry to seem long winded I just don't want anyone to make the same mistakes i did because i know how depressing it can be when it comes to our face.
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Wow, thank you for your advice K Kouture. You're right about researching more about the methodology of the doctors instead of just relying on pictures.
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I definitely agree with KCouture:smile:

Im not Asian so for my facial contouring I didn't want the typical look that most Koreans go for and that wasn't realistic for me anyway.

Definitely pick a SURGEON not a clinic and base your choice on their experience, credentials and technique rather than photos and advertising hype.

It takes much longer to research that way, but it pays off in the end.
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Hi Im actually am very interested in Zygoma Reduction and Vline. I am coming to Korea this sunday and will check out a couple of clinics for consultations. I was going to go with ID hospital at first but decided to wait on it because of the bad reviews! Any advices for recovery or side effects of zygoma reduction? Sagging?
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@HJ88 I'm not asian as well! That's why I'm worried about getting cheekbones reduced because in America high cheekbones are considered desirable and I don't want to get them removed only to want them back a year or so later. Whenever you see a celebrity who has had cheek implants or filler it always looks botched and is a dead giveaway of bad plastic surgery.
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I only did jaw shaving and chin, not cheekbones. I love cheekbones!

I think asian cheekbones are quite different, that's why people shave them down. If you come to a Korea and look at different faces on the streets you will be able to pick out people whose cheekbones are really overpowering and don't fit their face at all. They make them look very harsh and a bit downtrodden.

I don't think its a problem Caucasians have because our face shape and bone structure is quite different and actually benefits from a higher, angled cheekbone. At least, that's my conclusion from studying a lot of asian vs caucasian faces.

But to each their own :smile:
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Im asian but i love cheekbones too. Ive seen way too many people who have lovely defined cheekbones but want the reduction to get that bubble face look :S

Caucasians have more depth to their facial bone structure and more dimension to their mid facial regions which is one of the reasons why strong cheekbones do not give a wide and flat aesthetic to their features as they would to an asian person.

I cant give a more objective opinion without seeing your how your cheekbones balance to your facial structure but for me I think definition is beautiful. A narrow angular facial shape is always more aesthetically pleasing and high fashion (hehe) in my opinion than a heart shape V lined face with barely any angular defintion. But each to their own.

FYI just curious. What do u think of Miranda Ker? She has wide facial bones and a squarish face but its very dimensional at the same time
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