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Male to look more feminine?

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Sure. You should google the Facial Feminization Procedures.

A lot of Thai surgeons offer them to transgendered and transitioning male to females:smile:

It's usually concentrated on removing the Adams apple, softening the brow ridge, nose and jawline. Maybe also adding cheek bones.
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depends how masculine you normally look like. You should be able to figure out what procedures will suit your needs by how your contour your face when you are in drag. If your cheekbones are more chiseled in a manly way for example, you would normally contour your cheekbones with a curvature to give it a feminine look. So the goal there would be, depending on how narrow or wide your cheekbones naturally are, to use either zygoma reduction or cheek implants. Same with the nose. Guys tend to have higher and wider noses so when you contour and highlight your nose you would draw the lines closer at the bridge then blend it out to give a softer look. So the comparative procedure for that would be lateral osteo if its applicable to you. Anyways I can't really tell what u need without knowing what u look like but u get the jist.

Since your a drag performer it would be more about selecting which masculine features to maintain and which features to feminize and pair it with to obtain an androgynous look.
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Thanks for the advise!

Do you mind if I pm you a photo to maybe get some insight as to what procedures would work to create something more androgynous (not necessarily do)? I already plan to do eye and nose (rhino and alar reduction) but in case I plan to do others in the future
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sure. or u can kakao me is faster. my mailbox is always flooded. my kakao is kcouture. We can discuss make up techniques! :biggrin:
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The most important thing make female and male look different is forehead , believe me. If you have a feminine forehead. Even your jaw is square and your eyes are small , you can't look masculine.
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wont that look a bit unbalanced with a very rounded forehead and a square face?

Anyways i just googled caitlyn jenner and found a spoof the simpsons did on her haha.
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Yeah I agree..!

Fwiw I saw an olddddd Korean harabeoji on the subway today who had literally the most round forehead I've ever seen haha. He definitely did not look feminine -_-
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Then would a zygoma reduction or brow bone (?) reduction make a difference?
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Please send me a photo as well. I'd love to help. I love this kind of thing
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Guys, feminine forehead doesnt mean round forehead.You can look the winner of asia next top model s3 and watch rupaul drag race( see thier professional forehead make up) . Korean boy face look femenine but we still realize they are man, although they have small jaw, cute eye and small nose, heart shape lips, but what makes different is thier forehead. I won't explain more, you can ask your doctor.
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feminine forehead means round and narrow forehead. In drag race they always talk about doing make up to make the forehead rounder and less wide because that looks fem.

@Xiledsoviet I'm the opposite of you. I look very very feminine for a guy. I don't want to butch up my features but I also don't like how confusing I am to people. It makes be uncomfortable when people mistake me for a girl. I wonder if whats the right procedures for someone like me. I guess I want to keep my look but be less confusing to people?
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