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Smitten Kitten's Surgery at MVP + Other Reviews and Experiences

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Hi everyone,

THANKS: First of all, THANK YOU for all your posts and support that you have shared on Purse Forum. One of the best advice that I was given was to join/create a Kakao group prior to going to Korea - This gave me so much support and was a good place to go for a quick answer. Also a quick THANKS to PF for existing on the internet for us girls and guys to find each other!

MERS: I traveled to Korea 2015 June 8th till 25th. There was a lot of fear about MERS however I found life in Korea as normal and safe so as long as I practiced safe and clean hygiene and always wore a mask as often as I could while being out.

WEATHER: Travelling during this time meant being in Korean summer heat. Just be prepared to sweat while you do a lot of walking! I believe monsoon season is coming so if you are travelling between now till end of August, bring an umbrella or buy one there!

I have to say I am pleasantly satisfied from the first minute I entered into the clinic till the last time I said goodbye. My overall experience makes me feel extremely blessed or lucky since MVP was not on my short-list to begin with. I only went into MVP since the taxi driver had driven past it on the way to my AirBnb on my first day. Who knew I would end up having surgery here and also have good results! If I were back in square one, I would not do anything to change how everything played out - I would go with MVP again and I definitely recommend others to at the very least visit MVP for a consultation. In total, I have visited 7 different clinics prior to making my decision and I am glad I did because that allowed me to feel that I made the best choice possible. I have written a list of reviews for all my consults on my blog but to avoid breaking PF rules, feel free to PM me for the blog link details. You might be able to google: deskorea blogspot but remember to add .au after .com -- don't know if this works lol..

PRICE: I feel that MVP charges reasonable prices unlike other places that cater only to foreigners and charge an inflated foreigner's price. For example, I chose not to visit Cinderella because when I got my Korean neighbour to ring them, they insisted that they would not talk to a Korean local and insisted on getting me to ring back so they could speak directly to me! I found that the popular foreign clinics such as JW, BK, CheongdamU, VIP, etc etc charged very very exuberant prices but this is probably because they were all catered to us; the foreign market!!

APPOINTMENTS: MVP were all very friendly, accommodating, always ready to help even if you do not have an appointment. Only Ellen the head consultant speaks English however you will find that its nicer to have just you, the surgeon, and the consultant in the room less stressful rather than having a fourth person who is the translator. At CheongdamU, I surprisingly had a total of 6 people in the room including two surgeons and a trainee consultant alongside the actual consultant and the translator! I suggest that you create a short list and do make appointments with them however discussing prices and procedures can be done face to face. Price is never confirmed or settled until after your meeting with the surgeon. In the Apugjeong area of Seoul, there plenty of clinics at your fingertips, between your consults you are able to walk into many clinics for a walk in consultation. Aside from MVP, places like JK were also happy to accommodate a walk in consult!

CONSULT: MVP seems legit in making sure you are happy with your results. Dr. Seo had suggested that I focus on fixing my asymmetry in my double eyelids and doing my epi rather than including lateral cantho and fixing my entropian at the same time. This suggestion was in line with what Dr. Choi at JW and Dr. Yang at CheongdamU had suggested also. Prior to surgery, I had met Dr. Seo twice for consults prior to deciding on him as my surgeon. He was extremely patient with my questions and was very understanding of what I wanted. I asked for a maximum cut of my epi length, Dr. Seo explained that too much would bring my eyes too close together. He then showed me what it would look like and I was shocked at how ugly it would have been! I am glad he is not a surgeon who just says YES YES YES and would give me results I didn't know I wouldn't like. Instead Dr. Seo told me what he thinks would be nice and we could negotiate from there. When he showed me what he thought would be good, I said "a little more" and he nodded and pulled a little more skin. Since my rhinoplasty surgery was decided on last minute, I showed him a bunch of photos that I liked and left the rest of the deciding to him! HOW LUCKY WAS I TO END UP WITH A NICE NOSE :biggrin: On surgery day, I got to see Dr. Seo for the third time - I told him I trust him and that he can decide what he thinks is best while I am being operated so as long as he erred on the LARGE side for my eyes and erred on the SMALL side for my nose. We saw eye to eye on my eyes! ha..

SURGERY: Surgery itself was relaxing and I did not go in worried. The cleanliness of the whole clinic and tidiness of the surgery room was reassuring. I knew they were thorough since they did an EKG and blood test the day before and then another EKG test on the day of surgery because the first first results were not clear. My friend who did her DES before me at Banobagi said that prior to surgery she was not given a blood test or EKG test. HM! 0.o Other people in my kakao group has mentioned that their operating room was not tidy nor did it look stocked. MVP's surgery room was relaxing and I remember moving my finger like a maestro to the music while being operated on.

PAIN: A lot of people ask me whether or not I felt pain during my surgery. I always say that I personally think the anesthesiologist must have been a ninja because I could not tell when I was being sedated. Many say that they could feel a needle to the eye or my friends who had surgery at Bano said they could feel the incision made to their skin and the "burn" of the open wound. I remember shrugging once at MVP and I heard Dr. Seo immediately say "mm.. More LA". The only thing painful from my surgery was the heart rate clip they attached to my toe! I rate my pain at MVP 2/10 though my friends at Bano rate their pain as 8.99/10 lol...(and one of them has to go back for revision.. amagawd!!). Just to clarify, I was under LA for my eyes and GA for my nose. When I woke up I was dehydrated and drowsy however I did not throw up from GA unlike my experience at Bumrungrad Hospital in Thailand.

POST OP CARE: Their post op care has been very good and you are not out the door and alone after surgery. This is extremely important to me!! After surgery there is a tendency to worry not only about the outcome but about the recovery process. It is a lot less stressed when you know you are welcomed back to the clinic any time. Dr. Seo also saw me several times after surgery and not just for a few seconds like other doctors with my friends at other clinics. I got to see Dr. Seo all up 4 times after surgery. One of those time I bumped into him at which he very happily taught me how to do my post surgery "forehead exercises" for ptosis correction. On my last consult with him post surgery, he said he was happy for my results and gave me clear expectations on what to expect on my swelling. He wished me the best and told Ellen to tell me that if I experience any pain, bleeding, discomfort, worry that I should contact MVP immediately via Ellen's kakao. He also said that he is looking forward to seeing my final results and to see me again for my next scheduled surgery late October.
Medication was included into my price which was great and I did not need to worry about getting to a pharmacy post op. I also thought it was great that my clinic was so close to where I stayed - at one point of time I went into MVP 3 times because I kept forgetting a question that needed asking, or something done! I don't believe they were tired of seeing my face and even if they were, they didn't show it lol.

RESULTS: As for my results, I am happy with the outcome. I think I look very different and in a good way! My mum says I look like a Korean movie star (lol she's just being nice and a good mum) and my friends say MVP has improved my face in every way possible!! HAHAHA... GEE thanks guys!! But seriously, I have a lot to thank Ellen and Dr. Seo at MVP for; they have given me symmetry back in my eyes, an awesome side profile with my new nose, reduced nostril size that does not allow any fingers to go mining for emeralds, and also hooking me up with an eyebrow artist who pulled through at the end - I am happy with the shape and the color and she has also asked me to return for a touch up in 4 months. (See my review for lee-en who told me my eyebrows were a lost cause and that I should fix my hair line instead!! WHAT?! LOL!). So all in all, I owe my sincere thanks to MVP ^_^v

EXTRA NOTE: I have been to MVP with two other friends for consults and in both situations, Ellen the consultant suggested against procedures they did not need rather than just saying yes and taking their money. I agree wholeheartedly with Ellen in regards to my friends not needing the certain surgery they requested and was glad to see that MVP is not money hungry. Ellen was also super nice to entertain us 3 girls for a total of 2 hours after my 1 on 1 consult I had with her earlier that day =.=
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Since there was a lot of experience gained and so much to share from my trip to Korea, I wrote a blog that includes all my before and after photos incl. tips on why I think my swelling was not so bad (even though my first DES caused great swelling that lasted 3 months). I also made note of my AirBnB stay, places I visited and shopped at, things to bring, reviews on all my consults, etc etc. I hope my blog will be helpful to you all. Sorry I cant post the link here but you are welcome to PM me for it.

I also have to split my post into two because it has gone over the 10k word limit haha... so check my blog if you want to learn more ^_^v

For those who don't see my blog, here are some quick tips I would like to share with you:
1) don't use doc finder - my friend did and ended up at Bano and paid close to 8mil krw for just primary DES. She got ripped off and as for her results? Well she has to go back for revision. My online consult with BK also gave me a quote of 8MIL krw and tried to sell me many procedures I did not need.
2) Know what YOU want to get done. SOOOOOOOOOOOO many people on these forums are here to do many different things so it is very easy to pick up insecurities from other girls about your own face/body. Don't give in! You are beautiful! Learn to love and only get surgery on what you've struggled to love!
3) Research, Research, RESEARCH!! Know for yourself if you want incisional or non or partial before going. What type of crease do you want? What procedures do you need exactly? Don't be sold by the typical "des, epi, ptosis" happy meal set that certain doctors *cough teuim cough* seem to sell to every Mary, Jane and Alice that walks through lol
4) NEVER FEEL FORCED by a clinic. MVP said to me "go to your consults and come back whenever you want to"... this is rare in contrast to CheongdamU pestering me on the fact that if I did not book immediately I would lose my surgery spot. Many clinics will pressure you into getting a deposit. Don't give in! Do your research, ask all your questions, then decide for yourself before paying your deposit/surgery. I saw Dr. Seo for two separate consults before I came back on the third day to choose him!
5) Koreans are friendly! You just have to be friendly to them first! Try learning some simple Korean phrases it will help you on your trip! Knowing a little bit of mandarin certainly goes a long way in Korea too! If you only speak English then definitely learn some Korean phrases! If you get lost or get stuck, don't be shy asking the locals for help! Though they don't generally talk to strangers, you will be surprised how willing they are to help us foreigners!

I hope my post has been helpful!! Do let me know if it has helped you! :biggrin:

Wishing you all the best!
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procedures done at MVP
-revision double eyelid surgery (r.DES)
-rhinoplasty bridge
-tip plasty
-alar reduction
-vitamin drips
-massotherapy cell rejuvenation
-eyebrow embroidery
-scar removal (on body)
^_^V thanks for asking! I was trying to remind myself to make a list but obviously forgot!!

Late October 2015 I will be doing:
[possible] Lateral cantho
[possible] eyebag dark circle removal
[definite] entropian fix where my eyelash curls up into my eye
*dances beside K Couture* lol yipeee.. no more fugly face with the wonky eye! hahahaha
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I was afraid of having LA for nose since a friend who did rhino under LA said it was "like the doctor was cooking" and made a motion like stir frying a wok haha... MVP actually offered me GA which I was happy to undergo. I have undergone GA before in Thailand so I knew my chances of complications weren't high. I was however surprised that I didn't throw up waking up from GA like I did multiple times in Thailand.

I am pretty sure you can do rhino under LA or GA if you request. I look back and I am happy I was asleep when I had rhino done. I don't think I can take the feeling of my nose being toyed with while being conscious!

Ps. I forgot to add that when you do DES, the doc is going to ask you to open and close your eyes multiple times. Prepare yourself to listen for the doctor and do your best to follow instructions (opening and closing of eyes) under LA. Dr. Seo asked me to do this atleast 8 times but it's hard to count while under sedation lol... Somehow two of my friends at a DIFFERENT clinic got slapped on the face and up to today we can't figure why lol..

PPS. ehwa university was my favourite place to shop where I bought $3-$5dollar tops/shorts and sometimes you can snag $5 dollar shoes you just gotta keep an eye out for these things when you are walking around even at the subways!! lol
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Hi, smitten_kitten, thank you for you review. Do you know MVP's website? And how much your quote for eyes surgery? If you don't mind can you pm me link to your blog. I plan to do DES next year and still finding place because Teuimps is too expensive.
Thank you
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Hi verse, you're welcome! I have pm-ed you with my blog link! I paid a lump sum for my eyes and nose so I wouldn't know how much it would be for just des let alone the fact I did revisional des. This is their website here at : http://www.imvp.co.kr/ or http://www.imvp.co.kr/pop_eng.php though the best way to contact them is via kakao and you can PM me for their ID if you want.

Hi tari,
My nose bridge height is 3.5mm - I suggest you have a look again as there is a big enough difference lol.. make sure you are looking at "before surgery photos" and either day 14 or day 21 photos. You can see that prior to the implant, there was no nose between my eyes and a greater arrow curve pointing towards my face between forehead and tip. Anyway it all boils down to your own personal preference but I do CAUTION you with going with a higher bridge height in fear your bridge might end up too high. I let Dr. Seo choose my bridge height which was consistent with what two other respectable surgeons had suggested. On surgery day Dr. Seo confirmed that I would have a 3mm to 4mm implant and would decide during surgery what to give me and also shave the silicone accordingly to what I needed. ^_^ I am very happy with my nose results!
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Hey girl!

In your blog, you mentioned you got alar reduction.

What was the proposed technique? Where was the location of incision? And how much was cut away?

Happy for you smitten_k! :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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I have a few questions about yourrhinoplasty. For your alarplasty, what was the technique proposed? i.e. wherewas the location of incision and how much was cut away? The results lookfabulous. I can barely see your scar! Is it visible without makeup?

For alarplasty, there are two methods toreduce the alars.

  • Old school method of cutting the sides of thealars and re-attaching it to the base once the excess skin is removed.
  • Newer method of cutting the gap in between (leftside of nostril and columella) + ( right side of columella and nostril) andthen sewing that gap together. This method can sometimes be used in conjunctionwith “cinching” however Dr. Suh from JW explained that cinching is only atemporary method and results only last for a year. Even Dr. Suh did not recommendcinching lol…
My alarplasty was done with method B. I told my surgeon Iwas concerned that I would not get enough results with option B alone. He thensaid that he would go with option B and if during the operation he felt like itwasn’t enough he would then proceed with option A. My nostrils have greatlyreduced in size and I can only “get up there” with cotton buds now.
I am happy with what Dr. Seo chose because the incisionswere made between my nostrils + at the base of my columella (as I did openrhino). I asked my bf where he proposed the incisions were made and he chosethe sides of my nostrils at which I laughed and said I wasn’t even cut there! Haha..I told him to have a good look and he can’t see my incision marks. I do applykelocote regularly once stitches came out and still do atleast twice a day! Allmy incisions are hardly noticeable.
As for length of incision, you might be able to see thestitches between my nostrils in some of the photos. I think it was atleast 2mmcut away in between each nostril. Dr. Seo told me if you pinched the top ofyour upper lip as close as you can to bring your nostrils together that wouldbe my result – that was exactly what I got lol..
I think it might be important to note that one of the girlsfrom my kakao group had method A done for her alar reduction which left her ascar she didn’t like. A surgeon at VIP said that I shouldn’t cut the sides ofmy alars because it might ruin the “nice” curve of my natural alars andincising that area and having a surgeon sew it would change the shape – maybe hedidn’t believe in his skill? I don’t know. Anyway that girl from kakao had ascar from getting method A done and she went to MVP to have revision rhino andto remove that scar. Don’t know how her results are like coz post op she onlyreplied with questions she had but never gave updates on her results.. so I guessno news is good news and she must be happy or she would be G#J!(+UT!UJ#F! aboutit all LOL… but ya, do be warned about getting method A done. There are folkout there who are obsessed with having mini alars and don’t mind method A+B+cinchingcombined to achieve that look!
Hope this helps!
PS. All my photos on the blog from day 0 till day 14 arewithout make up. Only some of day 21 are with make up ^_^V
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No wonder I couldn't see any major scars! Option B definitely sounds less risky, but in the end the technique will depend on the individual's preexisting structure. I don't think I'm a good candidate for option B...we'll see what the doctors say!

Thanks so much smitten_k!

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Thank you for the pm and the website link! From what I see on day 21, you're looking great. Your eyes and nose looks definitely prettier than before :biggrin:
Will be glad if you also include post op care on your blog. :P
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