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Smitten Kitten's Surgery at MVP + Other Reviews and Experiences

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Hi MissOrange, I am also considering a lip lft with Miss Mills but it is still a little costly for me, so still thinking... Can you tell me how your procedure went? Thank you so much!
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that sucks, sorry to hear about that.
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Thanks for letting us know how MVP treats customers in the event of unhappy outcomes. The free revision offer sounds nice but in reality it's not easy to get. Did they even offer a discount on revision?

Did the doctor know your target philtrum length before surgery, measure it out, and draw lines on your face showing how much skin would be removed to obtain that target? Did it look correct to you before surgery? Or did he just eyeball it?
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I didn't go with MVP because Dr Seo's preference was for a more conservative Korean (look) DES - lower crease/parallel fold, tapered. At my chosen clinic (shall reveal later when it's less puffy) they were able to work with me on customising my preference and this also included epi which was never suggested by Dr Seo.

I've been informed by local Korean and as also mentioned here that he specialises/niche in revision DES.

MVP quoted me 3.5mil won and then offered 3mil won for incisional DES, ptosis, fat removal.
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Would you still recommend their clinic? I'm planning to get DES (ptosis correction), alarplasty and nose lengthening done at MVP.
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During the consultation, did Dr Seo show you how your eyelids would turn out after the surgery?
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Hi! Ooh okay, I asked Ellen from MVP if it's Dr Seo who is the one doing the procedures she said yes~~ Can Dr Seo understand and speak English? :smile:
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I don't recall if he did. He measured my lids, explained why I needed certain DES procedures.

I concur with the post above. Bring (enlarged) quality printed colour photos of your desired look or have some photos saved in your phone. Visual aids always helps.
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Hi everyone, last month I decided to get revisional double eyelid surgery at MVP due to positive reviews on this forum...unfortunately, I am completely upset with the results and feel depressed. :sad: My eyes are entirely uneven - the doctor did ptosis correction on my left eye MUCH more than on my right eye. So when I blink and also when my eyes are open, it's incredibly obvious that my left eye is bigger (as in, you can see much more of my left eyeball/brown iris). My left eyelid opens upwards much more, and it's not like I can control how much it lifts up versus my right eye. I've been spending more time doing makeup to try to make it even, but it's really difficult and people can still tell, because that's how big of the difference there is. Has anyone had this issue before? I thought MVP would be good for revisional double eyelid and Ellen made it seem like this would be the last time I would ever need eyelid surgery...now I'm already thinking about my next surgery. This is incredibly upsetting and I feel angry at the doctor and the clinic. When I was expressing my preferences and concerns before the surgery, it looked like he didn't even care. Maybe because MVP knew that I was a foreigner/didn't live in Korea, they didn't provide me with the best surgery possible. I don't understand how Korean doctors who have probably performed thousands of surgeries could make a mistake like this. I understand that you can't expect perfectly even eyes, but the unevenness in my case is unbelievable. And I know that I still have to wait for the swelling to go down over months, but that's not going to change the image because it's the ptosis that's the problem here. I would post pictures but I don't like sharing private information on the Internet...I want to cry everyday. Also, MVP definitely overcharges. They charged me 3 million won when another clinic asked for 2.4...I chose MVP because of the good reviews here and because I thought that a high price meant quality results. Boy was I wrong, and I deeply regret it. Oh and another horrible result - it's not just the ptosis that is uneven. The eye shapes are completely different too. My right eye has like an upside down U shape (like a normal eye for example), but my left eye looks deformed like...okay this is a better way to picture it: my right eye looks like ) shaped, but my left eye is more like ] shaped. It doesn't curve, it's more like a straight line across the top. I hope that makes sense. Please do your research instead of depending on these internet postings, and really take your time with consults at MANY different clinics. Meanwhile, I will keep looking for other clinics for my next and hopefully last revisional surgery...I am so heartbroken.

Edit: the clinic I'm talking about is

And Korean version:

(I might consider posting pictures of my botched results after a few months after the swelling has subsided even more)

Edit: furthermore, the aftercare wasn't good. It felt rushed and it didn't seem like they even cared - probably because they knew I was leaving Korea soon. The nurse was really nice and good at thread removal, but that's about it. They didn't even offer anti-inflammatory shots or treatment even though my swelling was really bad, and the medications weren't included in the price...
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Hi may i know the fat removal is for whole face or which part of your body?
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