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Smitten Kitten's Surgery at MVP + Other Reviews and Experiences

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I'm so sorry about that! I definitely won't be going there then! Their prices are too high anyways. I want to get a lot of thing done - revision for eyes, primary rhinoplasty, zygoma reduction, square jaw reduction, and philtrum shortening.
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Hi, do you mind to send me your photo? I'm going for consultation in dec.
KakaoTalk Nana
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  • 2 months later...
I had revision surgery with Dr. Choi at MVP
i agreed to have my surgery and he said at my consulatation that he would remove the rib graft that had been put in my nose. He said he might have to replace rib graft with ear graft but he said he would take out the old graft.

They manipulated me into paying 7000000 won and my nose feels exactly the same. It looks fake and pointy and I am half black and half white so I look like I have a fake very unnatural nose. He did not take any rib graft off and didnt even tell me after surgery that he did not take any rib graft off.

I knew something was wrong when he made put the cast back on my nose after the 7th day when the stitches were removed. They did not let me take off the cast until they knew I was going straight to the airport because they knew they had LIED to me.

VERY dishonest place. I would not go here if you have a revision rhinoplasty w you would like to do.

They seemed very nice to my face, but did not do the surgery I paid for.
Not a good dr and not a good place.
Also during recovery was horrible. They make you change your cast every 2 days and pinch down very very hard on your nose to put the new cast on!

I'll include a photo of my nose from last year before rib graft was put on top. I asked him to take off graft and that I would like my old nose shape. Next to the photo is how my nose looks after Dr. Choi.
With swelling it looked a bit better but now that swelling has gone down I can see it is crooked and way too pointy and very unnatural.
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Neesaneesa, I read your story with interest and I'm sorry for what you are going through.

Although many people have rib grafts on their nose and it looks great (such as MsOrange), I too had a rib graft I disliked intensely and had it removed from my bridge 2 months ago (my Dr. used alloderm to fill in the dented area that the rib graft left--my rib graft had been in for many years--perhaps that made it worse and caused the dented area, I do not know). My radix and upper bridge area is still swollen after 2 months. Perhaps yours is still swollen also? Have you specifically asked the clinic and/or the Dr. if the rib graft was removed? I would certainly not hesitate to ask--as of course it is your right to know. I'm hoping what you are seeing is primarily swelling, which can also be quite uneven depending on which side the Dr. went into your nose on during the surgery. When was your surgery? I hope things turn out for you.
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I did DES + ptosis at MVP. I'm currently post op 6 months. And I'm not entirely satisfied with the outcome. Uneven eyes due to ptosis muscle not pulled up enough for one eye. Low crease, not like what dr seo showed and promised. Excess skin/fats above the eyelid, causing one of my eyelid crease to be hooded.

P.S: I know some girls who are in the same situation as me. Do I regret choosing MVP for Des+Ptosis? Yes.
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Hi MissOrange, I'm in my mid 20s and recently noticed that I get crows feet when I smile too widely :sad: Do you recommend Botox for my case? Also, I'm wondering if there are any hidden side effects of botox, because online research seems to say that it's safe as long as the doctor is experienced in administering it. And if you stop it suddenly are there any "withdrawal symptoms"? Or would you recommend any other more "permanent" fixes for crows feet that only happen when smiling? Thanks in advance!!
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I am so sorry to hear what you went through/are going through, wishing you nothing but good to come your way!! I was actually looking into Cinderella, too. Thank you for sharing with us.
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  • 2 weeks later...
i made a longer explanation of what happened with mvp on this webpage - www.mvpplasticsurgery.com Im still so upset that the dr's and staff lied to me and didnt do the surgery they said I would be paying for. They stopped answering my messages once i showed them the piece of white cartilage that i can see and feel coming out of the skin from inside of my colmella. I made a website to explain my experience and warn people that may want to have rhinoplasty so this wont happen to someone else. I really wish I had trusted my gut because I felt the whole time they were being overly nice and agreeable and kind of manipulating me when asking for my deposit : \
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first during consult i was told all rib grafts would go but maybe they might need to use ear cartilage and I agreed to that. He checked my ears to see if that could work and checked my nose.
AFTER surgery i emaild her and she said dr said your ears were too small so he left the rib cartilage. :sad: basically he just rearranged what was already in my nose so i went through all the pain of surgery and flying from us to korea just to be left having to have the surgery again to do what i already paid mvp to do!
i do not like mvp now at all because they lied to my face and that is absolutely horrible. If I talk to the dr and he says he will do one thing and then once i am vulnerable and asleep on operating table he does something else that is completely wrong of him. I will be going to back in Jan to a different clinic.

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I've been following this thread for a long time without signing up for purseforum and last year I finally decided to get several procedures done at MVP after reading the reviews here, I'm now 1 year+ post op and decided to share my experience since there aren't many reviews from people operated by Dr. Choi. Detailed posts from MissOrange on this forum really helped me make decisions so I wanted to contribute my 2 cents in return. I was operated by Dr. Choi for my nose (primary) and Dr. Seo for my eyes (third revision) and results turned out great. For all procedures, I consider what MVP quoted to be reasonable compared to prices from other clinics I read about on this forum. The only issue as far as payment is concerned was MVP asked me to wire the deposit before the trip (about 20% I think) since I was planning on getting max charged on my credit card to earn miles but it wasn't really a big deal. I did not agree to share my photos for discount as I would like to keep my photos private, but I remember there's a description on their form for those who wish to share their photos to receive discount. My English speaking consultant was Mindy who was extremely responsive and helpful throughout my trip, including arranging complementary round-trip airport transportation and getting extra after care. Other than MVP, I consulted with DA, Baum and few more in two separate trips and it was a toss up between MVP and Baum for me, the reason I chose MVP in the end was because one of the procedures I was interested in happened to be a speciality of Dr. Choi at MVP. I think results I saw at Baum especially for nose reconstruction cases to be some of the best. If I were going in for nose revision, I may have gone to Baum. Their quotes were also reasonable and two doctors at Baum were really nice and seemed sincere. Both MVP and Baum doctors advised me against (quite strongly I may add) alar plasty or augmentation of nose bridge when I asked about them, which cemented my trust for both since if they were interested in making more money, they would have agreed to do those unnecessary procedures. In terms of surgeries, I kept a detailed private diary of my experiences and based on my entries, cast off for my nose was on the 7th day and no pain other than very minor pain when stitches were taken out. I booked AirBnB high rise apartment in Seoul for about 3 weeks at just to be safe but I still had bruises on my way home and had to wear sunglasses to hide. Am I happy with results? Yes. When I compare hundreds of before and after photos that I took with my phone, improvements on profile as well as 45 degrees angle are especially phenomenal and exceeded my expectations. I had a fairly high bridge to begin with and it was just that the tip was drooping and made me look older so the way Dr. Choi addressed it was very natural yet elegant. As for eyes, I had a great feeling as soon as I saw the meticulous stitches by Dr. Seo and 1 year later, the scars are nearly invisible. After I came back, I got so many complements from random strangers on my looks which was validating my assessment. One of the reasons I decided on MVP was that they operate on children with deformity for free as part of their charity work and I wanted to support that since I've been fortunate enough to be able to afford those elective surgeries and business class plane tickets. As for any downside, I have allergy and tip plasty has kind of reactivated the runny nose situation although it's not too bad but then again, there's always simple laser treatment for that if it becomes bothersome. Looking back, I feel that some of the things I did before the trip in preparation turned out to be very helpful such as: Create a list of realistic but well articulated goals in bullet points and send them to clinics prior to consultation and take many photos of yourself from different angles and under different lighting and analyze what you want to improve objectively and communicate using Photoshop or other photo editing tools to simulate end goals. It makes me even happier when I compare my simulation with actual result since I now look way better than my simulation! What I didn't do right: I kept taking vitamins and blomelain BEFORE surgeries which made bruising much worse than it could have been. Hope this helps.
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  • 2 weeks later...
You are really lucky that you had a good experience. I have since made a website because I was so upset that this dr lied to me and did not do the surgery he told me he would be doing.

Maybe since it was a simple tip surgery the dr was able to do that well. For me, having to have a corrective surgery the dr did not know how to do it properly.

So he said he would remove my rib grafts that were placed in my nose and then during surgery decided to do something else instead. I’m still pretty upset because I trusted dr. Choi to do what he said he would do during surgery.

Here is a webpage I made with more photos and info.


I have since sent my photos to other dr’s in Seoul (only true hospitals instead of small clinics this time) and they said my rib grafts should be removed if that is what I want. So Dr. Choi literally lied to me as a patient and made me pay for a surgery that he never did.

We agreed upon one thing and then when I am vulnerable and on the operating table under anesthesia he did something totally different that I didn’t ask for - osteotomy and rearranging grafts.

In fact, the surgery he performed was very simple and should have cost only 2million won compared to the 6 million won surgery he had said he would do. So for any one interested in mvp I would say there’s a 50 percent chance you could have a great great experience like @Cinnamon_and_clove but there’s also a 50% chance the dr lies to you like he did to me and does a surgery you never asked for. With those odds I really still wish I had gone to one of the hundred other drs in Seoul. One with more integrity.

Also, both of my parents are drs and they do charity work as well. Many dr’s do like to do charity work and it is more common then most people know. But most doctors including my parents never advertise their good deeds or flaunt that they do charity procedures on their websites. Just saying...
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MVP is NOT a good clinic. The consultant is a LIAR. They will tell you they offer free revision and if the results isn't good, and you ask for free revision, they just simply ignore you.

FYI, I've talked to afew 3-4 girls who did DES with dr seo and they didn't like the result. They messaged Ellen the liar and she just read and ignore. Their crease is hooded, non visible and uneven. Some of them are considering revision.
Dr seo is just an average surgeon, pretty sure there's even better surgeon out there.

Please be aware of promoters here, by now you should know who that promoter is. The one that worships dr seo like as if he's a god.

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You should create a new thread about your experience at MVP. So people can find and read it. Your post here is gonna get hidden over time.
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