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Smitten Kitten's Surgery at MVP + Other Reviews and Experiences

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May I know which clinic did you went? I don't think I'm going MVP since there are few bad reviews going around here. Wanted to go banobagi but the price are much more higher, plus the consultant didn't give me the exact amount so it's hard for me to decide. :sad:
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I will always believe every clinic has bad reviews. It's just that some clinics are unfortunate enough to have their patients post negative reviews on this forum. Some botched patients just kept quiet, or they're Korean or Chinese who don't post here. I don't think any clinic or doctor is so perfect as to have a 100% satisfaction record. Such clinic simply don't exist.
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Some people have thicker/fatty tissue in the area between your eyes and brows that if not removed during DES, the existing skin/fat may appear protruded (like permanent swelling) and may droop (aka hooded lid) over time.
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Although clinic reputation is important, ultimately it is the Dr that will be performing the surgery that you'd want to base your decision on.
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i also think that not all the clinics have 100% good reviews, there must be good and bad reviews, just we can try to choose the comfortable and communicate well with the doctor what the outcome of surgery we expected to.
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Do you mind please sending me your slide decks? And B/A pictures if you don't mind? THanks :smile:
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WHich clinic did you end up getting your eyes done? How are the results?
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Please please inform us on which doctor this was as Dr Seo is one of my top choices as of now.
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Thanks so much Miss Orange! I really appreciate your kindness and honesty. Your posts have been invaluable to me. :smile:
Dr Seo is amongst my top choices along with Dr Cho from BIO and Dr Choi from JW.
My main concern is finding a doctor that can do epi very well. I know from this forum that Dr. Seo is great with the incisional method (which is what I want), but I just want to make sure he can do a great job with epi as well.
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Thanks so much for sharing! I'm looking at MVP for rhino this spring and would love to ask you a few qs on Kakao if u have a user name?
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Hi Purse Forumers,

I am trying to make decisions and feel myself very very overwhelmed. Here is my story:

I have had my first DES in former Soviet Union at craniofacial clinic.

The surgery was performed by a couple of untrained surgeons. I has been their training object. I was young, due to some cultural background and lack of information about PS did not realize what means the professional plastic surgery. Doctors removed all fat tissue above my eyes leaving my eyes looking droopy, older, sleepy like. I call my eyes doggy sad eyes.

In the USA I have done "revision" by Charles Lee from Beverly Hills, California. Another big disappointment and despair. I thought American plastic surgeon is a guarantee of success, moreover he was very highly advertized through multiple sites. I have shown to him pictures of eyes I would prefer to have. I have shown the Asian eyes with outer eye corner elevated higher than the inner corner. He made lots of pictures of my face, I was very excited. He offered to make browlift through the hair line. I was concerned that my surgery was scheduled for after lunch time.

In the USA I work in surgery for 6 years. I know what the surgeon's drowsiness means. And about 4-5 years ago I found this forum. I was passively following the thread Double Eyelid Surgery Revision. I was saving money for revision. Now I believe I have enough funds for the second DE revision, third DES.

I was very excited to see and read results of Smitten_Kitten, find her blog and pictures. Then I have seen here the movie "the Cost of Beauty", very terrifying!!! I have thought about MVP, but recently read first bad review. I understand WHAT surgery means and every doctor has better or less successful results. I am very scared and overwhelmed based on the information here.

Can you please help me to start searching groups on kakao talk?

Who is planning to go to Korea at the end February, beginning March, might be share the experience?

Might be someone here plans to have revision DES and rhino?

After my failed DES revision + forehead surgery ($7000 about 5-6 years ago) I am very afraid to believe any bloggers as well as positive reviews (photoshop, unreal stories, might be same pics B/A shared among clinics)? I want dramatic, not conservative, change of my droopy eyes.

I want very much to believe the reality of Smitten_Kitten, MissOrange results.

I have to start ASAP making all necessary appointments, booking tickets, hotels, etc. and still did not make any list of clinics.

I speak Russian and English, might be here someone speaking both languages? Which language is better (cheaper) to use, when requesting for PS consults, Russian might be cheaper than English? (I know sounds funny here)

Thank you in advance

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Hi Dilya .
I understand you , I had also bad experience of surgery in Russia and in the US .
I can not recommend any clinics for the eyes because still searching this information for myself . But I can say, don't go only to one clinic that someone will recommend to you , choose a few clinics .I think is difficult to answer your question, since we are all different and everyone has their own experience. If something good for someone is not always the same for the other one .
Select several clinics and begin to get an on-line consultation the first and based on that choose for a few clinics.
I can say that is better to consult in English. Even from those clinics where there are Russian-speaking representatives. from English-speaking I got more valuable information than from the Russian-speaking . And if we talk about real consultation when you will be in Seoul so I think speak in English better as well or bring a friend who speaks Korean , it is simplifies communication and understanding between you and the clinic staff .

My English is not well enough so you can ask in Russian to PM , if you have any questions , or with my poor English I can answer here )
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You look fantastic , your transformation It gave really positive results .
Where did you get FG at MVP or at DA ? How much did you pay ?
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Thank you MissOrange! I am at work today (working on weekends mostly) therefore will write not much. My native language is Russian, and I am fluent in English, of course. Your face really does look amazing and I remember your initial pictures posted here. Thank you for all the information and discussions, support and help.
My biggest concern is tattoos. After my failed first PS I have had a very good tattoo done on my eyelids to "raise" my droopy eyes up. In the USA I have redone tattoos twice adding a white line on top of the black line on my upper eyelid. I hope you, ladies, know what kind of tattoo I am talking about. Permanent makeup tattoo. After finding the blog of Smitten Kitten I have reshaped my brows here in the USA as well. I had laser removal of my brow tattoos and remade 3D tattoo here in the US (very expensive procedures). So, I hope my permanent tattoos on the upper eyelids will not make the work of the highly professional PS difficult. Based on the information and reviews of this forum I am going to apply for consultations of MVP and JW for now and keep searching further.

I will try to work more with Kakao (I have made some attempts this morning still did not figure out the details...)
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