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Smitten Kitten's Surgery at MVP + Other Reviews and Experiences

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Thanks...I know, I'm amazed at how quick they've healed! Did book 2 weeks off work but I guess I can go back earlier now.
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This is just me, but I don't think smittenkitten would've posted YouTube videos of herself if she was trying to be fake - she didn't have to make those videos. I had a good experience with MVP too, and shared my experience on another thread, which I will copy/paste here. (p.s. I am 100% definitely not a promoter. I know it is hard to judge/trust what's said on an online forum though. This is your face, and it's a really scary thought to think you can potentially end up with a botched surgery, so do as much research as you can and go with what feels right to you!):

Hi All, I just had my double eyelid incisional surgery + ptosis + epi done with Dr. Seo at MVP, and overall it was a very positive experience! Even though I was sooo nervous pre-booking, pre-paying, and securing a surgery date without an in-person consult first... I have no regrets. I get my stitches out later this week, so things are still pretty early for me! I just have to say ohaiolos was right on with her experience, and Dr. Seo is as detail-oriented as I had hoped. He was very thorough with the consult, and did not pressure me into anything. During the consult, he pulled my chair close to his, had me look at him from all angles, he pulled on my eyelids and measured my eyes, the distance between them, drew on my face, etc. He also used a needle thing to give me an idea of how I'd look with various crease sizes.

When I went, both Ellen and Mindy were there for me. They are both super sweet, reassuring me and calming me down the whole time because of my nerves.

In the post-op kit, they gave me an eye mask that you freeze, gauze, pumpkin juice, ointment, q-tips, and packets of pills that I'm to take 3x a day. The pills are antibiotics and painkillers.

I honestly felt pretty great even the day after surgery, and went shopping, eating, walking around with my sunglasses on. People here are so used to this that nobody even looked at me twice. My first follow-up was the very next day, where they cleaned my eyes, and did a de-swelling treatment which consisted of red light therapy and an IV bag of some cocktail that's supposed to help with swelling. I go back again for my 2nd follow-up in a few days, where they'll take my stitches out and do another round of de-swelling treatment. The post-op care here is above and beyond what I expected, but of course I have nothing to compare it to. I just know it's way better than the post-op care that my friends in the U.S. got.

From what I can tell, my creases look really symmetrical and when I imagine the swelling going down by half I think I'll be happy with where my crease falls. I think Dr. Seo did a great job! Anyway, I'm sure I'll get a better idea in a month or so on the end results... but just wanted to share my initial thoughts for those who are thinking about MVP in the soon-ish timeframe. Good luck!
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:biggrin: Thanks for going through all the effort of compiling my photos and videos. The difference is make up :smile: You can see it easily in the photos below. I'm sure you already knew this though.

I made the videos because of the amount of unreplied messages I get of the same questions. You can see I have no video editing skills and that's OK with me because I'm happy for people to see the REAL me without make up and how much I have reduced the make up I wear now. Since surgery I feel beautiful even without make up on and have been wearing less and less make up ever since.

I shall make a new video this Easter! Will post link below when it's up!

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A presumption doesn't equate to an insult of your intelligence; not sure why you are taking their comment so personally?

Also re: April31, maybe you should read this
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I don't check PF regularly and only do so once my inbox is filled with unread questions.

I want to take the time to remind everyone who uses PF that this is a place for EVERYONE to do their research prior to going for PS.
EVERYONE should do their research and due diligence before deciding on a surgeon. It's YOUR face!! NO ONE is pushing you to go to a particular clinic.

This is NOT a place to get catty or take offence. Remember, beauty comes first from inside! :heart::heart::heart:
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This is really childish, but since you made the effort of searching up that post about April31 you are taking this equally as personally. Oh dear it's one thing to talk about about not taking offense and being catty then doing the same thing yourself.
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Oh deary me - someone is getting far too defensive.

I was researching so read your blog and watched your video. Didn't really take much effort at all. Was just very DODGY seeing two people looking totally different.

But thanks for confirming that "make up" does wonders and not the surgeon as you have previosuly stated. If you got a good deal and are promoting the clinic (who are also using your "make up" before and afters; then say it as it is.

Not being *****y but just being honest: Your "make up version" looks totally different from your "natural version".

It was misleading to use your make up phots on your "Post Op" journey blog as not one of you post op photos was "make up fre"e while you were praising the "skill" of the surgeon. You really should be praising "your make up skills"

I was researching cause I wanted the best perform surgery on me

If you live in Sydney and need a job. you can join my "Glam Squad" - I don't go out anywhere without them performong their "make up" magic first.
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LOL dude, please get your eyes checked. She looks ALMOST EXACTLY the same in pictures and in video. Have you seen someone that looks 100% THE SAME in both pictures and video? It's all about the angle and lighting. Stop exaggerating and says she looks like 2 different person, what a drama mama!

I bet you're that type of person that goes around commenting anonymously on people who uses PHOTOSHOP and accuse they look different with and without photoshop. Oh and btw, It's funny how you create an account just to do "research" but all i see is you "researching" smitten kitten's pictures and find flaws to judge. :smile:

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LOL so delusional Roly Poly! SHe looks ALMOST EACTLY the same? There are MAJOR differences as already pointed out and even SKitten has admitted the differences are due to "MAKE UP" so oh PAH-LEASE girlfriend? What are you smoking?

Plenty of Before and Afters on Purse Forum that are natural and actually show the skill of the surgeon hence no need to comment.

DO you need a good eye doctor? The girl looks like two totally different people with and without make up.

Smitten Kitten, along with MVP are the ones using make up to promote the surgeon's skill. And even my professional glam squad artists can't give people a "V" jaw line SKitten's MVP "photos" while she has a squarer jaw line in her videos.
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Smoking on your jealous bruh. Could you please share "plenty" of before and afters that are natural and actually show the skill of the surgeon please. Oh make sure it's not the clinic you're promoting and have 100% good reviews.
What MAJOR DIFFERENCES? Please point out. Squarer jaw line? I don't see any "squarer jaw line" All i see in her video is her V jaw line. Oh btw please do a comparison of picture and video WITHOUT HER smiling widely, i would like to see the MAJOR differences.


Who the hell cares about your "Professional" glam squad artists lmao.
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I believe Kim may not be listening to my entire videos or browsing all my content if not she would not be misunderstanding.

1) I don't promote MVP. I am only sharing my experiences because I don't want girls to need revision as I have in the past. I mention constantly in my videos and in my posts, EVERYONE needs to do their own research, do as MANY consults with as many surgeons as they can, choose a surgeon that they TRUST whilst taking into consideration the price, method, post op services, staff, cleanliness, location, etc.

2) I have many photos of myself pre-mvp on my blog. I like laughing and saying I used to look like quasimodo since my botched double eyelids were clearly not team players.
To deny Dr. Seo's skills is to be unfair and I am just grateful for having my face fixed. I attach a photo for your convenience but you can find more of my old face here: http://deskorea.blogspot.com.au/search?updated-max=2015-07-07T02:27:00-07:00&max-results=7

3) I also have plenty of photos without any make up on my front page: http://deskorea.blogspot.com.au/ just scroll down; you can also click older posts for more :smile:

4) I actually haven't had any surgery done to my jaw. Thanks for the compliment though! People ask me if I've had Vline done in real life too but it's just what mum gave me. Some old childhood photos will prove the same. The differences in my videos regarding jaw line is just lack of experience with recording but I'm no professional photographer or youtuber so what you get so far is just raw unedited recording. I'll sit further back in the future and not be so in your face lol

5) I'm definitely no make up guru but thanks for the compliment :biggrin: Rolly makes some good points which I won't rehash. I will eventually make a make up video by popular request but be warned, my make up fits into a sandwich bag and it takes me no more than 10 minutes for a full look with false lashes :x you won't want make up tips from me LOL

So before I get accused of being defensive, may I politely say that this post is just a clarification for all other readers following this post and I am happy to spend the time and effort helping where I can help. I've been busy in the past, and still am, but I want to make myself more accessible because I think we need more love in a society that creates so much insecurity. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. BELIEVE IT! Only get surgery when it's something that makes YOU happy and something you feel you can't live without.
Remember, beauty comes first from the inside!!

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Never ever go to Cinderella plastic surgury, it's the worst experience I had ever had in Korea. After surgery, I'm having my two eyes in different size, thighs and inside of the mouth still have affections even after stiches removed 1 months ago. I contacted them and they are doing nothing and no reply... heard lots of horrible story about their nose job and breast jobs as well.
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Never ever go to Cinderella plastic surgury, it's the worst experience I had ever had in Korea. After surgery, I'm having my two eyes in different size, thighs and inside of the mouth still have affections even after stiches removed 1 months ago. I contacted them and they are doing nothing and no reply... heard lots of horrible story about their nose job and breast jobs as well.
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