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Smitten Kitten's Surgery at MVP + Other Reviews and Experiences

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Congrats on the successful surgery!

could you give me MVP's kakao add? i also had a look at MVP's list of doctors but Dr Seo is not on it... Could he be Dr Suk instead?
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Your post and blog are really helpful :smile:
Thank you for sharing your experience
I'm really glad you had a successful surgery!!

I am leaving for Korea in two weeks and I was wondering if you could add me to the July/August kaokao group

I don't have enough posts to pm but my id is chaitea333
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Hello, I'm now interested in MVP. Can you give me their kakao ID?
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They have an English consultant who's quite busy but you can schedule appointments with them through her at ellena0424

if not I suppose you can go through their main website? http://www.imvp.co.kr/

hope this helps! deciding is always the hardest part!!
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  • 3 months later...
Hi everyone!

I thought I would finally update everyone with my experiences with surgery in Korea. As mentioned in earlier posts, I was going to COME BACK for ROUND 2 of surgery in Korea in late October. Well it's late October now and I am exactly 5 days post op and loving my results.

This time round, I have done lateral canto and fixed my entropian!! Sorry I don't have eyebag experiences to share...... but my sister did it and it is starting to look good now that she is 3 days post op.

-experiences of laterals on PF aren't great; small chances of success with high chance of failure. Seemed like people had issues with skin sealing resulting in no difference, extra "fleshy look", or rounded sides instead of corners for the back of the eye.
-if my rhino, epi, des results were good enough

-he affirmed that there is a small chance of the corners becoming round but that it is unlikely to happen
-he said that the lateral canto results would provide a subtle difference (showing a little more whites on the sides rather than more cornea)
-he said there would be no pain during operation
-he examined my epis and said that even if he cut a bit more it wouldn't make a difference because there is very little left to cut
-he checked my alars and said not to do any more to it

OKKKKKKKK!!!!! I guess it's time to trust Dr. Seo again and just go with it LOL..

Surgery felt long but there wasn't any pain.

I went into surgery at 11:00am and came out at 1:15pm. Despite being only under LA, I was extremely drowsy post op and tried so hard to stay up once I got to recovery room. I struggled and ended up napping for a bit then forced myself to get up and go home. As soon as my sister opened the room door for me, I WENT STRAIGHT TO BED AND SLEPT FOR 3 HOURS!!!!! aomgggggggg I woke up worried about my swelling and it seemed worse than the first time I did my operation so I decided to force myself to go out for a long walk that evening and slept up right the next 2 nights.

My stitches for my entropian came out Day 4 post op and it hurt a lot :sad: but I told myself it's better for it to hurt than for a thread to be left in the skin. Plus they have a NEW nurse who is very soft spoken, patient, and gentle... so yeah, I don't think that pain could have been avoided. My stitches for my laterals will come out tomorrow day 6 if she deems it safe to remove.

So far, so good! I still have corners for laterals and I am happy with the outcome. Even though the change is subtle, I feel like my eyes are ever slightly that much bigger (always a BIG plus haha).. Swelling is little and bruising is more however it is getting better every day.

I will update photos on my blog (link in signature) sometime this week if possible if not it will be done when I am back in Aussie.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I have just returned from my trip to Seoul and Japan!!

Here is the link to the airbnb I stayed at: https://www.airbnb.com.au/rooms/5340795

I will also update my blog with the link in case purseforum removes it here.. I can't remember the rules. My blog link can be found in my signature below each of my post where it is suppose to be.

:biggrin: I am loving my new nose. Currently almost 5 months post op and people say the final look isn't till 12 months but I have been liking it since day 1. On my trip back I had my eyebrows touched up and I was worried about the color -- the redness has toned down since then and 2 weeks post touch up the color is starting to match the rest of the eyebrows.
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Hey Smitten Kitten! Thank you so much for your review, it had me looking into MVP!

If it's not too much trouble, could I just ask:

1. I read that you did open rhinoplasty, what's the scarring like? With method B, was yours done with 'cinching' or was it just cutting and sewing? Do your nostrils look oddly shaped (I tried the pinching my top lip and I had... weird looking nostrils...)?

Thank you so much for your patience!
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  • 2 weeks later...
@ dragonboat -- my method was done with cutting and sewing. No cinching was involved. I asked Dr. Suh from JW about this (as he wrote a book about it) and even he suggested that cinching is a temporary thing that does not last over a year.
I am trying to take a photo to upload but PF is telling me I have to upload my image on a host first -.-.. If I pinch the area between my nostrils post op then yes they will look oddly shaped!! However before-op, when i pinched them they looked great! The explanation to this could be that I originally had very WIDE alars. My post op results still show a dramatic reduction in my alar size (i can't pick my nose with my fingers except with my pinky now and even that is tight!) -- perhaps your alars are already small?

@peachsoymilk -- my friend who did her op at bano had
-primary double eyelid surgery non incisional
-lateral cantho
-vertical cantho (which i dont understand what exactly it is because lateral cantho should cover the removing of the vertical slant)
-ptosis correction
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Can you PM me your blog link?

I actually wnt last year November 2014 to MVP for eye consult with a girlfriend and didn't feel too good about it, but your review is intriguing!

I'm going back to Korea end of Feb 2016 to get my nose done and would like to see your photos!Thank you!!!
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Hi all! Just an update,I just came back from Seoul and did my eyes at MVP too. First and foremost I'd like to thank @smitten_kitten again for giving me advices throughout my trip in Seoul pre and post op. I was panicking and freaking out prematurely cos its my first ps op (or any other op *touchwood*) and you've been calming my nerves abt everything so thank youu Bec :heart:!!

I went to 5 consultations before deciding on Mvp. The list was: Girin, Teuim, Jw, Dream & Mvp. But MVP wasnt even on my list initially cos i didnt book an appointment with them (tried to but no reply bfore my trip) but I went anyway cos Bec told me I could do walk-in!So glad i did cos i almost went with Girin which i decided straight after consults with them and Teuim, partly bcos i was too nervous and just wanna rush it thru, get it done and over with. So glad i made it for all my consults.

My Procedures were des, epi and ptosis correction by Dr.Seo. im almost 2 weeks post-op and I have to say So far so good. I asked for highest parallel crease possible for my eyes, a bit of epi as theyre alrd too close apart but bcos i cant do laterals (due to dry eyes and Dr.Seo was against it) i went ahead with epi to fix my left eye's mongolian fold and also ptosis correction.

Everyone in MVP including Drs and nurses were awesome especially Ellen who had been taking care of me until the day I come back home. She's the only consultant who speaks english, most of the consultants can speak mandarin too (so does all the clinics I go to) so dont bother going to third parties like docfinder,etc.

Hmm, it's only 2 weeks post-op but I'm already liking my result...just hoping the swell will go down just a lil bit more. Im positive it'll turn out like what I requested. Everyone who knws I went for ps told me it looks really natural, those who doesnt, havent said anything :P So thats a good thing.

Feel free to ask any questions! I wanna give back to this community cos I've been gaining alot of informations frm this forum for the last 1 year bfore having the confidence and guts to go ahead with it :smile:
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