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Smitten Kitten's Surgery at MVP + Other Reviews and Experiences

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I can't figure out how to create a thread here...So I am gonna share my experience I had at MVP here. I am now two weeks post-op of my revision rhinoplasty at MVP and have to say that i am very satisfied with my result. I chose Dr. Choi because he does revision, and reconstruction surgeries of severe nose cases. I had in total three consultations with him. One when I first went in to have my consultation with him and a second one to clarify a few more questions i had accumulated after many consultations with different doctors and the third one just before going in for the surgery. Dr. Choi recommended to use silicone for bridge and my own septal cartilage for the tip extension. He said he will use my ear cartilage when needed (but he didn't). This was the same feedback I had received from all the other clinics and thus agreed to go with this procedure. My overall experience at MVP was very positive as well like Smitten Kitten had reported here. I was well taken care before and after the surgery. Elizabeth, who was my consultant was always attentive to my needs and supported me throughout the whole process. She even organised a driver to take me to the airport which was very kind. I had consulted with Cocoline, O&Young, D.A PS, Dream, JK, and 101 by Dr. Paik before I made my decision to go with MVP. About Dr. Choi, he was sympathetic to me from the beginning and I had a good feeling from the beginning. He also answered all my questions well which I brought up. One thing i liked about MVP is that they did not pressure me to pay my deposit right away which was a huge help because I was pretty consumed with all the visits to different clinics and wanted to make a sound decision after I had visited all of them.

Here is what i think about my consultations at the other clinics:

1. O&Young: I had my first consultation with O&Young. It was the most horrific and terrifying consultation experience I had from all of them when i think back. After they had taken my CT-scan and picture, I was allowed to see Dr. Oh. The consultant, Terry, was there to help with the translation. However, the translation and the whole meeting was just bad because the doctor didn't seem to understand me. I showed him pictures of my desired nose shape and on the screen where he had my picture displayed, he drew a totally different nose shape than I had shown him in the picture and he just scarred me off. I showed him one thing, and he showed me something totally different, a picture of someone with a droopy nose when I explained him I want my tip defined. After a while, trying to explain to him what I wanted, Dr. Oh became very moody and inpatient and said that's what he understood i wanted. I became frustrated since both Terry and Dr. Oh did not seem to understand me. I left them saying I will come back and never returned.

2. Cocoline: I picked Cocoline on last minute because someone had recommended to me when I was in SK. I realy liked my consultation with Dr. Kim Tai-hwan. He is an E.N.T board certified doctor and used to work for ID hospital for many years before opening his own clinic with his partner. He seemed very experienced and capable to do the job. i would have trusted him since he said that my nose case was a simple one and he can deliver what i wanted which is having a defined tip with elongated columella. However, the reason I did not go with Cocoline is that they don't have an English interpreter in-house and I had to bring my own interpreter when I went consulting with them (which was not cheap, KRW 60,000.00 for two hours) and plus, I didn't really find their b&a pictures very transformative. The changes done were very minimal. I asked the consultant the second time I went there for short nose correction cases but she could not find me a single one which had lengthened the tip and columella. The consultant told me, the individuals on the picture had limited skin and thus was not possible, but for your case, it should be okay...This didn't really convince me.

3. Dream PS: I had actually crossed out Dream from my list because i had read too many negative reviews here on PF (saying that Dr. Park promises one thing but delivers something else) but since their building was nearby, I said, why not go and consult with them to see what Dr. Park says. Dr. Park actually said the same thing as Dr. Kim Tae-hwan from Cocoline, however the consultation was very brief, took not longer than 5-10 min max. Since the consultants pressured me to pay the same day to have the surgery the following week on Monday, I just left them saying I need more time to think.

4. J.K: I went to J.K just mainly out of curiosity because I wanted to see how a big clinic is like. I can tell you, it was very impersonal. Dr. Sik also said the same thing, to use silicone for bridge and septal cartilage for tip. The only thing he mentioned was that my nose was slightly deviated and if he does my revision, he will either focus on the glabella lines or the vertical lip lines. This confused me a bit.

5. 101 Clinic by Dr. Paik: A totally different experience here. Dr. Paik doesn't like to use silicone for bridge and septal cartilage for the tip. He advised that i use my own dermis graft for the bridge and ear cartilage along with my alloderm graft for the tip. He said the septal cartilage makes a weird smile when used. having to use my own dermis graft for the bridge was something i didn't think and researched about so i left 101 with mixed feelings. And even if i wanted to go with Dr. Paik, he would have been free in November because he only does one surgery a day.

6. D.A PS: My consultation at D.A was kind of irritating. I chose to have my consultation with Dr. Son because he is one of the most experienced rhinoplasty surgeons there but my meeting with him was just bad. He said my current nose was okay and that i should be happy with it. He didn't understand why i wanted a defined tip - the columella extended. He said he won't change my silicone, just cut out the L- silicone into I silicone and reinsert it back. This was ringing red signals in my head. Since my consultation went bad with Dr. Son, the consultant asked if I wanted to consult with Dr. Ahn because he does more of the dramatic noses at D.A. I agreed and met with Dr. Ahn and he suggested the same thing as the other doctors and said he will use my septal cartilage to lengthen my tip. Overall good but then, I was pressured to pay the whole amount for the surgery on the spot to reserve my surgery date, and this definitely made me run.
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  • 3 months later...
Hi @MissOrange hopefully you read this.
I'm going to korea summer 2019 for revision des and fat grafting.

Your result is really impressive and I would like to ask you question for the purpose of my research.

If you don't mind can you pm me your kakao ID or Whatsapp?

I don't know how to pm since I'm new to PF

Thanks much
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