jessicacorbyn Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 Let me know if you make your own thread. Hope you heal well ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swtdevlgrl Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 Hi MissOrange, would you mind sharing the kakao group with me through PM? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mxm027 Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 Can you add me as well pls? Just donwloaded it and not sure how it works? mxm027 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smitten_kitten Posted April 30, 2016 Author Share Posted April 30, 2016 Go for it!!! Honesty is the best policy!! Plus I believe someone else has posted their personal MVP experience here too so it might be better for it all to be in one place. friendly reminder for your post op healing, keep off the salty food, drink lots of water, walk as much as you can, cold pack at the very least twice a day... and great I just realised I didn't update the "post op care" section of my blog =.= sorry.. can I get it done by mid year? there is just so much! lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
needitdone Posted April 30, 2016 Share Posted April 30, 2016 Hi, can I know what the quote was for ur procedure? Did you just get double eyelid revision or did you have ptosis correction as well? I would also love to join the kakao group. My kakao is cynthiayy88 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kokokiki Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Hi all! I am in Korea now for fat graft but consulted several eye docs during this trip. Please add me to the 2016 kakaochat! Even though not doing eyes revision this time around, I feel like I will be back to do it because my Epi area still bothers me so much! Please add me to the kakaochat. My ID is: pearlsnjeans Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
missnewface Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Omg this is meant to be. I have a Consultation with MVP tmrw morning! Can u send me your before pics from your side profile (it's not on your blog ...) My email Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swtdevlgrl Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Hi missnewface, please update us after you've gone to the consultation Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swtdevlgrl Posted May 1, 2016 Share Posted May 1, 2016 Hi curiouscat, do you mind saying how much you paid as I am looking to get the same procedures? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragonboat Posted May 2, 2016 Share Posted May 2, 2016 Thanks Kitten! Hope you don't mind me hijacking your thread. Here's my experience at MVP - I went for a few consultations but frankly I did have my heart set on MVP because Ellen was really straightforward, nice, and really had a way of setting my mind at ease. She (and Dr. Seo) didn't push me to do anything unnecessary (I had wanted to do DES but she advised against it) either. After the initial consultation, I went to a few other clinics to consult as well - after which, I decided on MVP. Tried to book a date for surgery but as no one replied my messages, I decided to walk-in and ask for a date. Quick note: the clinic opens at 9am but Ellen starts her shift at 10am, so when I arrived at 9.30am, there were only Chinese-speaking consultants. I tried to communicate that I was waiting for Ellen, and that I was hoping to have the surgery. As my given name was in Chinese, the Chinese-speaking consultant tried to speak to me in Mandarin despite me repeating many times that I am not comfortable with speaking the language. In any case, the Chinese-speaking consultant (who I shall call A henceforth) made me pay UPFRONT for the surgery, before bringing me to the consulting room to talk - going through the informed consent forms, briefly running through the procedure, and the like. I was a little confused at this point because shouldn't the payment be made after the procedure has been confirmed? I was also confused because I saw a Korean patient paying after she has changed into the medical gowns and all, but I was asked to pay first...? The informed consent form was entirely in Mandarin and thus I asked for an English contract instead. Despite A's reassurances that the consent forms were the same - they are different. She also sped through the explanation and I had to ask her several times to slow down or to clarify what she meant as I've mentioned that I am not comfortable with Mandarin - it is a language that I have learnt for a few years but I am nowhere proficient in it, and if it is possible to ask Ellen or the other English-speaking consultant to explain to me instead. She brushed me off with a, "Didn't I just tell you that? Why are you asking again?" As I was reading through the contract, she left the room and came back to tell me that Dr. Seo has suggested an alternative for my surgery instead of what was discussed, and when I tried to ask her for more information, she said she did not know how to explain it as it is a "medical/professional term". I then asked if it was possible for her to Google translate it into English, and for me to search it on my own so I would have a better idea - and this was when she rolled her eyes at me and said in Mandarin, "If you don't want to do it, you can just tell me directly instead of pretending to search and beating the bush." (亲, 如果你不想做,可以直接跟我说,不用拐弯抹角查证什么的 which frankly, was really rude. I tried to tell her that I'm just trying to clarify the alternative procedure since she can't/won't explain it, and there's no one to explain it to me and it's different from what was discussed before. At this point in time, Ellen entered the office and discussed with the consultant - she asked the consultant what's the issue and A told her about the alternative procedure. Ellen then asked me what the issue was and I told her that I don't quite recognise or understand it, if she could just clarify that would be great, and she did. Went to change and headed up to the 3rd floor for the surgery. Unlike Kitten's experience, I did not do any blood tests/ECGs/CT scans or anything similar and just headed straight in for surgery. On hindsight, I should have panicked at little since I have arrhythmia They asked me if I felt well enough and I replied that I had a bit of a flu, but I guess that was okay for rhinoplasty... and then I was sedated and knocked out. I woke up about four hours later, with my nose all taped up and bandaged, and was given a pack of medicines, 3 bags of pumpkin juice, and a follow-up appointment for the next day for a "de-swelling treatment" (which I believe is PDT + a IV drip). I was also given Neodex to apply on my stitches, three times a day. I was also told to have more protein to speed up recovery but due to my face being numb and "tight", I couldn't really open my mouth... Also, in the initial consultation, Ellen promised a laser mole removal with the surgery for the price, but I'm guessing due to the sudden change in consultants, it wasn't carried out in the end :/ Recovery-wise, it didn't really hurt but there was a lot of mucus/runny nose + bloodied phlegm in my throat, which made swallowing difficult. You really have to be diligent with your medicine as there's painkillers/Tylenol to help with the pain. On the third day though, I had the most intense body aches - it was so painful I couldn't get out of bed or walk, and had to roll just to get my medicines that were on the table. The body aches continued for three days... As suggested by Kitten, it really helps with the bruising to sleep sitting up - uncomfortable, but it helps. I tried to sleep lying down because it was too uncomfortable but I had yellow/purple splotches all over my face the next day, which abated once I went back to sleeping sitting straight up As I didn't get an artificial implant, I could wear my glasses right after I removed my stitches (on the 10th day)!! There was this other Korean consultant, who spoke marginal Mandarin, who was really sweet - the removal of stitches hurt, and she held my hand through the procedure It's now 2 weeks post-op and my nose is still a tad uneven, but I'm attributing that to it still being swollen and recovering. A did say that if there's anything wrong with my nose within 2 years, there will be a free revision for it - but I'm hoping it heals well and there will be no need for it! Let me know if you have any questions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
freshlook Posted May 2, 2016 Share Posted May 2, 2016 Hello Smitten-Kitten!! I am from Europe and i was considering to go in Korea for medical tourism. I am about a 2 year member in this forum & i learned a lot but still i am very confused about the whole process & nervous, as you said before it's our face so we have to be extremely careful about our decisions. Could you please give me your Kakao ID so we can be friends and ask you any possible questions that i may have about plastic surgery? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
odnok Posted May 13, 2016 Share Posted May 13, 2016 Hey there! I read that you did a bridge plasty. Did you put silicon in there or Osteotomy? How did they do your alar and tip? Thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
curiouscat24 Posted May 14, 2016 Share Posted May 14, 2016 @swtdevlgrl Hii! havent been here for awhile, just saw this! I will direct message you And btw @smitten_kitten ,just saw your new pictures! you look amazinggggg ❤️❤️❤️ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jiaxo Posted May 16, 2016 Share Posted May 16, 2016 I know there still might be some swelling, but would you say that you are satisfied with your rhinoplasty aesthetically at this point? Also, how soon were they able to book you in for the surgery? I am very much considering MVP for my primary DES/Rhino next month and would love to hear some second opinions on Dr.Seo's skills. Thanks in advance! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
smitten_kitten Posted May 17, 2016 Author Share Posted May 17, 2016 @odnok I had bridge plasty using a silicone brand named Pureform and it was a lot softer than CheongdamU's silicone which they declare to be the softest out there. @curiouscat24 thank youuu.. i am feeling the love. the best part about having the operation done is feeling good in my own skin and not feeling like i need eyeliner before I leave my house anymore. @dragonboat i wasn't going to read your review coz it was so long but i'm glad I did and I can fully understand why you said "go straight to ellen". There are a couple of things which are consistent which are 1) it's hard to schedule a booking in advance but you can walk in and do a consult 2) ask for Ellen or a English consultant 3) seems like IV drips for deswelling are offered to everyone which is a really good thing most clinics, operate, send you home, remove stitches and say goodbye. I'm glad MVP is asking everyone to come back for additional/cost included treatments. * I think if you had gone back and asked about your mole they would have scheduled you back in to do it again. I had to ask Ellen if they really used laser therapy on two scars on my body because I didn't see or feel an effect and Ellen confirmed that they did. It wasn't until a week later that scabs started to form above the scars. So yeah I had it done without knowing. I've had two mole removals on my face before and you can tell when it's removed so I dont think yours has been.. but it's a very simple 10 minute procedure that you can do with clothes on + being awake so I would think they would have given it to you if you went back to enquire why it wasnt done. Glad to know you're healing well and that there's a 2 year post op guarantee!!! I wasnt told that lol @everyone sorry if it takes me awhile to respond. I am also aware that my PF inbox is full but it keeps filling up no matter how often I delete stuff. Also I'm not entirely fluent with kakao - better for you to add me on beccahoo rather than me taking note of so many kakao IDs to add.. I might consider lumping everyone into one kakao group so I dont have to repeat myself or maybe start a youtube channel?To answer some persistent questions 1) almost ALL korean PS clinics accept walk in consultations and you can get a booking with your surgeon of choice pretty easily. Just allow yourself extra days in Korea so you don't have to feel rushed. 2) yes, I had to pay for my surgeries as well... would someone like to endorse me? lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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