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Smitten Kitten's Surgery at MVP + Other Reviews and Experiences

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Hi All,
Contacted MVP and Mindy attend to my queries. I am still considering but have booked flight ticket to go korea on 23 Dec... anyone is keen on MVP? I am considering nose job and eyelid surgery. Let's chat... i am scared too.. first time.. =/
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I'm also interested in MVP for eyes, will probably be going mid-December. I still want to research more though :smile: let's chat!
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  • 2 weeks later...
I just put down my deposit for incisional DES, rhino and fat graft at MVP. Surgery date is next Wednesday. I decided that I will document my experience for you guys because I am all nerves about it and it is helping me relax.
Desired eyelid crease: Medium parallel (out-fold)

The clinics I visited before I made a decision: TL, Banobagi, Wonjin, JK, Teium, JW, MVP, Dream. I actually wrote very detailed consultation summaries for each clinic, notes on doctors, and happy to share if you PM me. My shortlist ended up being: JW, MVP, Dream. I spent two weeks total visiting all the clinics.

I put a deposit down at JW, but the earliest slot they had was Oct 21 which is a little late for me. They are currently completely booked for the month. Emily at JW is great and super sweet, and I still did my eyebrow tattoo and mole reduction + laser skin treatments. Too early to tell how the skin stuff is going, but they got me to do aqua injections which hurt like hell and I don't think I could go through it ever again. I will say, skin seems glowy-er now. The eyebrows -- love how they came out. However, I was a pussy and scared of them being too dark, so against their advice I only did 2 coats. I figured there is a free touchup which I can do in another couple weeks, so might as well err on the safe side. But I am seeing now that I was probably way too conservative and should have let them do at least 3 coats. Great shape though, and I think JW does a great job with 4D eyebrow stuff.

I liked JW because everyone is so friendly, and the wifi is excellent. Excellent wifi is very important to me. Also, I heard good things about their nose and eye surgeons, I like that each is specialized, but they couldn't get me morning time slots, and they also couldn't find a way for me to have both eyes and nose surgeries on the same date.

I am kind of relieved that it happened this way. Dr. Choi (DES specialist at JW) recommended partial incision technique and I just feel I have some extra skin that probably full incision would be more precise and better at removing. I am still a little torn about whether I should get my nose done at JW because I liked Dr. Suh's rhino plan, although, it is really hard to know what the "right" plan is, not being a surgeon myself and all. Dr. Suh recommended alarplasty and nose bridge silicone implant along with tip-plasty. My goal is to shorten the length of my nose, and while this is not technically possible, you can make it appear shorter by lifting the tip a bit, not make it so droopy. I also want it to be narrower, but natural. More button-nose than angular.

I visited Dream because it was so close and I heard they can do "dolly" eyes which I guess is more what I am going for. I thought I had conservative taste until I came here. I wear circle lenses, double eyelid tape, heavy dark eyeshadow and false lashes every single day. It is an art project every morning. I am seeking to streamline that morning routine so that I don't have to cut out little eye tape shapes every morning. I enjoy doing makeup like, and would like to be able to apply it like a normal person.

I honestly loved Dream when I first visited. First time I went, they gave me a Chinese translator and I realized how bad my Chinese really was. I wasn't able to communicate efficiently or confidently so I requested another followup with the English translator. I saw Dr. Park for nose and Dr. Won-Jae Yoo for eyes. I liked my consultation with Dr. Yoo so much that I almost put a deposit down right after it, but the consultant told me to make sure what date I wanted and get back to them. Dr. Yoo was extremely thorough in his consultation and spoke some English which was helpful. He took his time to explain exactly why and how he was going to do the double eyelid. He recommended incisional DES, without epi, and was confident he could do a medium parallel crease. I love Dream because the waiting room is so comfortable, chargers everywhere, and of course, excellent Wifi. I decided I should probably stop letting Wifi quality factor into my decision.

After Dream, I walked over to MVP for my second consultation. I had seen Dr. Hyun previously for eyes, and this time I requested to see Dr. Seo because of all the reviews on this thread. Mindy the English consultant is as wonderful and bubbly and charming as everyone says she is. She makes me feel so comfortable, even though I was originally at some point going to rule out any doctor that did not speak English. My original thinking was that one of the most important things is that the doctor understands exactly what I want and I was not sure they could, if there was an extra layer of communication between us, kind of like playing a game of telephone. But Mindy is probably one of the best translators and communicators I met in my adventure here in SK. She made me feel very confident the doctor understands what I want and she is translating exactly what he says each time.

I ended up putting deposit down for surgery date with Dr. Seo for both eyes and nose because he showed me the exact crease I wanted in like 2 attempts, on both eyes. He made it seem so easy and that he was so confident that he could do it. I don't know if I am putting too much emphasis on the crease that the doctors show me in the consultations, but I figure that if a doctor can't show me the crease with a tool, how is he going to be able to make me a crease via surgery? I feel much better if the doctor is able to consistently reproduce the crease I like and show me what he can do. Since I can't speak Korean, this gives me great confidence to be able to see the visual. I think I am going to go back tomorrow or day after to see Dr. Seo again and learn more about the rhino because I am still a little confused as to exactly what type of alarplasty and tip-plasty and osteotomy he is doing. But I chose him for nose too, because I don't want implants. I like the shape and height of my nose already, I just want it to be more well positioned on my face.

I also prepared a very thorough Google Slide deck that details my medical history, all the research I did about each surgery and how I think each one will be done (so doctor can confirm my understanding), what I hope to achieve with each one and pictures of what I like and don't like. I think visuals are the most helpful in bridging the language gap, and I will probably have a friend translate all my text into Korean for me as well, just to be sure. I am happy to share my deck with some people, but it's something like this:


MVP was able to meet all my silly demands for a morning 9am time slot...do all my surgeries all at once. They don't seem bothered if I need to come see the doctor as many times as I need to feel comfortable. I am very neurotic, but they indulge all my OCD-ness without making me feel the least bit guilty. The only thing I will say, is that the Wifi sucks, and that is a bummer.

I am distracting myself with prepping for the big day, prepping for post-op, figuring out how to communicate the designs I want as clearly as possible. I'm actually starting to have fun with this for the first time. This has been agonizing for weeks, and now that I have pulled the trigger on going with MVP, it almost feels like I already had the surgery and it went really well lol. Feeling manic about it, but they really made me feel like - how could it possibly go wrong. I hope it pans out the way I am willing it to, and will continue to keep this thread posted! :smile:

Also I have no idea when I am leaving Korea. I just decided I will stay here until I like my face better.

@MissOrange @smitten_kitten thanks for posting your reviews. I have no idea if you are real people who wrote about their 100% real experience or just excellent marketing, but either way, you made me feel confident in this decision, and therefore happier, and that's the point of all this anyways, right? :smile:
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Wow that's great, when the video goes online please let us know! You should tell the clinics you went to that you'll be going on TV, in exchange for plugging their clinic in the UK, you might be able to get some free surgery out of this. :smile:
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Hi everyone!
First post haha, I've been watching these forums for probably 2+ years now and am finally heading to Korea in Nov!

MVP is my top choice right now though I intend to consult with a fair few others on my list before deciding, if I do go with MVP I'll probably share my experience here too!

Just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone here especially smitten_kitten and MissOrange for the super detailed reviews and pics, both of you look seriously INCREDIBLE and reading through everything really made me feel a lot more informed since I hadn't heard much about MVP here previously but I loved their b&a and the general vibe of their website/correspondence (kind of an attention to detail/informative vibe that's a bit rare to see on the english sites for korean clinics if you know what I mean)

@owlgore best of luck with your procedures!!! the powerpoint idea is actually genius and I might steal it myself haha, seems like a great way to make sure surgeon and patient are on the same page which is super important for easing (my) nerves.
If you're willing to share your deck I'd really love to see it! Would you be able to PM them to me?
Also would it be possible to see a pic of your JW eyebrows privately...I really want to get that done over there too tho not sure if going to a ps clinic for just brows might seem a bit odd...(I contacted JW before for rhino/lipo quotes so...haha)

I'm wondering where you guys stayed for your visits, did you all just cab it to and from the clinic?
Any accommodation recommendations?

There is a 'hotel/accomodation' section on the site but it's very vague about whether that's some kind of hotel affiliation/discount or an actual in-house accomodation service like Banobagi...I suppose I could email them about it but I'm a little hesitant to book accom with a clinic since I'm not sure if I'll go with them in the end and don't want to give that impression etc;

Also anyone going in Nov who wants to chat feel free to PM me for kakao etc! :smile:
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Hey which date are you going? I already booked my flight and Im going on 25.10 to 3.11 (the end date hasnt been set yet). Maybe we can meet up.
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@MissOrange Oh wow the Gangnam Art Nouveau looks gorgeous thank you for the very detailed info! I'm staying for almost a month+ this trip so will probably go with something more budget but will keep it in mind for next time.

Did you confirm surgery with MVP prior to arriving?
I'm just looking to consult and visiting other clinics too so I wouldn't want to hassle MVP for airport pickup or chauffeuring but their service sounds excellent which is very nice to know.

Glad so many people here seem to have had a positive ps experience, looking forward to my trip even more now! :smile:
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There are a few girls in my kk group chat that are going in nov, including myself. Ill be there nov 2-16 and ill also be consulting with MVP when I land. If you'd like to join our chat, let me know and ill add you.
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Add me too will be going in November too.
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I've been looking into MVP for revision rhinoplasty and lip lift.

@MissOrange I saw you had the lip lift procedure done at MVP - do you mind sharing a bit about what the recovery is like? I'm scared the scar will take a long time to heal and fade because of the constant movement in this area.
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Hihi, regarding lip lift, you may consider having a consultation with Dr. Joo Heon Lee at April 31. At the clinic, I have seen the result of his patient who came for follow up 5 days after her lip lift. It looks natural without obvious scar. I learned that he has done lots of research and invented his own technique in doing lip lift.
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Where was the scar? Under the columella or along the lip line?
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