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CK clinic Korea?

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Hello! After months of just lurking I've decided to start my first thread!

I've already gotten my eyes and nose done in Seoul. (Semi ps for eyes and the bidan for nose)I've had a relatively easy journey with my two first surgeries, and I'm happy with the results. However, because of the two surgeries the wideness/squareness of my face and jaw have been emphasized. I'm looking into a combination of v-line and zygoma surgeries. Because of the extreme nature of these surgeries (I guess in terms of invasiveness) I'm very cautious with who I go to.

I've ruled out most of the larger/factory like clinics, as I'm looking for a specialist. I'm settled on Everm or CK clinic. I love the before and afters on CK's website, but I can't really find ANY information on CK on here or online, which worries me. Has anyone had experience with this clinic/know someone who has gone there?
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