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The Truth About Double Jaw Surgery in Korea, EverM

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Hi I had vline and zygoma reduction with two jaw.
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I also had 2jaw done and partytrees is exactly right about the post op. I would drool constantly and it was hard to breathe with my jaws wired shut. I got creative and taped some gauze below my mouth to catch the drool while I sleep. Careful not to tape too much to your skin. I think the nurse chuckled a little bit but I did too when she saw me like that but hey, I'm sure she understands the reason.

The first time I took the antibiotics, I puked most of it all out. I was not expecting it to be so disgusting.

It did feel like a bus hit you in the face and I remember telling my family back at home that. My siblings laughed at how silly my face looked, I didn't mind but what was tough was I couldn't laugh along with them. My face would hurt a little when I do and I look ridiculous trying to laugh which cause them to laugh even more and then I'm laughing more at myself and it hurts more! Lol good times..
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Heyo, Did u see significant results from zygoma? I m coming to 6 months post surgery at everm. I could swear no changes at all from zygoma reduction, my right cheekbone feels bigger too.. That said my 2 jaw did produce significant changes.. Heading back in September for a final check up..
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CatAlarm did you do yours at everm?

I had zygoma reduction too, they shaved 3.0mm but it feels and looks like 0. I'm about 5 weeks post op so I'll give them the benefit of doubt, although I don't think much will change because there isn't much swelling left around my zygoma.
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So that explains it, they used the shaving method, I thought they broke my zygoma and push it inwards like other PS clinics. at least that's what Dr yoon said, push it inwards and upwards to prevent sagging.. That said I feel my v line could be a lot more natural though, As in when I open my mouth really wide, u can sorta see where the bone s been shaved, hopefully the edges will smooth out over time.. I m going back in September to ask for a before and after x ray, don't think I ll want to put myself through the pain of zygoma revision. Hmm I expected a lot more from everm tbh.. It s sad that they didn't at least even out my assymetrical cheekbone, I truly feel that everm is only good for 2 jaw, quite conservative v line, and definitely insignificant zygoma reduction results.
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hey Mickely! I'm sorry for the late reply. Been so caught up with the follow up work and orthodontics work after two jaw. It is a nightmare.

Anyway I used the word "shave" because I didn't know what word to use, I'm not sure if they shaved my zygoma or broke it in and pushed it in like you said. Hence maybe it might not explain why we're not seeing the results of zygoma :sad: Also, just to be fair, mine were not prominent to begin with! Were yours prominent before?
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So apparently, Everm is upset that I have mentioned on this thread that my zygoma is not significantly reduced on this thread. Honestly, the zygoma is barely the tip of the iceberg of the issues that I face post op. I already swept it under the rug thinking at least they didn't make it worse. I'm ok if it doesn't look changed. I only replied because it was mentioned.

This morning I received this:

"How are u"
"I saw your review again"
"I think u r not satisfied about cheek bone"
"We did cut it and push inward u didn't reduce swelling perfectly"
"U need to tome for recovery"
"We upset about this"
"U don't even sure about result of cheek bone just wrote it in forums thats really make us upset"
"if u have some problme just talk to us"
"And many patient just ask us about cheek bone because of u"
"Please understand us"

Apparently, I am writing about my cheekbone problem even before consulting them because I am incapable of seeing whether I am still swollen or not.

I actually feel a little harassed that she would make me filter what I can post or cannot post online. I would also understand if what was being said were lies or hearsay. Yet if everything that is mentioned is my firsthand experience that I can back up with photographs, I do appreciate how I am made to feel like I shouldn't be posting about them.

Unfortunately, this is also not the first time this has happened.

"I will call u today"
"But please don't need to talk other people about your situation u are not sure yet your problme is our mistakes other customers keep asking us about your situation"
"I know u t upset but please wait 2 hours i will explain to u"

Regarding another issue, not the zygoma, I was asked to refrain from talking about it. They are also unsure that the problem is their mistake. I mean, it could be mine? Because when I was under GA, I might have operated on myself? Or it could be because someone else planned and executed the surgery? I don't know. I need some enlightenment on how the clinic that did the surgery might not have been the ones that made a mistake?

But of course, after speaking to Gahee I am reassured, as always, that the problem will be better after my swelling goes down. She says I can trust her. So I believe that in 4.5 months, (6 months after my surgery), I should expect my smile to correct itself and return, my abnormally long philtrum to return to its original shorter length and my zygoma to significantly be reduced.

I started posting my experiences because I wanted people to know what to expect during two jaw. The main problem I face now, I did not read about or encounter anywhere. I wish that I had read about it somewhere because I would have reconsidered the surgery, and since it could have been prevented, I would have reconsidered the clinic.

Can't say that I'm not the least bit disappointed in EverM. I expected more integrity and results from them.
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Yikes that's not ideal is it.

I understand why they might be frustrated if you post about potential "complications" with your surgery results when in actual fact it is far too early and you are just healing but on the other hand, the way they've dealt with it is not great.

I do see a lot of people post "OMG I'm botched!" when they are 2 weeks post op (which is like...months too early to be able to say that) but trying to threaten or silence you just doesn't fly outside of Korea. In Korea, there are laws about what you can write about clinics.. Maybe that's where this mentality comes from.

But I'm glad to hear your results are good:smile:
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I am sorry to hear about your experience.

I think that is rather unprofessional of Everm. We should be able to share our experience wherever we please to. if they are so concerned about what we may say, then perhaps,provide successful outcomes. I noticed there was too much of a push for zygoma reduction but they could not justify why I needed it at all. Now after my surgery, I see that I did not.
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  • 4 months later...
I know this is over 4 months old, but I was wondering how you're doing partytrees. Waiting for recovery is the worst, but I hope the harassment stopped and you're happy with the results!
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This is crazy but it's the reality of plastic surgery in Korea. The reason why it's hard to find any negative reviews on plastic surgery clinics in Korea is because it's totally legal for clinics to sue patients for damaging their monthly income and defamation of character. Get this, the truth is not a valid defense in South Korea against defamation of character. Clinics are used to threatening their patients so easily and probably expected OP to act scared and remove his/her post like most Koreans would.

Usually patients can tell early on (within the first month or so) the final result of their facial contouring, the residual swelling for your zygoma wouldn't have been much, and perhaps EverM was a bit conservative on your zygoma. If you're not satisfied, the only option you have is to revise (typically a good clinic should allow a free revision if the result isn't satisfactory) or let the clinic try to convince you left and right that your surgery was done perfectly until you cave in.

As for your philtrum, if you search on Naver in Korean, a common side effect of 2-jaw surgery is the appearance of a longer philtrum. :sad:
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  • 5 months later...
just curious how did EverM found out that you're posting on these forums?
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The clinics monitor these forums (crazy yes) and sometimes they have promoters posing as normal posters on here. You have to be careful ^^ Like on the negative clinics thread, two new accounts started promoting one of the clinics someone reviewed bad, and they got banned.
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