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The Truth About Double Jaw Surgery in Korea, EverM

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How do you like your results jkeemi? Did you get a natural or dramatic v line? And wow usually the price includes everything, what kind of hidden fees did everm charge? Did you find the price reasonable?
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Hey thank you so much for your information. Did u have any revision after the first surgery? Some of them who did two jaw surgery have revision. Is it really painful? can u figure out ur pain ? Lets take the example from 1 to 10? Which number are u? Cause i will do two jaw surgery also in this july due to my underbite
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  • 1 month later...
I'm very interested in EverM since I really like the patients' B&As that they post in their reviews on their website. It seems like the doctor there has done a lot of double jaw surgeries and has a lot of experience...how much do they charge for double jaw?
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Good thing I came across this thread! I'm going to be careful with EverM
Why do clinics do that? Like why can't we post here about our own experience?
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  • 2 weeks later...
For me, they charged 10 mil won w v line. However, I would say this - there was a lack of communication since I didn't hire a translator (as that would be redic expensive and i can speak Korean (conversationally) and I have an aunt that helped me out a bit with translating. I am happy with my results, but slightly unhappy as well. I had a very large and angular jaw and now it's been reduced to a tiny jaw. My friends say I look cute now, instead of intimidating since my jaw was protruding before, but Sadly i have a lot of excess skin so make sure you think about that when deciding to do v line. If i could go back in time I wish the Dr Yoon could've told me how much he was cutting and drawn lines and such but he just did a sort of cookie cutter method so now I have a double chin and droopy jowls. I have to get liposuction to get rid of my droopiness.
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I would definitely get a translator and have him discuss how much or how little you want to have shaved down or any at all. in retrospect i didn't want V line but I sort of threw it in since he offered. I used to have a model like jaw that was very angular. Just be aware that this is a dental institution and not cosmetic, so they will make sure your teeth and orthopedics are good, not how you look. In all I think that I could've gone somewhere else but considering that I had more risk since I was not being wired shut I decided to go the safer route and with a dental place and not cosmetic place.
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Congrats girl! I'm glad you're going through with it. I will warn you though that it is very, and I will tell you, very rough the first week and a half. If you scroll up to the OP they describe it well with how harrowing it can be. I was not wired shut but I had rubber bands that were extremely tight. There were times at night (during the first week) that i was having panic attacks because I could not breathe through my teeth and my nose was SO clogged.

You will definitely need a butt cushion.. I used my travel pillow but still had a sore butt. You will definitely be restless for the first two days and have a lot of discomfort when sleeping but the nurses at EverM were awesome to me. The first week back was hell at night. I slept upright but had clogged nostrils for days. You can't blow either so be mentally prepared. I bought nasal strips to help open my passages, but what did help for me was to take showers to help the steam loosen up mucus. It did help that I wasn't taking a shower everyday since it gets blood flowing. I also purchased an humidifier and would put my face over it when I had a panic attack to sort of relax and to help me breathe.
I wasn't too hungry for the first week and all I really ate was clear one broth (ox tail soup) and Ensure (which made my mouth feel icky bc of the sugar but tasted great)

Pain level is like a 5 out of surgery, 9 at night of surgery then 8 for the next week... but it's like more of a mental than physical thing. Make sure you have lots of love and try not to be alone. I was very scared at times and it helps to have someone talk you through panic attacks and walk with you when you have a mask on!

If you have any more questions feel free to dm me!!
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  • 3 months later...
I had my dentist broke my jaw to fix my bite. He suck to. He made my face longer. I will not say pain does not bother me. But what sucks is not being able to eat, my jaw was wired closed. After they kick me out the hospital. I drove home.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you really . Sharing this helps a lot with decision making! I feel sorry for your pain that you had to go through! I am thinking about contouring surgery or jaw surgery. How much was the price of your jaw surgery?and was it cheaper than in your country? Sometimes a lot of people who go to Korea think they save money but end up paying the same as if they would have done it in their country.
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