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A guy solo plastic surgery adventure

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Sooooo, the day of surgery is nearly approaching. It is currently 5:18am in Korea, I cannot sleep due to jet lagged and here I am writing this as I wait for 10am for my consultation.

Will update this when I go for my consultation and day to day healing process for anyone who is interested :smile:
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So at 10AM (Korea time) today, I went in for my consultation. Although I arrived a bit late because I got lost on the way there (lol), the clinic was really patient with me and still accommodate my appointment with the doctor. Roughly around 11am, I went and spoke to the doctor who was nice and was really realistic. He told me to not have too much of a high expectation cos of my natural nose have a lot of limitation, I still went ahead with it anyway since I feel like I could trust the doctor since he was really honest with me. So now, I have my surgery appointment schedule for tomorrow after consultation :smile:

Now I'm going to go out and enjoy the rest of my day, be back when i actually do the surgery :smile:
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awesome, goodluck! but which clinic did u went to and if can u share what PS uve done and how much did u pay?
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heyyyyy, I got a revision rhinoplasty done and I paid about 3900 GBP (dont know how much it cost in wons). I didn't bother bargaining as it was still in my budget lol
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Surgery day

okay, so im back from my surgery now and im sitting here struggling to type. Unlike my consultation day, I was actually early for my appointment I got there before it even open lol

Anyway, so I got in and washed my face then the english translator nurse person who is looking after my case came and explain the medicine that I need to use with me. Shortly after, I had my final consultation with the doctor who went through everything with me once again. He kept asking me questions but i don't know what to ask, since I got most of my answers of PF already lol. Afterwards, I went upstairs and changed into my surgery pj and I worn the clinic slipper that was too small for me :sad: About 30 mins later, I then went into the operation (dundundunnnnnh). I wasn't actually nervous and scared but rather hungry and thristy as I had to fast for 8 hours. My surgery lasted about 2 hours and 30 mins i think? After the surgery, I went and lay down in the recovery room for a good 30 mins before being discharged. After discharging, I went Hongdae to eat some pumpkin porridge with my korean chingu, which was yummmy.

Me now: So I got back to my accommodation about 45 mins ago and I'm struggling to type this out. Also I am currently bleeding a lot on 1 nostril, i dont know if that is normal or not but the clinic gave me some prescription for a pharmacy which my local pharmacy doesn't stock.. fml.

Anyway, be back tomorrow to update on my condition
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Post Op Day 1

So first day post op, I felt really bad. My face was swollen, especially my eyes. I had cottons shoved up my nose and I can't breath through my nose, so I have to breath through my mouth instead. The result of that? Dry mouth, it wasn't nice. I didn't do anything at all that day, I stayed in my accommodation all day because i) i felt really bad ii) There was a lot of drainage coming from my nose iii) I just cba to go out lol. That was all for post op day 1.

Post Op Day 2
So I felt slightly better in the morning, the swelling on my face went down a lot. Especially on my eyes and also, I was getting the cottons removed from my nose! I was so happy, I can finally breath through my nose again.

So in the morning when I woke up, went straight to the clinic. Got my swelling treatment done, followed by cleaning my nose and removing the cottons that they shoved up my nose. It never felt so good to breath through my nose, never knew how luxurious it was hahaha . After that, had my shampoo service too ^.^

How I feel currently is better than yesterday, I can breath through my nose again, got my hair washed and felt refreshed. Also the swelling on my eyes gone down a lot, which is good because it was getting annoying. The only thing that still annoys me is that my mouth is still dry... Looks like it's going to take it awhile to get it hydrated again :shucks:
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, sorry it took a while. I gotten really busy. I went to JW.

And as for pictures, I haven't took any yet. I totally forgot to took some.
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Im Asian, so i have a typical asian nose. My nose actually got a lot of fat and my nostril holes are pretty small compared to most asian though, which is ashamed :sad:
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Post op diary

so yeah, I know it's been a while since I last updated. Sorry, I've been really busy lately. I'll try and be brief with the post op period, cos honestly I barely remember what happened anymore.

Post op day 3:
I didn't do much I think, I think I stayed in and rested that day but I remember my mouth was still pretty dry. My nose was pretty runny though. I was still sticking with light meals, since I could barely open my mouth lol

Post op day 4:
I went out on that day, did some sight seeing and stuffs. Don't wanna waste my time staying in all day. My mouth started to be hydrated again yayyyyy!

Post op day 5:
I went back to the clinic today, finally got my cast removed! On top of that, I had the deswelling treatment done and hair wash, which I was so happy.

Post op day 6:
Just another tourist day. My mouth was completely hydrated again, which I was so happy. I was drinking so much water that I needed to go to the toilet every hour.

Post op day 7:
Another trip to the clinic today, this time to get my stitches. The nurse took like 90% of the stitches of and left about 10% cos my wound was healing slowly. The nurse told me to come back in 2 days to removed the last few stitches and check up with the doctor. Which messed up my plans.. A lot!!!

Post op day 8:
So I went Busan today and just ended up being a tourist.

Post op day 9:
So I was still in Busan, had to get like one of the earliest ktx back to seoul to get to my appointment. Manage to arrive on time lol So yeah, got the last few stitches removed today and saw the doctor for a check up. He told me everything was fine and my wound are healing and there is no infection :biggrin: So after this, I just went back to busan to continue being a tourist xD

So for the rest of my time in Korea, I felt no other discomfort or anything apart from those mentioned during the 1 - 9 post op days. So I was just enjoying myself over there, being a tourist. I was still keeping my head higher than my heart when I am sleeping though and I was using those travel pillows, so i don't end up sleeping on my sides. Oh i forgot to mentioned, around the last week of my trip in Korea. My nose was itching like crazy though, was trying really hard to not touch my nose. It's usually worst at night. I don't know if that's just me? Have anyone else experience that before?

So now I am back in London, my wounds seem to be healing fine. A few random itch once in a while but it's not as bad as it was in Korea, so im taking it that it is a good sign? Butttttt, I've done the most stupidest thing ever. I am now 28 days post op and i ended up smoking because I got so stressed over my university exam resit.. Should i be worried? The doctor said to avoid smoking for a month, so I smoked like 3 days earlier and luckily, I smoked a really light cigarette with only 1mg . I am really scared now :sad:
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  • 8 months later...
I am in a research phase. Most probably my case is similar like yours. Please dont mind my questions:
1) how do you prepare consultation from long distance? did you make appoinment via email first...? was it possible to make a consultation appointment per email?
2) which clinic and doc? under what consideration?
3) how did you prepare stay and meal for post op-time? esp on day 1-3 i think i wouldnt want to go out anywhere not even for dinner?
4) is it easy to travel by bus/subway/taxi, without korean language?
5) any difficulties post op in the flights? i.e due to high pressure in the plane makes things worse since ears are sensitive to pressure change?
6) any difficulties post op after flight at customs/ passport control?

thats all for now. I hope you read and update. otherwise i hope that anyone who has similar experience can also reply to my questions. thx.
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