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Hair transplant

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Hey do you guys reckon Propecia helps with the crown or can it make it worse? I have noticed parts of my head getting thicker and fuller except the crown. I am even beginning to wonder if propecia can cause thinning of the crown. Coming across so many hair loss experiences and treatment use with largely conflicting accounts is incredibly confusing and frustrating. My hair loss specialist has always the same answer, and that's to monitor the situation
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I would take white spots on the back of my head over being bald any day!

I woke up depressed today after seeing 15 strands of hair on my pillow and much more shedding on the floor. I wonder if propecia would be causing a side effect? Do you know what happens to people who stop propecia? How soon and how much hair will begin to fall out or if it even falls out.
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Its sad I really hoped PRP injections would help
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Hello I thought it would be interesting to share a little miracle experiment of mine which worked. Please bear in mind I do not know the scientific reasoning behind this just that it somehow worked for me.

I was depressed because of excessive shedding of my baby hairs. They were all over my floor and pillow. I would sit there and count every strand. It was scary to see how many hairs I was losing. A week and a half ago I got so depressed I stopped taking my propecia and now my hair has stopped shedding. I stopped my propecia once before last year just to test the theory and the same results happened. Still, I am too scared to see if stopping long term will all of a sudden cause a huge amount of shed. Will continue being off propecia for another week and update. My belief is that my body works better when I cycle the propecia instead of taking it every day
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Im not getting bald at all but i want to lower my hairline to make my forehead look smaller.
Does anyone know whats better for it FUE or FUT. I want to lower it for approximately 1 centimeter.
Oh and im male so im a bit worried about the scars too.
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FUE should be better because less scarring. People say the survival rate for FUE is lower however so it is somewhat of a trade off.

Would any of you have decided to stop using propecia and experience less shedding? I am experimenting now but it hasn't been a month to have any conclusive evidence of how stopping propecia will affect me
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Is there a reason why the shedding time for my hair is changed after I stopped propecia? I notice overall less hair fall during the day but 20 more strands when I wake up on my pillow
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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone have had any experience with hair transplant in Korea? Or is going to have hairline lowering procedure anytime soon? I'd love to exchange information with you cos it's so hard to find information regarding hair transplant in Korea.

Anyone have had any experience with Mega/ Maxwell or Item clinic with their hair transplant?

Thanks :smile:
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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 7 months later...
^^^^Bolded is incorrect, see below:

FUT = FOLLICULAR UNIT TRANSPLANTATION - method removes a small strip of skin/scalp from back of head (donor area) . Sutures are placed in donor area. Follicular units (grafts) are then removed (harvested) from the strip for placement in recipient area of patient's head. Incision from FUT will leave tiny scar in area where strip was removed and area sutured.

FUE = FOLLICULAR UNIT EXTRACTION - process of removing and placing grafts individually. No incision is made in scalp.

In both methods, small incisions, for placing the grafts, are made in the recipient area. Small punch tools are used to place the grafts into incisions.

Graft "take rate" has been deem higher with FUT method.
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PRP - (Platelet Rich Plasma) is not effective for combatting MPB (Male Pattern Baldness) or AGA (Androgenetic Alopecia) hair loss. Although, PRP can be administered as a stand-alone treatment, most clinics use PRP treatments in conjunction with hair transplant procedures.
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  • 8 months later...
Im planning to do hair transplant too and did i a good amount of research!
For me, i already did hairline transplant in the US! So I know what to expect with the result and everything. And my result here wasn't that great so I'm going to get a revision in Korea. May I ask, If you are doing hairline or somewhere else?
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