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Hair transplant

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There doesn't seem to be much on here about hair transplants. Could we get a discussion going on this? There's a thread about eyebrow transplant but that's all I could find.

Would anyone here have done hair transplant before? Here is what I found out so far.

Strip hair transplant Pros - Faster and more hair will "take" - Cons - Bigger Scar
Strand hair transplant Pros - No Scar - Cons - takes longer and less hair will take

I have been on propecia for nearly a year now. I am sure it does help but my hair is still falling out. I believe more will fall out without the propecia. I will keep using it but it is depressing see my room filled with my hair. Anyone who has done hair transplant and would like to share please do. I believe which hair method is better will depend on your length of hair. People with long hair can cover the scar from the strip. However for guys like me with short hair it can look bad walking around with scars at the back of your head.
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I'm planning to look into hair transplant surgery as well.

First thing I would like to point out is the so called "professional" names of the types of hair transplant.
Strip hair transplant - FUE (Follicle Unit Extraction)
Strand hair transplant - FUT (Follicle Unit Transplantation)

FUT is more expensive than FUE because it is more tedious to extract the hairs by strands.

I will most likely be going with FUT because as you said, I don't want scarring. Females would be fine because they can cover it easily with long hair but as a male, that's very difficult. Another pro with FUT is that they can use almost any hair for the implant, meaning if your body hair is thick enough, you can use it instead of using hair on your head! This is important to me as I think removing head hair to add head hair is a bit dumb.

For now, I have 2 clinics in mind, Mega and Maxwell. I heard about from people who have done hair transplant surgery at those clinics respectively. Here are the prices I heard they paid:
Mega - FUT 1000 strands for 2.5mil
Maxwell - FUT 3200 strands for 4.5 mil

As you can see, Maxwell is cheaper and is also one of the more renowned clinics for hair related surgery. They are specialists who only do hair so they would definitely do a good job. The only problem is THEY ONLY DEAL IN KOREAN. If you don't speak/understand Korean, it will be very difficult to go with them. I am desperately learning Korean now so I can try and consult with them when I go to Korea.
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Hey there thanks heaps! Those prices you shared are they standard or below average?

I thought I'd share this video which I found to be very informative.


I came across some surgeon sites which say they can use body hair! One source said when you use body hair it will grow the same way head hair grows because of the nutrients it receives from the head. Another source said it grows the same way as the original place it was taken from. I understood this as if you have pubic hair which is curly and put it on your head it will still be curly and not blend in. Haha........would you know which source is more accurate?
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Oops looks like I mixed them up in my previous post then, haha.
Strip is FUT and strand is FUE but those prices I gave were for FUT method.
And I guess that means FUE will be more expensive than that, ouch.

Another person did hair transplant recently at Mega and here's what she paid:
Mega - (FUT?) 1700 graft at 2.8mil
She didn't actually tell me whether she did FUE or FUT but putting the price in perspective with the previous ones, I assume it's FUT:
Mega - FUT 1000 graft for 2.5mil
Maxwell - FUT 3200 graft for 4.5mil

For your question regarding the prices, I think Mega's would be quite standard considering the two prices given. The person who paid 2.5mil told me hers was a low price but after seeing the second person price (and I don't think she did anything special bargaining), I think that's just what the clinic made her think, haha. Maxwell's price is probably standard KOREAN price, because they only use Korean in the first place.

For your other questions, I seriously have no idea. You should ask the doctors during your consultations and they would probably be able to give a more accurate answer. However, like what the doctor said in the video, you could use FUT strip taking hair from the back of your head to fill in the front of your hairline and then use FUE strand taking body hair to replace the FUT donor site. I think that would produce a better result though I'm worried that it will cost double since its double the work.

Have you decided when you're going to Korea?
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You can get hair transplanted pretty much anywhere (eyelash hair transplants are also very popular, esp in Taiwan), however the only thing to consider is that the hairs will keep growing long (as they are taken from your head) so you have to continuously trim them.
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Thank you for your reply... do u know anyone or found any blog who did a hair transplant on his/her eyebrows? I wanna know more about the procedure. Thanks again!
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Try this as a starting point. Dr Jong of LR Clinic in Taipei is very famous for hair transplant:


You might also have more luck on the Singapore Expats Forum (Health and Beauty) section for people with first hand experience.
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Motty there's a thread about eyebrow hair transplant on the forum. I wonder whether its needed to constantly trim the eyebrow hair if you take head hair assuming it grows the same way. Have you ever those old chinese men who have big moles on their eyebrow with a long piece of hair growing out? hope that doesn't happen in reality haha
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The doctor said the FUE still leaves scars. I hope it would not be a case of concealing scars but creating new ones in the process.

Have you heard or tried PRP injections for hair growth?

I'm thinking November or early December. I went in late december last year it was so crowded at the clinics I had to wait for nearly 2 hours per clinic just to see the consultant. Some clinics sent me back the next day because the doctor had no time to see me on the day.
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Heres a link to the old threads on PF:

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