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Nose shiny rhinoplasty

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are you talking about for some people when the light hits their nose the implant is somewhat obvious because the implant becomes sort of visible through the skin? If so that only occurs when the person has tissues which are too thin and the implant is placed too close to the superficial layer. If you pick a suitable implant that is placed deep within the tissues that won't occur.
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I've always had an oily T zone, and after getting a nose job (bridge implant, tip projection), yes it did seem even oilier/shinier, for the first few months. Instead of using only one oil blotter sheet, it became like 2 or 3 blotter sheets. But it's now almost 5 months post op, and it's "normalized" to previous oil production levels. My guess is the internal swelling pushes against the skin (now tighter/more stretched skin) and sebaceous glands, pushing out the oil more/faster. One current benefit I'm finding now is that with this stretched/thinner skin, the blackheads, whiteheads gunk is almost non existent, and whatever is there, is shallower and easily wiped away! Although I do want to add that K Couture tipped (I think probably in one of the Asian nose job threads, bc I was wondering about the post op shiny-ness then too) to check out Sephora's GlamGlow youth mud. That stuff is great (in fact I just used the mud mask tonight)!!
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do you leave your mask on overnight to soak it all up or do u wipe it off after its fully dried
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I take it off after it dries, and I see all the nano oil drops from almost every pore absorbed out! I also tried the GlamGlow super mud clearing treatment (white bottle), but definitely prefer the youth mud better... it smells like the beach, not to mention feels like I'm on one , with the bits of seaweed stuck on my face haha !
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