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Travelling to South Korea for Rhinoplasty & Eyelid Surgery

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Hi guys!

Below I have structured this thread as: Intro, Online Consultation/Pricing, Booking flights, Booking hotel & Conclusion

I have finally made the decision to go to South Korea for Rhinplasty/Eyelid surgery!
I have been contemplating for over 5 years! And finally the time has come! My flight leaves tomorrow morning from Australia to Singapore then to South Korea... and as I'm typing this thread, I'm feeling super nervous - because I'm going all by myself!
As soon as my annual leave for 3 weeks was approved, I went straight into planning and getting quotes! Let's start with sharing what I've learnt through the online consultations I've had with many clinics while in Australia.

Online Consultations and Pricing
I've had several quotes from so many different clinics. The prices are all very similar...
As I'm mainly interested in Rhinoplasty/Eyelid surgery, some clinics did recommend other procedures too such as fat grafting etc. This is based on the pic I sent to them. Below are a list of all the clinics I've been in touch with and the pricing:

Girin Plastic Surgery
1) Eyeplasty - KRW 3,000,000 won (Revision case)
2) Rhinoplasty - KRW 3,000,000 ~4,500,000 won depending on procedures.

ID Plastic Surgery
Nose surgery at id hospital starts at 5 million KRW
Price is inclusive of pre and post operation examination fee (X-ray and CT scan), post-op treatments fee, anesthesia fee etc.
"If you send us deposit before you come to make sure you get the best doctor for your surgery on your preferred day, we will also provide an airport pick-up, hotel booking assistance (fee is not included) car services between hotel and hospital"

JK Plastic Surgery
1) Incisional Double Eyelid (+ Ptosis Correction if necessary): 3,000,000 KRW

-This procedure makes full incisions to make double eyelid creases that suit your condition. The incisional scar may remain for a few months, but they will eventually disappear over time. During the surgery, some excess fat or skin can be removed for a better result. -You have weak eye opening muscles, which make your eyes look sleepy and unbalanced. In this case, it is important to strengthen these muscles while making double eyelid creases, so you can open your eyes more easily and widely.
2) Rhinoplasty: 5,250,000 KRW

-This procedure uses your own septal cartilage to build a new framework for the nasal tip. In case the septal cartilage is too weak or small, your own ear cartilage may be used together or instead. To raise the nasal bridge, a silicon implant will be inserted, and this will make a natural smooth curve from the start of the nose to the tip.

Pitangui Medical & Beauty
Reductive rhinoplasty + Nose bridge augmentation + Nose tiplasty projection with ear cartilage + Bulbous nose tip correction + Alar base reduction
5,500,000 KRW

Upper blepharoplasty
1,500,000 KRW
- Epicanthoplasty (Eye inner corners lengthening)
500,000 KRW

Chin implant
2,500,000 KRW

JW Beauty Clinic
Rhinoplasty 5,500,000 KRW with Dr Suh

My final decision
I decided to go with JW, I was really impressed with Cyndi Soh's results. The link below is her blog
Also her instagram (which I absolutely love! is here
her before and after as well as her video on Dr Suh's work was impressive, and really gave me confidence to put my nose in Dr Suh's hands from JW.

Another thing which helped me with my decision is that JW were really prompt with replying and were really friendly. We chatted alot on KaKao and I asked many many questions before finally booking in my consult with them (and even paying a deposit to secure my Rhinoplasty operation).

Flights & Accommodation
Flights - I used webjet to book my flights. I also had to get 3 weeks off work
Accomodation - I spoke to JW staff via KaKao (one of my many questions) and They gave me a list to choose from, the list is below. I also used tripadvisor.com to confirm the quality too. I decided to go with Lex Hotel only because JW mentioned that it's free Breakfast and free pick-up and sending service to the clinic - which is super convenient. I like that JW helped to arrange the accomodation because I noticed the rates were alot cheaper if they were doing it for me instead of me booking via the many booking online websites (Wotif... booking.com etc)

Below are the list of hotels to choose from:

Double room Twin room Distance Option Long term stay
Hotel Sunshine(4 stars) 100,000 110,000 Walking distance(5mins) Breakfast+14,000krw
Youngdong Hotel(4 stars) 95,000 105,000 8mins by taxi Breakfast+15,000krw Porridge+10,000krw 90,000/100,000 (from 5nights), Free sending service to airport from 10nights
Highland Hotel(3 stars) 66,000 77,000 5mins by taxi
Gangnam Residence Hotel(4 stars) 110,000 110,000 25mis by taxi Breakfast+18,000krw 90,000 (from 15nights)
Lex Hotel(4 stars) 80,000 80,000 15mins by taxi Free Porridge(Breakfast)
Free pick-up and sending service to the clinic
La Casa Hotel(4 stars) 5mins by taxi
Pop Green Hotel(4 stars) 110,000 119,000 Walking distance(5mins) Free Breakfast

Okay! So JW was the clinic I finally stuck with. So that's alot of information for you to read, and I hope I have helped some people! I will be posting photos of Day 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 20, 30, 90 progress photo aswell - so you can see everything!

My blog is http://mybeautyjourney.com/index.php/diary/
And my kaKao is mybeautyjourney

I will be available to chat all this week while I'm over in South Korea, if anyone has questions and want live updates and answers, happy to share!
Wish me luck! Surgery day is in two days! :P

Love Maryanna
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I would advise to go in person for consultations before making the final decision. The particular structures that each individual has can be different and alter the techniques used... online consultations are very general at best, and usually given by marketers rather than the doctors themselves. Also being able to meet the actual surgeon beforehand, and seeing their portfolio of patients before and afters, can give you a better, more realiatic sense of what to expect (empirical data) than basing the decision only on one celebrity?/one individual's own results. From what I recall, JW was directly across the street from JK, and it's own big black building too, but I remember thinking the window decorations and displays looked a bit neglected / dusty / non impressive compared to the opulence of other clinics.. not that that's a huge factor on surgical skill, but one factor out of many that can be considered when you actually go in person to check out the place and get a real sense of the people and business beforehand... anyhow, good luck!
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi guys,

Just updating you on the experience so far.

Here's my photo diary of day 1 to 8

So far the swelling on my nose is still going... but the eyes are amazing! Dr Kang did an amazing job with eyes and Fat Grafting!
As for the nose, everything looks like its going very well considering it's day 8. Photos on day 14 - 30 should give a better idea on the final result.


Highlights/Lessons of experience:

  • Day 1 -3 are extremely uncomfortable, nose bleeding and also extreme swelling
  • Exchange rates, for someone coming from AU, better paying in KRW not USD!
  • If you have bad eye sight and plan to get nose and eyes, be prepared to be blind for a week (or maybe get LASIK here lol It's super cheap in Korea)
  • Bring your multivitamins/supplements, because for some reason multivitamins here are overpriced
  • I would strongly suggest going through seoulsecret (free) or some type of medical tour agency who are free, as it's much better to have someone that has connections, experienced who can hold your hand through the process and help you prepare better. Though I did all my research and planning on my own, I sort of regret not meeting someone that's not from a clinic and someone who is an expert in this field to offer me advice so I get the best possible deal... hope this makes sense :smile:
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Congrats! Results look very good so far. I'm interested in JW for revision nose and eyelid in the future.
Haha I'm super blind so I think I will get LASIK here in US before I go to SK.

P.S. You said rhino was 5,500,000 won, how much was eyelid and fat graft? Thanks! Will be following your journey :smile:
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pitangui always suggest the same rhinoplasty to everyone!
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Yes, big thanks to Dr Kang from JW!
No cheekbone reduction! Dr Kang also did some Fat Grafting (Added volume to my forehead, cheek and chin!)
It created an illusion of a more 'slimmer' face.

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Hi ! Did you request for dr suh to do rhinoplasty or was he appointed to you ?
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Hi, did you get lasik before nose surgery? I wear glasses and I'm afraid not wearing glasses for so many days will be a problem for me. How many days after lasik can I perform rhinoplasty?
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