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Travelling to South Korea for Rhinoplasty & Eyelid Surgery

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Hi Maryanna,
I saw your blog and started researching a little bit more on JW website. I noticed that they had a video of you from their operation and that you're an Australian blogger.

By chance, did you get sponsored for this post and for them to video record your experience there?

The only reason I am asking is that I'm looking to get my nose done and I am trying to find unbiased reviews to rely on for my decision and i noticed that you only joined Sept 2015 with very minimal feedback or interaction..

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That's great to hear:smile: so all of ur procedures u did it all from view? And how was ur rhinoplasty? Im actually looking for best hospitals now planning to get a rhinoplasty. Hope to hear from u soon:smile:
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I'm also looking for rhino! Can you please share photos of the nose BA if you don't mind? Can also PM me if you feel more comfortable this way!

Can you also let me know why you chose view?
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I will be traveling to Seoul in March for.... You guessed it, plastic surgery. It's been a long decision. Yet, I am turning 30 this year and I'd like to feel confident about my looks, not resentful that I'm growing into a graceful lady:P

Anyway, I haven't booked my tickets yet, as I am sending out my pics tor an online consultation tonight to several clinics. I would like to hear their thoughts on how long I should stay in Korea (14 or 10 days) which procedures, etc... Yet, I know that ideally I'd prefer the beginning of March and I'm interested in rhinoplasty and a fat transfer under my eyes, and maybe breast implants ( but they kinda scare me).


Let me know what you think.
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