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My review of April31

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I went to April31, and whilst everyone was very friendly, the end result has been extremely disappointing. I can no longer breathe properly, because Dr.Kim, in all his acumen, deviated my septum to the point where I can no longer breathe out of my left nostril. This is not to mention the precarious state of my tip. For a doctor who supposedly possesses such finesse and skill, he failed to do the basic 101 in rhinoplasty and make my septum straight. I don't want to discount anyone's reviews on here, but just would like to warn everyone to be wary. If you want to ascertain the veracity of my post, simply look at my previous posts where I reviewed my surgery with April31 - where I raved about them. I have nothing to gain from posting a fake review. I just want people to know that they should be wary, and that not everything comes out 100%.
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Thanks very much for that. I'll give them a call once I'm home :smile:
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No problem! @Gunslinger81

@misssweety Dont worry, I do believe you because I hold a firm belief that every surgeon no matter how good, has variability in their results and there will always be unexpected and negative experiences. And you genuinely sound like you've had this experience and suffered because of it. I'm really sorry to hear that your breathing ability was impaired :sad: I can only imagine how bad it must be. May I ask what kind of procedure was done (Septoplasty , tipplasty etc.) and how they responded (did they offer a revision)?
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  • 2 weeks later...
Update: the tip position is EXACTLY where I want it to be oh my goodness I spoke too soon. For those of you out there who feel like the tip is dropping too fast during the first two weeks don't be too worried. The fact was, was that the area above my tip deswelled first, a lot faster than the area below my tip (the supra tip region? Correct me if I'm wrong) making it seem like my tip was hanging a little lower, but now that the columella is deswelling and feels 3x less hard, the tip has turned back up to a really nice angle. My theory is that because my surgery was open, the columella had the most swelling and thus was the last to deswell. And if you ever, like me, thought you had BDD pre-op also cease to worry, I almost believed I had it but after my surgery, I realized that I never had it at all before. I never even worry about any of the parts of my body anymore and I've really gained a lot of confidence (I've actually been receiving a lot of positive attention and interest from the opposite gender and also a lot better treatment from everyday people) I've also been so much genuinely happier without the dead weight I was carrying around because I was worrying about my bulbous and droopy nose. Sorry for the super long post, I don't have much other places to share my experience because I haven't told anyone around me about my surgery. Best wishes to you all!!
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  • 2 months later...
I agree with Sodium. Sounds a bit iffy.. You want to share a photo similar to yours ..what about their privacy issue?
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  • 4 months later...
April31 did offer me revision, but why would I go back? If a surgeon cannot even get the nose STRAIGHT ( my nose was not deviated previously - HE deviated it ) then why would I put my trust in them again? I can no longer breath out of my left nostril. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. To demonstrate how morally abhorrent they are they refused to arbitrate with me after four requests from Korean Arbitration Agency (probably knowing that they ruling would be in my favour ) and they refuse to release MY medical records to me when they realised I wanted to apply to the Korean Consumer agency. If you want photos please just message me - I do not feel comfortable just posting them on a random thread. Just please, be careful. If you want to go there, be very very wary.
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You're right, experiences as awful as mine are rare - thankfully. Just use your own judgement but don't say you weren't warned. Best of luck
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  • 1 month later...
I have very similar problem as you (before your surgery). is it possible if you could send me similar photos of your before? Doesnt have to be you but anything similar (I have a very thick, bulbous nose) & can I see your after? I'm really considering April after your review. Thank you so much, you would help me with my insecurities.
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  • 5 months later...
I was really really considering going to April31 for my nose revision with my twinsis. After seeing this I feel like I should take it off my list as this worries me. May I please ask how I can contact you? I dont know how to find PM X'DD
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I'm now worried about possibly going to April31. For them to just mess up someone's (misssweety's) septum and treat them poorly after the fact is not okay...Does anyone have insight on this? People say the staff at April31 is caring, nice, etc, but is that a facade? I don't know if I feel comfortable risking my face with a clinic like that, but everyone keeps saying they're so good, so I'm not sure what to think anymore...:\
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