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Best facial contouring clinics and well specialized doctors?

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I've been looking at clinics and it's just overwhelming. I heard good and bad reviews and just confused to which clinic would be the best. I know I would have to get consultant first to get to know the doctors input, but I would like some input on here to see what others say about certain clinics. I have a top three I wanna get consultant with but would also like to see others input and other clinics that offer amazing results for facial contouring. I don't wanna come a second time around and would like my first experience with PS be done with after that. My goal is to have cheek reduction, jaw mandible reduction, and just a more defined v line but masculine as that I am a male, and also a nose job as being Asian I have that bulbous nose. Any insight and anyother clinics review posted here would be really helpful. I been searching and searching on forums but those are dated back in 2012 to 2014. I want recent updates and reviews of clinics. I am as planing to go to Korea and get the surgery that I want sometime next year 2016, around late February or early March. Anyone going around this time frame? If so anyone want to make a kakao group? Thanks again!

So far I have looked into:

Top 3
1. Banobagi
2. TL
3. DA

Other clinics I have heard of:

The line
The face dental
Small face

There's one clinic I seen but forgot the name, maybe you guys have seen it? The clinic was talking about the 45 degree angle of the face and had a 360 representation of the face. I been looking for it again but can't find it. Anyone know?
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im an asian male living in belgium. Wanna get some works done like jaw contouring, zygoma reduction, rhinoplasty and eyes...

I will be heading to YK plastic surgery i think. Out of all the clinics i contacted, YK is the only one that sends me a reply from the chief doctor himself.. speaks very good english tho and rather pleasant. So, im excited but extremely nervous.. what if something goes wrong and etc..

Hola me anytime!!

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JK, Faceline and JW have had botched jobs in China. I know that for certain.
I'm not sure about the other clinics apart from that Grand is the most sued clinic in Korea.

I'm not trying to discourage you to do go to certain clinics but I'm just sharing what I know. But you should do your own research to get an idea of which clinics are best for you :smile:
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I'm just trying to see everyone's recent opinions. I been doing my research but I just need more people to come out and share their bad and good clinic reviews and or rumors so I can cross out the bad options. But thank you for your input, I really appreciate it.
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Thanks!! I heard that as well from one review! And I have already got a quote from them and they have really low quotes for zygoma, vline, and 2 jaw. I got quoted 10mil won for all three procedures! So I was surprised because that's too good to be true.
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Thanks! I also heard good things about the line, but I some what heard about wannabe clinic and wanted more info. I didn't know he was the best in gangnam, so that's good to know!
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Can you tell me how JW have botched jobs in China? I saw forumer have good reviews and I was going to do my nose either at Dream or JW. I might do my eyes at JW. what do you think
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One Chinese woman: http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2015-04/14/content_20432400.htm

Also Chinese women have protested against botched surgeries in Korea, and one of the clinics they protested against was JW.

But these are just a few cases, and all clinics have had bad cases. I would suggest you to do your own research. Many people on purseforum have been to JW, so you should read about their experience to get an idea of the clinic :smile:
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I agree with you. We will never know for sure if our surgeries will be succesfull or not, but choosing a clinic with a better reputation will of course make it less likely for us to have a failed surgery.
Yes I remember that someone died at Grand and also at Wonjin. I don't think that has happened to any other clinic but I'm not sure?
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Thanks for sharing! Did you hire a translator for EverM?

And I'm glad you emphasized the importance of not rushing to get surgery done. I made the same mistake when I had eyelid surgery done several years ago in Shanghai. :sad: The importance of careful research and consideration cannot be understated!!
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EverM has an English translator name Gahee. She speaks good enough English and is very nice
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Ahh so jealous!! Can you teach us how to say in Korean, "Doctor, please don't mess up my face"? LOL :lol:
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