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Best time/season/month for PS in Korea?

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Do lots of foreigners come in the summer, or are the students graduating the main time to avoid? Thank you ^^
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Is it bearable if you stay inside? (I am planning to maybe sightseeing for a week before surgery, while getting consultations etc, then resting after :biggrin:)
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Hi Jessica I'm thinking of getting ps done for rhino + eyebag removal. Which clinics are you visiting? I've done online consults and I may j go to Korea for a week in April to check out the clinics personally and when I choose then I'll book around June ish for the surgery. You can add me on kakao: ellisamora
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I may be going in June first to second week for facial contouring and fat graft. Shortlisted a few clinics like the line, tlps, everm, Girin and view. Anyone have recommendations for which clinic to go to for facial contour?
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Hi I am also interested in Des , bag removal and possible rhino . Which clinics have you heard do a good job with these procedures? I'm trying to stick to the better known clinics, but seem to find that they double the price as soon as I start messaging in English.
My Korean friend received quotes that were half of mine with my pictures (not hers!) when she kakao messaged the clinics in Korean!
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I know we will never be offered Korean price because we are foreign. I have heard some people mention that some clinics if you go with a Korean friend they will give you local price. Maybe get your friend to go with you for consult?
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Hi, I am definitely visiting Wonjin and Regen. Maybe Banobagi too
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Have you finished your research and have a set month to go as yet?
I am from Australia and tossing between TL and The Line. I'm going for a facial contouring and a nose revision & possibly a liposuction as well (long list huh I know).

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I am going June or July I think, depending on when work let me off :biggrin:

I am thinking of visiting TL for facial contouring too. Looking at their Facebook photos they do very good V lines which I want.

Is the Line reputable?
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Hey hey...yes with my own research and chats with local Koreans, both TL and the Line are on par in terms of reputation though I have seen more reviews on TL.

I have had equally pleasant interaction from both clinics consultants.If I go with the Line , liposuctions on thighs and upper arms will be added to my list. I will probably wait a week or two and decide to go with my gut feelings.I bet you are as excited as me!!!
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Thanks, I will check out the Line ^^

Yes I can't wait!! Did you talk to Melissa from TL by the way? She is very nice :biggrin:
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Yes! Mel is also my consultant!She is a busy girl I can tell yet she has always promptly got back to me and very on point when answering my questions and concerns.Who knows I might see you there in the mext couple months😊!!!
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