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My Double Jaw Surgery experience in Seoul (The Face Dental)

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Was Doctor lee firm with you?
I would not say firm, but once dr lee saw my CT scan he knew what to do, because i have existing problems to correct. i didnt have to say anything. Whereas i was just adding on to what he wanted to change for me. I also showed pictures of face shapes i want.

i think it is important for yall to ask WHYs. Like, "why am i a good candidate for 2jaw?", "how can this benefit me aesthetically?", "why must my jaw be tilted to this angle?", alot of which the doctors just diagnose you this this this but you need to know why, so that you know that the doctor know his stuff properly.

What was his differing perspectives, in terms of beauty?

Koreans have their standard of beauty like super V shape face blablabla. How he visualize your change can be different from how you want to look like. So it is important when you want to highlight specific details.

What i feel is important is that you should get a english translator instead. I highly recommend if you chose to go with tfd. Because Dr Lee understand english just that he cant express/converse much. Alot of times we need to emphasise on our tone when we want some parts fix, and that i got a chinese translator of course your tone cannot be translated. For example how would you infer from "dont give me too sharp of a chin..." and "DONT GIVE ME SHARP CHIN!" you know..?

sometimes are these small details that may be crucial in communication, which i advise yall to be more meticulous when you consult with ANYONE especially so for foreigners

As for my look, my online ps friends i met in seoul said i look so different and my face is small blablabla. but they have not seen my before so idk if that is a good gauge. But i must say, my face was HUGE last time, so i can have drastic change. but if your face is small to begin and you want drastic change it is difficult. Again, its up to the doctors to decide if your face is "huge" or not. But i heard tfd reject patients when patients have small faces and insisted in drastic change.
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Honeybooboo thank you so much for the detailed response, to every question, wasn't expecting that, but I'm so thankful! I'm happy that your surgery went successfully and that your face has vastly reduced in size! :smile:

I also wanted to ask one last question, how are the emergency facilities at TFD? (For example; in case of a cardiac arrest etc)

Which hotel did you stay in btw?

Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

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Thank you for your review, it is really helpful.
Just wondering approximately how much (beside surgery fee) should I prepare for staying in Korea for 1 month, I know there are a lot of fees to concern about such as accommodation, taxi, foods,...
If you are not comfortable to answer, that's fine ^^
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Thank you so much for your informative review. By the way, does TFD do revisional orthognatic surgeries? I have done my surgery back in 2013 as part of a TV programme, but they messed it up with set back jaws, although my face is significantly smaller and still look better than before, and I have developed a severe sleep apnea due to collapsed airway since then.
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how are the emergency facilities at TFD?

omg dont get me started on this...!! Okay basically its about drafting the agreement contract. So there was like death indemnity form and everything. It also states about their emergency plan and due to my G6PD allergy they HIGHLIGHTED on it in the agreement. I know you may feel "WOW, so responsible of them!" but when u were in my shoes its no joke it was so intimidating i really wanted to back out.

i dont know if i said on my initial post and i'm lazy to refer back, but basically they highlighted that there is risk of death, asymmetry, numbness and that i'm fully aware but still chose to go through this procedure... Also states on the problems i want to fix (low smile, lower jaw protrusion, \_/ line face, defined side profile). and lastly they ask for permission to be transferred to general hospital in case of emergency and ambulance on standby, and ask for permission for blood transfusion ... it was INTENSE. I was telling them please dont over-exaggerate my allergies. -.-

and i was made to write "i agreed and understand" *sign* on every paragraph/point in english and MANDARIN. YES.

i heard one of my friends BACKED OUT because their agreement contract session was too intense for him. *true story* :roflmfao:

so getting back on your queries, yes, i think they are quite prepared, but probably not everyone. i think they are quite scare of my allergy also because it is not common in Seoul. If you are very healthy, they probably wont be so anal on you. if you want you can always ask for them to do it.

i know that the difference between clinics and hospital is that in case of black out hospitals run on backup energy but not clinics. For emergency stuff like this, or whatever concern you have, please PLEASE clarify with them during consultation and please write properly on the agreement contract. i mean if you are particular about this, then whatever makes you happy lol.

Which hotel did you stay in btw?
i stay in a goshiwon right outside Sinsa Exit 5. its 300,000won/month. Goshiwon(term in korean) is like a shoebox apartment meant for students who dont mind sharing toilets and just need a place to sleep. But let me warn you living condition is terrible. its literally around 2.5 times the size of a normal toilet cubicle. Toilet is kinda moldy, kitchen is unkempt. I have to buy my own kitchen utensils, culinary, scissors, oil, soya sauce and ever a HEATER.

I visited my friend who stay at coco residence located in between apgujeong subway and apgujeong rodeo subway. cheapest room is 380,000 won/month, and much much better than mine. I cook my meals and i was surprise their kitchen have fish sauce.!

i found it from www.habang.co.kr they have a english version. so i pick the one want, i reselect it in the korean version to get the korean name of it, and i GOOGLE on it. i dont use their immediate services because they charge. Even if you are willing to pay, they dont response, so dont bother. You can try other websites like goshi1.net goshione.net but its all in korean, kuddos if you can read them. whatever ya.

please dont ask me for websites i'm so lazy. google your best friend thanks.
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That sounds so terrifying though... I need two jaw surgery since I have protruding mouth and protruding chin, but hopefully I will be able to fix some of my issues with just genioplasty and v line surgery. I would not dare to risk my whole life. You are really brave!!
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Hello, i am glad someone asked me because i spend most of my time exploring for the cheapest deal in town since i have nothing better to do and walking helps in deswelling. I wanted to start a new thread on budget expenses for plastic surgery. I love to share and i really hope it helps you guys!

I hope you people do surgeries when you are young. But usually the young ones are the ones that are broke. By the time you are more financially ready you maybe too old and i generally believe the younger you are for your surgeries the faster you heal. so i hope by writing this post it benefits yall!

I strongly believe 1,000USD is enough for a month. That is if you are super discipline. Here is my advice and i have tried them all!

Tip as listed above. Please only select the ones around Apgujeong/Gangnam/Sinsa. Dont select one that is 200,000won/month but is so far and you spend it on transport.

I stay in Sinsa, technically it is between Apgujeong to the North and Gangnam to the South. You can visit your favourite clinics by foot. Just bear it in mind that you need to force yourself to WALK so that you can deswell after your surgery. Other than that, if you want to go outside of Gangnam district you have to take a train. I tried to walk from Sinsa to Oksu across the Han-River. Not possible. :lolots:

And also Incheon Airport to Sinsa you have to pay the painful unavoidable fee of 4,400won via non-express train. I think this is the cheapest mode, and no i wont go to the extreme of hitch-hiking. Below are some of the places i have walked.

Sinsa ~ Apgujeong : 25 mins
Apgujeong ~ Apgujeong Rodeo : 15 mins
Sinsa ~ Gangnam : 25mins
Sinsa ~ Samseong (COEX) : 1.5 Hours

And no, for the past 1.5 months i have not taken the Taxi. :lol:

When you try to google on cheap food in seoul, you get those 7-11 food suggestions, kimbap restaurants and even street side food. I tried all. 7-11 and street-side food dont fill me up. KimBap to be honest is not even CHEAP, it is affordable but definitely not cheap. Not even the 3,000Won instant noodles (ramen) when you can cook yourself for the same price with an addition 5 more pax. Bimbimbap is good you need vegetables, but its 5,000 won. Here is the ultimate cheapest, freshest and worth for money place.

3,000Won you get palm-sized fried chicken cutlet with a few more pieces of nuggets, with fried egg and rice. 3,600 Won you get stir fried chicken and beef!!! Did you see beef prices in departmental stores?! The bad thing is the rice is not refillable. Whatever, i bring my own addition rice because at least my place have free rice. #cheapskate

Also, the cheapest eggs of 12 is at 2,000won at some local groceries store. Usually these groceries stores are actually cheaper than the departmental stores. Their vegetables are also cheaper. So i sometimes i takeaway the singular stir-fry chicken+beef 2,900won and top up with fried omelette with the free rice at my place. #cheapthrills

I have found some local fish market but my advice is get fish at departmental stores i think its fresher and safer. I bought 4 whole mackerel at 10,000 won. Thats like 8 meals (1 fish cut into 2. with free rice in the goshiwon). You need fish for your recovery.

All of these places are found when i walk from Sinsa ~ Gangnam. I turn into the small lanes and corners. These are all the information i have. Too bad if its too vague.

I am cheap but i am also health-conscious. So there you go, all the best to you!!
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Did i use the word "VERY conservative"? If i did i take it back. He is not VERY conservative. Just that he CAN BE conservative. Just make sure what you want is properly translated to him.What you visualise yourself to be should be the same as how he visualise. tip: photoshop yourself.

Yes i have seen some. But they left the country when they r still quite swollen. You can ask sean @mhaddock he did chin there. The last time i talked to him he seems satisfied.
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Dearest Anna, sorry to hear that. I have never heard of people doing revision double jaw. To think about it is pretty scary. I cannot comment on this, but you should speak to Dr Lee about this. From his korean website, if you bother to click every navigation (which i did eventhough i dont know korean), some of the pictures show he does specialist in sleep apnea and even TMJ.

When i was researching, alot of maxillofacial surgeons dont highlight the possibility of future TMJ problems. Very few doctors in the world actually specialises in this area. But i am glad to say that Dr Lee does specialise in this (at least from the korean website). Out of all the PS websites i have seen only Face Dental's website have a link mentioning about TMJ.

I have heard horror stories where patients experienced irregular TMJ pain/headaches after their 2jaw surgery.

This was also one of the main reason why i'm really confident that TFD is SAFE.
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Just a couple of quick questions: What does TMJ mean? And is revisional orthognatic surgery even possible let alone safe? Thanks^^
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