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My Double Jaw Surgery experience in Seoul (The Face Dental)

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Anna, you can always google if you not sure. Here i have googled for you
click here

And i have link you to the face dental's page on TMJ click here

With regards to revision, you can add them in KAKAO and ask them. please use simple english. if you have a korean friend to help you that would be better. I forget what is their kakao, just search around somewhere shouldnt be difficult
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Come on..don't be so rude. The poster just shares his experience to help other people who are seeking for this procedure. At least, they get more hospital/clinic choices to choose. Wasn't you also looking for two jaw surgery in Korea?
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Wow, a lot of great info!

Did you feel like you could have traveled around during your stay (like taking a train and have a weekend in another city in korea) or did you feel too weak for that?
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Thank you so much! I'll definitely Kakao them and see how it goes. By the way I can understand both English and Chinese, which language should I use if I want a better communication?
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it is call a business for a reason. its not charity. Yes you are right they may be just after your money but some doctors do have passion in their job they do and not just for the sake of it. Like working as an artist their passion is their job. With that being said, this platform helps us to identified such doctors.

i have already attached my b&a CT scan. You can closely examine his bone work. If that is a bad job to you then thank you for your feedback. If you doubt my credibility then too bad. :roflmfao:

maybe you would be kind enough to start a thread to share who is this 1 or 2 doctors in the world is capable of it? You make it sound like its guaranteed success. Curious who is more capable than god.
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nooo, only the first 2 days post op i feel weaker. Other than that i'm doing well. But it depends on individual. My dietary routine is i take the nutrition milk they provide blend it with my protein powder. This is the one i got from click here
Its great at keeping me strong. Because i want to save money i didnt travel to other cities but you definitely be able to if you want! Maybe i would say post 2 weeks would be safest.

KAKAO is english, WECHAT is mandarin. You should ask if you have friends who know some korean to speak to the KAKAO consultant. You can try speaking english but she google translate everything so you will not be able to decipher much.
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coming from someone that is also looking for procedures to change what god gave you. very convincing :lol:

thanks for praying for me. i will pray for you too. Getting your suitable plastic surgeon, hopefully.
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Thank you so much for your informative reply.
Just one problem that is bothering me lately, do you have to wear braces before or after the surgery ? As I know, having braces for the purpose of jaw surgery is different from having braces for the purpose of straightening your teeth. I'm having braces now for 2 years already (just to straighten my teeth).
Btw, usually how long does it take them to arrange the surgery after the consultation?

Sorry for my bad English >.<
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  • 2 months later...
Dearest Friends following this thread.

It has been a good 4 months since the completion of my surgery. Yesterday i had my final health and progress check with Dr Lee and here are my final review for this thread.

Progress on Swelling

Recovery has been tough. I still look like a blob of swollen meat even after post 2-months. I would say a good 40% of swelling still remains and my face simply look very fat. Everyday i am not really keen to look at the mirror because the recovery is slow and can be demoralizing. However i am thankful to have a few post-2jaw friends to coax and assure that my swelling will be reduced further.

On my post 3.5Months i would say i'm left with probably 5-10% of swelling and everything looks really good, the side profile has been greatly improved.


As of today, my right corner lower lip to my upper chin area, that small patch of area is the only part that is left numb. i believe it is recovering and has regained 70%. Now, when i touch it it feels like "spring and needles". Dr Lee commented that this area may take 6-12 months for it to be fully recover.

Upper jaw's outer gums only regained 70%, lower jaw's outer gum regained 80%.

Still having some difficulty munching on tough textured food like Korean BBQ pork belly etc. When munch and apply pressure on left side, the right upper jaw would ache a little.


I believe i have some sagging. Doctors said that because before&after pictures are 2-dimensional so it looks like sagging, friends met me in real life said there is no sagging, but i believe there is some. My sagging is around the upper jaw laugh lines area. But it is not severe at all, i have lost some weight myself so my sagging wasnt bad.

Nose Job

As mentioned earlier, nose has always been a concern. This aspect is the only fault that i am not pleased. My nose has still became more upturned(piggy) due to the re-positioning of the upper jaw. Not every 2JAW will cause upturn of the nose... Not every upper-jaw re-positioning will cause nose to be upturn.. It depends on how it is shifted. I understand the logic why my nose has been upturn because of the certain angle my upper jaw has been pushed downwards+forward. If you see the picture as attached, you will see the change of the teeth position. This change has caused my nostrils to flare out. Throughout the whole recovery process i hated my nose alot. Because swelling stretches the skin around the nose area causing the nose to be even more upturn!

Hence, after 4-months, this trip returning back to Seoul was to fix this nose. I am since 2-weeks post rhinoplasty+tipplasty and i am very satisfied. I can say that my whole plastic surgery journey has comde to an end. I have opt for a natural and undramatic nose, my silicon is around 2mm with donor rib as my tip to extend the nose. My nose was done by Dr Park from BAUM. My nose before&after was listed on BAUM's wechat.


My initial protruded lower face and flat mid-face has been corrected. Double-Jaw surgery pushed back my lower face (jaw) and nose job enhance (a little) on my mid-face. My side profile is more define and has vastly improved.

I wish to thank those that has been following this thread and am grateful to meet many friends during this journey. Most of which are online penpals to real life friends accompanying one another during tough recovery times.

My before and after may seem to be little difference, but because my case was not considered as a deformity so i should not be expecting big drastic change but "improvements". I am not revealing my full before&after pictures online but i can show some that does not reveal my identity. Thank you for understanding.!
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My teeth is naturally straight. if you realised i didnt even have braces post-surgery. Hence, i do not need to have braces prior to surgery. this aesthetic double-jaw surgery is the surgery-first approach so even if your teeth are not straight you can still do surgery first and do braces after. However, i have asked doctor (for my friends), if your teeth is severely crook, then they will not suggest you the surgery-first approach. You have to do the conventional way of putting braces > surgery with braces > continue braces after surgery/.

For overseas guest, most plastic surgery clinics will prioritize you. Mostly maximum a week, and depends on the period you are doing surgery. Like for example if its the school holidays then you may expect to wait longer.
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Thank you thank you for updating us, it is really helpful!!

If you don't mind may I ask you some questions?
1.Could you please tell your Dr's oppinion on dissolvable screws? Are they not strong enough for 2-jaw only or for v-line as well? What material are they made of?
2.Do you plan on having any kind of facial lipo?
3.About you rhino, how was the consultation with Baum? Was the doctor or the consultant pushy? Do they provide an english translator? Since your results are good, would you mind sharing a little more details?

Thank you trully, happy healing:smile:
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1. Screws.
Yes thank you for reminding me i have forgot to touch on this area. I have a total of 6 screws/plates. You can decide to leave the screws inside for the rest of your life. *ONLY* If you really NEED to remove the screws, Doctor strongly suggest at least 6 months post op, and within 1-2 years post op. Any time after that will increase the risk of the removal-screw surgery. The screws may be too fused into the bones and it may be more difficult to remove the screws thus increasing risk and uncertainty.

Initially i dont mind leaving them inside. But i never know how i would feel about the screws 10 years down the road. If by then i want to remove them, it would be challenging. I'm still thinking about it. Removable of these screws require G.A. + going through swelling recovery and the whole shebang again which is like :sad:. Cost minimum USD1000.

As for dissolvable screws i think i mentioned about it before. Dissolvable screws are abit more expensive and dr lee didnt suggest it for foreign patients as it require more after-care duration. Probably if you can stay up to 3 months or so they will be more willing to use them?. But from what i infer, these dissolvables are more unpredictable.

2. no i dont plan on that. my face is not fat? as i said, sagging is almost negligible. maybe more noticeable on pictures. But i'm early 20s so i let my skin collagen elasticity do its thang ya

3. Nose
my consultants were mandarin speakers. i think they have english consultants but anyway Dr.Park speaks fluent english. Dr Park is a cutie pie and very friendly i like him alot :heart: . Consultants can come off as stern and solemn. so, i would say not pushy at all. alot of chinese patients and surprisingly some japanese. my friends said Dr.Park is famous for straight dramatic noses and does more male noses, but after he did mine he can do very natural and undramatic nose too.. Mine is 2-3mm soft silicon for the bridge as rhino and donor rib for nose tip and added some bones to lift the collumelar. also, those that done 2JAW Dr,Park said some inner nose bone is broken or something so ear cartilage is not enough to support the extended tip hence have to use rib.

i think thats about it. Nose job for post-2jaw patients is literally like the cherry on top of the cake. the finishing touch.:graucho:

I didnt promise a review for them so i'm not very passionate about writing one for them :lolots:
later i start a whole thread people say i promoter. this thread alrdy got people confront me *roll eyes*
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