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My Double Jaw Surgery experience in Seoul (The Face Dental)

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Thank you for your answer!

I am planning to have mini v-line and for my case I think t-osteotomy would work better. But I definately don't want screws in my face, the long run dangers are many, that's why now I'm researching on the dissolvable ones. I wonder why Dr. Lee said they require more after care and are unpredictable, did he mention the reason?
I am also planning to consult with him hehe:biggrin:

Don't worry about the accusators, I am glad that you could provide us with this info, really helps a lot :smile: Thanks again:smile:
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Omg, can you please enlighten us about the long run dangers of screws?! :faint:
so do u also recommend me to remove it?

you can visit them and ask them. Kakao consultant english isnt very good. At that time, My main objective was to get cheapest price so whatever screw is ok as long as it dont rust inside me hahaha. but now since u say about health risks i am concern.

are you on kakao? u feel kinda familar. i am Zen, my old kakao account if you happen to know me lol
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This is what I have from purse, maybe you have already read it:# From today I started researching more ''academically'', I have currently found this site:http://www.intechopen.com/, you can search more there. When and if I find more information and sites like this I will inform you if you want:smile: My kakao is the same as my username, if you want add me!

Also, another girl sent me this:http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Orthopedics/Titanium-and-other-metals-holding-legs-together-and-electric-shocks-from-phone/show/1514316
Scary stuff!

Plus what happens if you have a heart attack or something when you are older and need defilbrillation? Will your face get burned (or you brain fried lol)? This might sound rediculous but I fear it might happen, even though titanium has a low electrical conductivity, but still not zero. It remains a metal. And since it is a metal is there danger of corrosion as well?

I can't know the very very long term effects of titanium implants, as this is considerably new technology. Still it's a foreign material inside your body and as long as it remains there there will be always risks. Imo at least!

That's why I am not putting titanium inside my face, maybe the long curve will be enough:shame:
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  • 1 year later...
Dear Gantz, 1 year later after your advice, i have successfully managed to remove my screws. Screw removal surgery cost me 1million won, and took me 1 month to fully recover. After the surgery, swelling on its own was not as bad as double jaw. i would say 50% more bearable. I consumed congee 4hours after my surgery lol. After 1 week, 65% of the swelling would be down. My silicon fake nose was not affected.

i removed a total of 8 screws from my upper, lower mandible as well as chin.

As my jaw surgery journey has really come to an end, i look back thinking about the pain and trauma, i do not regret my choice and i definitely look much younger than when i was in middle school. Plastic surgery is 60% researching effort and still 40% luck. Your determination in looking beautiful should pay off.

i do get emails from you guys but i have moved on with my life and sincerely hope that anyone researching would find the adequate information i have written. i believe i have written down everything even down in detail, why+how+what+where+who. I realised alot of people write me the same questions over and over. PLEASE read the thread carefully as well as the replies.

till then, all the best.
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Do you notice any extra sagging or nerve damage? Also, at the face dental do they offer dissolvable screws? I can't remember..

Did the doctor mention anything about the bones breaking apart without screws?(New fear) Or because it has been one year there isn't a chance of this happening?
Not trying to pass you my fears, thank you for sharing :smile:
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1) no sagging, and yes upper lip nerve damaged which healed 95% after 3 months... Yes, this means i am not 100% healed in my upper lip. and as for my previous lower lip nerve damage, yes as well it is not 100% healed. i would say, only 95% of the nerve is back for both lip.
2) TFD offer dissolvable screws at a higher cost which i dont know how much.
3) screw removal is only allowed for clients that are 6months-3years post operation. Anything outside of this window period will be analysed otherwise.
4) i didnt thought about fear of bones snapping or whatsoever.

Ingeneral i also wish to add, as much as double jaw + genioplasty solve my issue wiht my side profile it was unfortunate that it didnt managed to solve my low smile and laugh line concerns. Low smile, partly maybe due to my nose job, i just dont smile with my teeth anymore. As for laugh lines, sometimes when it i would wonder if it is "sagging". To be honest, i dont think it is sagging but i am not 100% sure that the laugh lines are there. its not severe but maybe my cheeks are just fatty. i learn to adjust my habits to fit my new frame, so with my low smile, i just dont smile with teeth and adjusted a new smiling pose thats it.

Learn to make do with what you have, afterall, i really dont think i will want to do a revision for that minute issues. Accept the new flaws (lip nerval issues+low smile+laugh lines) in exchange for something better, probably. Looking back and 2+ years after the surgery, i am not going to say i am 100% satisfied. I would say, probably 85%.

If i were to go back time, i will still do double jaw surgery, with the same doctor, just probably highlight my issues better and discuss more with the doctor (like, to pull my upper jaw downwards(for the low smile concerns) and out (for the laugh line concerns) a little bit more)

I hope you guys get my point.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Honeyboob00, I just did two-jaw about 3 weeks ago and I also had same concern about my low smile. It is due to having a longer philtrum and sometimes two-jaw can make it worse. I don't know if this is the case for you, but once all my swelling goes down I am considering a philtrum shortening procedure that will give me a higher smile and more tooth-show. It also makes you look younger. They say the length of philtrum from bottom of nose to top border of upper lip should be half the distance from the lower border of lower lip to bottom of chin. Hope that makes sense. And in women, it is generally ideally between 11-13mm. Usually philtrums get longer as we age and our skin sags and that's why shorter philtrums make you look more youthful. I didn't realize this until this trip. All my life I couldn't figure out why my mouth just sits weird/low on my face and I have to grin extra big to show my upper teeth. I have been looking at the doctors Miguel Mascaro in Florida as well as Ben Talei in Los Angeles. You should look them up, either their websites or instagrams to see what I'm talking about. Dr. Mascaro has several really good reviews on RealSelf. They both do the "modified lip lift" which is different from traditional lip lift in that there is almost no scarring. They do really fine stitch work and then they suspend the skin to the inner tendon of the nose or something like that so there is no weight or pull down on the stitch. You can read more about it. I also have concern for my laugh lines/sunken midface to still be an issue after my swelling. Two options I am thinking is to fill in with a fat graft but the places I have consulted say that since we use that area's muscles a lot, sometimes the fat don't stay, so instead they can do paranasal implant using dermis, which is more natural than silicone and will stay put. So, just somethings to think about if this applies to you.
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  • 3 months later...
I went to the TFD too. I actually talked to honeyboo (aka zen) on KakaoTalk (lol we talked about some nasty stuff) when I was in Korea but couldn't meet with him as he had already left Korea.
Overall I'm really happy with the experience and the results. I also intend to go back and get my screws out and possibly a revision for my chin as I want it to stick out more.
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